Lisa’s Way Too Early Oscar Predictions For February


Well, tonight’s the night!  Soon, we will know which 2014 films have won Oscars.

And, as soon as the ceremony ends, it will be time to start speculating about which 2015 films will be nominated next year!  I am sharing and updating my predictions on a monthly basis and below you’ll find my latest predictions.  You can read my predictions for January by clicking here.

Some of these films and performers — like End of the Tour and Grandma — were acclaimed at Sundance.  (The recently concluded Berlin Film Festival, on the other hand, mostly just served to confirm that Knight of Cups and Queen of the Desert will probably not be contenders.)  Kristen Stewart recently won a Cesar Award for Clouds of Sils Maria.  Otherwise, the majority of predictions below are the results of my own wild guesses.

A year from now, we’ll probably look back at these predictions and laugh.

Best Picture

Black Mass


The End of the Tour


The Hateful Eight

In The Heart of the Sea

The Revenant

St. James Place

The Walk

Woman in Gold

Best Actor

Bryan Cranston in Trumbo

Matt Damon in The Martian

Leonardo DiCaprio in The Revenant

Michael Fassebender in Steve Jobs

Jason Segel in The End of the Tour

Best Actress

Blythe Danner in I’ll See You In My Dreams

Jennifer Lawrence in Joy

Helen Mirren in Woman in Gold

Saoirse Ronan in Brooklyn

Lily Tomlin in Grandma

Best Supporting Actor

Jim Broadbent in Brooklyn

Albert Brooks in Concussion

Paul Dano in Love and Mercy

Tom Hardy in The Revenant

Kurt Russell in The Hateful Eight

Best Supporting Actress

Julia Garner in Grandma

Jennifer Jason Leigh in The Hateful Eight

Kristin Scott Thomas in Suite Francaise

Kristen Stewart in Clouds of Sils Maria

Meryl Steeep in Suffragette

Best Director

John Crowley for Brooklyn

Ron Howard for In The Heart of the Sea

James Ponsoldt for The End of the Tour

Steven Spielberg for St. James Place

Robert Zemeckis for The Walk

Clouds of Sils Maria

11 responses to “Lisa’s Way Too Early Oscar Predictions For February

    • After I wrote this post, I looked over my list of nominees and thought, “Wow, that’s a lot of white people.” Lol. Hopefully, we will have a bit more diversity in the nominees next year. It’s only February so it’ll be interesting what other contenders emerge and which “sure things” prove to be disappointing once they’re actually released.

      (At this time last year, nobody had heard of Selma or The Theory of Everything. And Birdman was kinda viewed as being a big question mark.)


      • As in the rest of life, the nominees should be the *best* qualified, most worthy and deserving, whether that happens to include five black or Latino honorees or five insane scientologists or even five Sean Penns. Judging anyone’s worth, or talent or performance based in any way upon that persons race or heritage is flat out racism. One of the low points in the otherwise decent gospel rendition of Glory was the rap portions which just feed in to the intentionally perpetuated schism (much worse, at least perception wise under our great uniting current administration) that has no place in today’s society.
        Dr MLK’s dream has been perverted to a point where political correctness has forced some without courage to focus more than ever on race, gender, orientation and other labels to “enforce” equal outcomes regardless of merit.
        The opportunities to suceed *do* exist today in this country more than anywhere else.
        I hope someday conversations and considerations of this nature will actually *be* as irrelevant and unnecessary as they already should.
        Those who intentionally churn and reignite this divisiveness to advance their own profile and agendas should be shunned by all fair minded people.
        Maybe I’m just dreaming too


  1. Pingback: Lisa’s Too Early Oscar Predictions for May! | Through the Shattered Lens

  2. Pingback: Lisa Marie’s Too Early Oscar Predictions For June | Through the Shattered Lens

  3. Pingback: Lisa’s Early Oscar Predictions for July! | Through the Shattered Lens

  4. Pingback: Lisa’s Early Oscar Predictions for August! | Through the Shattered Lens

  5. Pingback: Lisa’s Oscar Predictions for September! | Through the Shattered Lens

  6. Pingback: Lisa’s Oscar Predictions for October! | Through the Shattered Lens

  7. Pingback: Lisa’s Oscar Predictions for November! | Through the Shattered Lens

  8. Pingback: Lisa’s Oscar Predictions For December! | Through the Shattered Lens

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