Guilty Pleasure No.66: Cloverfield (dir Matt Reeves)

Let’s just be honest, here.  In many ways, 2008’s Cloverfield is a remarkably stupid film.

I mean, don’t get me wrong.  It’s an entertaining film.  It’s a fun film.  It’s a film that I’ve seen a few times and I usually enjoy it whenever I see it.  But it’s still a film about someone who refuses to stop filming, even in the middle of an alien invasion.  It makes sense, of course, that Hud Platt (T.J. Miller) would want to film the going away party that’s being held for his friend Rob (Michael Stahl-David).  But why would Hud keep holding onto that camcorder even after the aliens invade and New York starts to explode all around him?  There are several moments in the film where it’s obvious that the camera is slowing Hud and his friends down.  The easiest thing to do would be to drop the camcorder and run to safety.  I mean, it’s not like the destruction of New York by aliens is going to be lost to history if Hud doesn’t film it.  But instead, Hud not only keeps filming but, for all the shaky cam effects and the heaving breathing of people running for their lives, Hud still somehow manages to capture every important event on camera.

In many ways, the film epitomizes everything that tends to drive people crazy about the found footage genre but Cloverfield is an undeniably fun movie.  I mean, there’s a scene where the head of the Statue of Liberty is literally tossed into the middle of the street.  It’s such an over-the-top moment that it’s impossible not to love it and, to be honest, the fact that Hud manages to hold the camera still enough to perfectly capture the image of Lady Liberty’s head crashing to the ground is kind of cool.  The film follows a group of friends as they try to make their way across New York City to try to rescue Rob’s girlfriend Beth (Odette Yustman) before then evacuating the city and there’s something rather exciting about the sight of this small group of people continually moving in the opposite direction of the crowd around them.  While everyone else  runs away from danger, our heroes move straight into it, even though none of them are exactly action heroes.  They’re nerdy hipsters on a mission and, even though you know from the start that they’re all doomed, it’s hard not to kind of love them.  The film’s final moments carry more an emotional punch than you might normally expect from a found footage alien invasion film.

That said, if the aliens do come and they are literally tearing apart the Statue of Liberty before your very eyes, there’s no shame in putting down the camera and running.  In fact, if there’s any lesson to be learned from Cloverfield, it’s that sometimes, it’s best just to run for it.

Previous Guilty Pleasures

  1. Half-Baked
  2. Save The Last Dance
  3. Every Rose Has Its Thorns
  4. The Jeremy Kyle Show
  5. Invasion USA
  6. The Golden Child
  7. Final Destination 2
  8. Paparazzi
  9. The Principal
  10. The Substitute
  11. Terror In The Family
  12. Pandorum
  13. Lambada
  14. Fear
  15. Cocktail
  16. Keep Off The Grass
  17. Girls, Girls, Girls
  18. Class
  19. Tart
  20. King Kong vs. Godzilla
  21. Hawk the Slayer
  22. Battle Beyond the Stars
  23. Meridian
  24. Walk of Shame
  25. From Justin To Kelly
  26. Project Greenlight
  27. Sex Decoy: Love Stings
  28. Swimfan
  29. On the Line
  30. Wolfen
  31. Hail Caesar!
  32. It’s So Cold In The D
  33. In the Mix
  34. Healed By Grace
  35. Valley of the Dolls
  36. The Legend of Billie Jean
  37. Death Wish
  38. Shipping Wars
  39. Ghost Whisperer
  40. Parking Wars
  41. The Dead Are After Me
  42. Harper’s Island
  43. The Resurrection of Gavin Stone
  44. Paranormal State
  45. Utopia
  46. Bar Rescue
  47. The Powers of Matthew Star
  48. Spiker
  49. Heavenly Bodies
  50. Maid in Manhattan
  51. Rage and Honor
  52. Saved By The Bell 3. 21 “No Hope With Dope”
  53. Happy Gilmore
  54. Solarbabies
  55. The Dawn of Correction
  56. Once You Understand
  57. The Voyeurs 
  58. Robot Jox
  59. Teen Wolf
  60. The Running Man
  61. Double Dragon
  62. Backtrack
  63. Julie and Jack
  64. Karate Warrior
  65. Invaders From Mars

Hottie of the Day: Odette Yustman


The latest hottie of the day is the one and only Odette Yustman.

Ms. Yustman was born in the City of Angels in 1985 from a Cuban mother and a French-Italian father. This potent genetic mix has turned out one fine daughter who has been in the film business at a very young age. She was only 4-years old when she appeared as one of the young children in Arnold Schwarzenneger’s action-comedy, Kindergarten Cop. Her career will lend her appearance in tv shows and films such as South Beach and October Road, respectively. Her big break will be as the damsel-in-distress in the J.J. Abrams produced and Matt Reeves directed monster flick, Cloverfield.

She would add to her geek cred by lending her voice to the character of Amata Almodovar in Bethesda Software’s extremely popular and critically-acclaimed post-apocalyptic rpg, Fallout 3. Her last two major projects has been two horror films (The Unborn and And Soon the Darkness) which could add to her geek cred as an up-and-coming scream queen like previous hottie of the day Amber Heard.