Alex Wilder (from the Runaways) remix

Who is Alex Wilder?


Don’t want to spoil Runaways for anyone, so I will only say that he is the only normal human member of the team. He lacks superpowers/magical artifacts/advanced technology, but makes up for it in intelligence.

My take on Alex:


This Alex hails from the Maestro’s Battle World domain.  He is the only survivor of the Pride, a band of freedom fighters handpicked by the Gibborims (an ancient race of mystical giants).  He was recruited by the Victor Von Doom Institute of Gifted Youth.  His analytical mind earned him the favor of the headmaster and ultimately led to his banishment to SHIELD.

The Abstract:


The Abstract is a Gibborim tome that contains the essence of the Pride.  It enables its user to do the following:

  1. Temporal Manipulation: alters user’s personal time frame to give the illusion of super speed and reject sustained damage.
  2. Summoning: calls forth minions in the form of: Mancha Raptors (electricity-discharging cybernetic dinosaurs derived from Ultron technology & genetic samples from the Far East domain) & Stein-Droid (an advanced hacking robot based on the Leapfrog).
  3. Light Manipulation: generates hard light shields and intense lasers.
  4. Casting: wields a variety of stored eldritch algorithms.
  5. Glamour: creates elaborate illusions that temporarily subverts reality.

Visual Reference (velociraptor):


Art Acknowledgements:

Doom Institute by Sanford Greene, Runaways cover by Jo Chen & Alex Wilder panel by Adrian Alphona

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