2016 in Review: Lisa Marie Picks The 26 Best Films of 2016!

Well, the time is here!  It’s time for me to reveal my picks for the best 26 films of 2016!

If there’s been any theme that I’ve found myself constantly returning to while looking back at the previous year, it’s that 2016 just wasn’t as good as 2015.  That’s certainly true as far as movies are concerned.  Whereas 2015 provided us with an embarrasment of riches, 2016 was — overall — a pretty bland year as far as cinema is concerned.

That doesn’t mean there weren’t some great films released in 2016.  I’m proud of this list below.  At the same time, I’m also a little bit frustrated.  As happens every year, there are a few films that, as of this writing, I have yet to see.  Weather permitting, I will see Silence and Jackie tomorrow and on Monday.  If I feel that they need to be included in my top 26, I will come back and edit this list.  And, of course, I still need to see some of the films that are no longer playing in theaters — Captain Fantastic, Hunt for the Wilderpeople, and some others.  The list below should be considered my picks for the best 2016 films that I actually got to see.

Also, I still need to write reviews for two of the films listed below.  Hopefully, I’ll be able to do that today.  As soon as those reviews are posted, I’ll add links.

With all that in mind, here’s the list!


  1. American Honey
  2. Arrival
  3. Kubo and the Two Strings
  4. The Neon Demon
  5. La La Land
  6. Moonlight
  7. The Nice Guys
  8. Hell or High Water
  9. A Monster Calls
  10. Love & Friendship
  11. Sing Street
  12. The Witch
  13. Hacksaw Ridge
  14. Sully
  15. The Green Room
  16. 10 Cloverfield Lane
  17. Captain America: Civil War
  18. Finding Dory
  19. Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping
  20. Fences
  21. Manchester By The Sea
  22. Eye in the Sky
  23. Hush
  24. The Conjuring 2
  25. Hail Caesar
  26. Everybody Wants Some!!


You can check out my picks for previous years by clicking on 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015!

Agree?  Disagree?  Have a list of your own?  Let us know in the comments!

Previous Entries In The Best of 2016:

  1. TFG’s 2016 Comics Year In Review : Top Tens, Worsts, And Everything In Between
  2. Anime of the Year: 2016
  3. 25 Best, Worst, and Gems I Saw In 2016
  4. 2016 in Review: The Best of SyFy
  5. 2016 in Review: The Best of Lifetime
  6. 2016 in Review: Lisa Picks the 16 Worst Films of 2016!
  7. Necromoonyeti’s Top Ten Albums of 2016
  8. 2016 In Review: Lisa Marie’s 14 Favorite Songs of 2016
  9. 2016 In Review: 10 Good Things I Saw On Television in 2016
  10. 2016 in Review: Lisa Marie’s 10 Favorite Non-Fiction Books of 2016
  11. 2016 in Review: Lisa Marie’s 20 Favorite Novels of 2016

The Things You Find On Netflix: Hush (dir by Mike Flanagan)


Let me start by stating the obvious.  I have seen a lot of horror movies.  I love horror as a genre and, in fact, it was my love of horror that first led to me becoming a film blogger in the first place.  I have seen a lot of scary and shocking images onscreen.  I know the experience of watching a movie and screaming.  I also know the experience of watching a horror movie and being bored out of my mind.

I have also seen a lot of home invasion movies.  The home invasion genre is not a complicated one.  A group of people are isolated and trapped in their home while, outside, some terrible menace tries to enter the house.  Night of the Living Dead is a home invasion film.  The final 20 minutes of Straw Dogs (both the remake and the original) are home invasion films.  Michael Haneke made two of the ultimate home invasion films with two separate versions of Funny Games.  And, of course, we can’t talk about the home invasion genre without mentioning the brilliant You’re Next.

The home invasion genre works so well because, at its center, is a very real fear: the fear that, even within our own home, we are not safe.  When I get home, I am practically obsessive about checking to make sure that I always close and lock the door behind me but really, what good would that really do if someone was determined to get in?  Like everyone, I chose to believe that things like a locked door or a closed window is going to keep me safe but, honestly, if someone wants to get in, they’re probably going to find a way.  Locks and alarms and calls to 911 can only do so much.  Perhaps for that reason, home invasion movies always frighten me.  I can watch a zombie graphically devour someone in an Italian horror film and it doesn’t bother me at all.  But a well-directed home invasion movie?

That’ll keep me up for a week!

(And I know what you’re saying: “Lisa, if home invasion movies scare you so much, why do watch them?”  It’s a legitimate question and it’s something that I’ve often wondered myself.  I think, ultimately, it comes down to this: the only way to conquer our fears is to face them.)

With all that in mind, allow me to now come to the point of this review.  Last night, I watched Hush, which was just recently released by Netflix.  Hush is a home invasion movie.  Kate Siegel (who also co-wrote the script) plays Maddie, a writer who has been deaf and mute since she was 13 years old.  Still dealing with the a bad break-up, Maddie lives in an isolate cabin in the wilderness.  By day, she works on her second novel and occasionally visits with her neighbor.  And by night — well, on this particular night, she finds herself being watched by a man.

The Man (who is played by John Gallagher, Jr.) wears a white mask that gives him a permanent smile.  He carries a crossbow with him, a crossbow that has 8 notches on it.  When we first meet the man, he’s stabbing Maddie’s neighbor, Sarah (Samantha Sloyan), to death.  And now, he’s turned his attention to Maddie…

I say this without hyperbole: Hush is one of the scariest home invasion movies that I’ve ever seen.  The plot may occasionally seem familiar but director Mike Flanagan keeps things moving at an almost unbearably intense pace and he creates an atmosphere of such dread that you never feel truly safe assuming that anyone is going to survive the movie.  John Gallagher, Jr, who speaks with a deceptively soft voice, is terrifying as the Man.  The fact that he has no motives beyond his own sadism makes him all the more frightening.

But, ultimately, the reason the film works so well is because of Kate Siegel.  Kate Siegel gets an introducing credit in this film.  According to the imdb, Hush is not her first film but that introducing credit still feels appropriate.  Siegel is wonderful in the role of Maddie, giving a performance of such ferocity and empathy that Hush announces that a major talent has arrived and that Kate Siegel is a force to be reckoned with.

Hush is not always an easy film to watch.  The violence is visceral, the often spurting blood looks real and, when bones were snapped, it sounded disturbingly authentic.  Throughout the entire film, I found myself wondering what I would do if I was Maddie.  I cheered whenever it appeared that she might be able to escape the Man and I screamed whenever it became clear that she would not.  This is an intense and frightening home invasion film and one that all horror fans should see.  Hush captures our most primal fears and makes us wonder if we have what it takes to conquer them.

Hush will undoubtedly give me nightmares but I’ll take them.