4 Shots From 4 Films: Charles Bronson Edition

I think it’s becoming a sort of unofficial tradition to celebrate a particular film legend’s birthday using the 4 Shots From 4 Films series as platform to showcase these individuals best and lesser-known films.

Today, we focus and celebrate what would’ve been the 93rd birthday of one Charles Dennis Buchinsky. That name may not resonate to the csual film fans, but I’m sure his chosen professional moniker will: Charles Bronson.

Charles Bronson was part of that group of actors during the 60’s and 70’s who epitomized the macho and badass personality on the big-screen. Bronson’s legacy has lived on through such classic films as The Magnificent Seven, The Dirty Dozen and Once Upon A Time In America right up to his more lesser-known films such as Hard Times, Telefon and Death Hunt.

4 shots from 4 films

The Magnificent Seven (dir. by John Sturges)

The Magnificent Seven (dir. by John Sturges)


The Dirty Dozen (dir. by Robert Aldrich)

Once Upon A Time In the West (dir. by Sergio Leone)

Once Upon A Time In the West (dir. by Sergio Leone)

Death Hunt (dir. by Peter R. Hunt)

Death Hunt (dir. by Peter R. Hunt)

4 responses to “4 Shots From 4 Films: Charles Bronson Edition

  1. Love the Death Hunt shot. Great flick and as a Bronson fan I guess I have to point out it’s the date of his death. Was born on November 3rd. No matter cause any reason to post a Bronson fest is good for me. I am always looking for a new angle to talk about his films and career. Feel free to visit.

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