2016 in Review: Lisa Marie’s 20 Favorite Novels of 2016

Right now, I’m in the process of taking a look back at some of my favorite things from the previous year.  Yesterday, I posted a list of my favorite non-fiction books of 2016.  Today, I post my 20 favorite novels!

All of these are worth reading and in fact, I insist that you do.  Let’s enjoy the written word while we can because, sadly, the future holds only illiteracy and propaganda.


  1. Hex by Thomas Olde Heuvelt
  2. All the Ugly and Wonderful Things by Bryn Greenwood
  3. The Wonder by Emma Donoghue
  4. The Butterfly Garden by Dot Hutchison
  5. All the Missing Girls by Megan Miranda
  6. Moonglow by Michael Chabon
  7. Girls on Fire by Robin Wasserman
  8. The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware
  9. The Hating Game by Sally Thorne
  10. The Queen of the Night by Alexander Chee
  11. My Name is Lucy Barton by Elizabeth Strout
  12. The Girls by Emma Cline
  13. Ink and Bone by Lisa Unger
  14. The Widow by Fiona Barton
  15. My Best Friend’s Exorcism by Grady Hendrix
  16. The Last Days of Jack Sparks by Jason Arnopp
  17. The Empty Ones by Robert Brockway
  18. The Regional Office is Under Attack! by Manuel Gonzales
  19. Ways to Disappear by Idra Novey
  20. The Gloaming by Melanie Finn

Tomorrow, it’s the list that you have all been waiting for: my picks for the best films of 2016!


Previous Entries In The Best of 2016:

  1. TFG’s 2016 Comics Year In Review : Top Tens, Worsts, And Everything In Between
  2. Anime of the Year: 2016
  3. 25 Best, Worst, and Gems I Saw In 2016
  4. 2016 in Review: The Best of SyFy
  5. 2016 in Review: The Best of Lifetime
  6. 2016 in Review: Lisa Picks the 16 Worst Films of 2016!
  7. Necromoonyeti’s Top Ten Albums of 2016
  8. 2016 In Review: Lisa Marie’s 14 Favorite Songs of 2016
  9. 2016 In Review: 10 Good Things I Saw On Television in 2016
  10. 2016 in Review: Lisa Marie’s 10 Favorite Non-Fiction Books of 2016

Trailer: John Carter (Official)

Walt Disney Pictures has finally released the first official trailer for their upcoming sci-fi, action-adventure film John Carter (film was originally titled John Carter of Mars). The film is based on the Edgar Rice Burroughs novel, A Princess of Mars, which would go one to become the first in Burroughs’ Barsoom series.

The film will star Taylor Kitsch (last seen in X-Men Origins: Wolverine as Gambit) in the title role and Lynn Collins (also from Wolverine as Silver Fox) as the aforementioned princess from the original novel. John Carter looks to be a mixture of live-action and fully-realized CGI characters who make up some of the inhabitants of Mars.

It will be interesting how Disney will market this film with little to no big stars and with a director more known for directing Pixar animated films like Finding Nemo and Wall-E in Andrew Stanton.

John Carter is set to have a March 9, 2012 release date.