Music Video of the Day: Illegal by Shakira feat. Santana (2006, dir by Jaume De Laiguana)

And this, my dears, is why you don’t date a boxer.  They always end up breaking your heart just as surely as they’ll break the jaws of the opponents.  Of course, it’s even worse if you’re dating a boxer who is always losing his fights.  For one thing, you can’t go out with him in public because his face is constantly going to be a puffy mess and number two, you don’t ever get invited to kiss him in the ring after his victory.

Though, I have to say, my favorite part of any boxing movie is always seeing what people are wearing to the big fight.  Like I remember watching The Fighter and thinking to myself, “She could probably do better than Mickey Ward but Amy Adams’s fight clothes are totally to die for.”

Anyway, in this video, a boxer dates Shakira but he cheats on her with another woman.  And then he invites the other woman to come watch him box, which just makes no sense to me.  I mean, even if Shakira hadn’t shown up, did he really think it wouldn’t get back to her that he had invited another woman to celebrate with him in the ring?  What was he thinking?

Last night, all of the Bowman sisters were gathered together and we may or may not have spent hours singing along to Hips Don’t Lie.  So, naturally, today’s music video of the day had to come from Shakira.


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