Music Video Of The Day: Whenever, Wherever by Skakira (2001, dir. by Francis Lawrence)

Hey, everyone!  Erin Nicole, here, filling in for Lisa while she celebrates her birthday!

Today’s music video of the day could be called Shakira Can Do Everything!  She can swim with the fishes!  She can leap on the rocks!  She can outrun the horses!  Most of this video was shot against a green screen but, in the underwater scenes, Shakira actually is swimming.  Francis Lawrence went on to direct the majority of the Hunger Games films.

There’s nothing Shakira can’t do!

2021 In Review: Lisa Marie’s 10 Favorite Songs of the Year

Every January, I list my favorite songs of the previous year and, every January, I include the same disclaimer.  My favorite songs are not necessarily the favorite songs of any of the other writers here at the Shattered Lens.

With that in mind, here are my favorite songs of 2021!  Also be sure to check out my favorite songs of 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, and 2011!

10) It’s All Happening by Saint Motel

9) U Are My High by DJ Snake x Future

8) Cry About It Later by Katy Perry

7) Traps by Bloc Party

6) It Gets Better by Swedish House Mafia

5) Hypnocurrency by Deadmau5 & REZZ

4) The Darkness That You Fear by The Chemical Brothers

3) Don’t Wait Up by Shakira

2) Slow Clap by Gwen Stefani

1) I Want to Dance by Adi Ulmansky

Lisa Marie’s 2021 In Review:

  1. Lisa Marie’s 10 Worst Films of 2021

Music Video of the Day: Illegal by Shakira feat. Santana (2006, dir by Jaume De Laiguana)

And this, my dears, is why you don’t date a boxer.  They always end up breaking your heart just as surely as they’ll break the jaws of the opponents.  Of course, it’s even worse if you’re dating a boxer who is always losing his fights.  For one thing, you can’t go out with him in public because his face is constantly going to be a puffy mess and number two, you don’t ever get invited to kiss him in the ring after his victory.

Though, I have to say, my favorite part of any boxing movie is always seeing what people are wearing to the big fight.  Like I remember watching The Fighter and thinking to myself, “She could probably do better than Mickey Ward but Amy Adams’s fight clothes are totally to die for.”

Anyway, in this video, a boxer dates Shakira but he cheats on her with another woman.  And then he invites the other woman to come watch him box, which just makes no sense to me.  I mean, even if Shakira hadn’t shown up, did he really think it wouldn’t get back to her that he had invited another woman to celebrate with him in the ring?  What was he thinking?

Last night, all of the Bowman sisters were gathered together and we may or may not have spent hours singing along to Hips Don’t Lie.  So, naturally, today’s music video of the day had to come from Shakira.


Playing Catch-Up: Zootopia (dir by Byron Howard and Rich Moore)


Speaking of animated films

I finally got a chance to watch Zootopia last night and oh my God, what a sweet and wonderful little film it turned out to be!

Zootopia is an animated film from Disney and it started out with a premise that sounds very Disney-like.  Zootopia takes place in a world where there are no humans.  Instead, animals walk and talk and scheme and plan and joke and dance and … well, basically, do everything that humans do.  Except they’re a lot cuter when they do it because they’re talking animals.

Judy Hopps (voiced by Gennifer Goodwin) is a rabbit who happens to be an incurable optimist.  (We should all try to be more like Judy.)  Even when she was growing up on the farm, Judy knew that she would someday move to the sprawling metropolis of Zootopia and become the first rabbit on the city’s police force.  When she finally does graduate from the police academy, Judy gets a lot of attention as a trailblazer.  But she quickly discovers that she’s only been hired to be a token, a political tool to help the city’s mayor, a blowhard of a lion named Lionheart (J.K. Simmons, voice the role that he was born to voice), win reelection.

See, Zootopia may look like a wonderful place to live but, as quickly becomes apparent, it’s a city in which the peace is very tenous.  Animals that are traditionally prey — like Judy and her fellow rabbits — may live with the predators but they certainly don’t trust them.  And the predators may not eat the prey but they certainly don’t respect them.  Underneath the cute face of every talking animal, there lies prejudice and resentment.  Lionheart is a predator who needs the votes of prey to remain in office.  What better way to win their trust then to make Judy Hopps a police officer?

Judy may be a member of the police force but that doesn’t mean that she’s going to be allowed to actually do anything.  While every other member of the force gets an exciting assignment, Judy is assigned to traffic duty.

However, an otter has recently vanished.  He’s just the latest of 14 predators to vanish in the city.  With the help of seemingly sympathetic deputy mayor, Judy gets herself assigned to the case.  But there’s a catch.  She has 48 hours to find the otter.  If she doesn’t find that otter, she’ll resign from the force and go back to the farm.

Luckily, Judy is not working alone.  She knows that the last animal known to have seen the otter is a fox named Nick Wilde (Jason Bateman).  Nick’s a bit of a con artist and, as a predator, he wants nothing to do with Judy and she doesn’t quite trust him.  But, events — which I’m not going to spoil here — force them to work together and uncover the darkest secrets of life in Zootopia…

If Zootopia sounds cute, that’s because it is.  It’s perhaps one of the most adorable films that I’ve ever seen, full of wonderful animation and memorable characters.  But, at the same time, there’s a very serious theme running through Zootopia.  Zootopia is about more than just talking animals.  It’s a film about prejudice, racism, sexism, and intolerance.  It’s a film that invites us to not only laugh but also to reconsider the world around us.

Zootopia is currently on Netflix and, if you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend it.  It’s great for children and adults.