Hunt Down “Deadly Prey”

Ryan C.'s Four Color Apocalypse

Prince straddling his iconic Purple Rain motorcycle brandishing a pistol. Robin Williams in full Mrs. Doubtfire drag putting out a dude’s eye with a broomstick. A distinctly Asian-looking Michael Jordan with a basketball in one hand, a gun in the other as he prepares to Space Jam the living shit out of any interstellar baddies. Charles Bronson’s legendary vigilante Paul Kersey taking aim at axe-wielding zombies in Death Wish 4. If these images all sound infinitely more bizarre — to say nothing of more interesting — than the films to which they tie-in by the very thinnest of threads, that’s because they are.

Welcome to the sheer, balls-out insanity of Ghanaian movie posters.

When American popular culture is exported, something is always lost in translation, and thank goodness for that, because markets abroad tend to take the pablum we spew out way too literally and end up turning the…

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  1. Pingback: Lisa’s Week In Review: 6/24/19 — 6/30/19 | Through the Shattered Lens

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