Mini Late Night Retro Television Review: Check It Out! 2.8 “Homewrecker Howard”

Welcome to Late Night Retro Television Reviews, a feature where we review some of our favorite and least favorite shows of the past!  On Saturdays, I will be reviewing the Canadian sitcom, Check it Out, which ran in syndication from 1985 to 1988.  The entire show is currently streaming on Tubi!

I sprained my wrist earlier this week and, as a result, typing is a bit painful.  So, for this week and this week only, I’m doing quick, mini-reviews that will hopefully get my point across without requiring too much discomfort on my part.  Luckily, this is a format that works just fine when one is discussing a show like Check It Out!

Episode 2.8 “Homewrecker Howard”

(Dir by Alan Erlich, originally aired on November 21st, 1986)

This was just dumb.

Jack Christian is dating a woman (Randall Carpenter) who he met at the store.  He’s also lying to her, telling her that he’s the store manager.  The woman happens to be married and she’s also a friend of Edna’s.  After the woman tells Edna that she’s getting back at her unfaithful husband by having an affair with the manager of the store, Edna assumes that Howard is cheating on her.

I’ve often said that I hate idiot plots.  An idiot plot is any story where every complication could be prevented by the characters 1) not being complete idiots and 2) actually asking each other detailed questions and getting an answer before jumping to conclusions.  This episode was a classic example of the idiot plot.  Edna doesn’t tell Howard why she’s mad at him and Howard doesn’t bother to ask.  Things don’t get straightened out until the woman’s husband (Tom Butler) shows up at the store and announces that he wants to beat up the manager.

Will this show ever figure out who Howard Bannister is supposed to be?  Sometimes, he’s a great manager who cares about his employees.  In this episode, he’s a pompous windbag who puts a cardboard cut-out of himself on the salesfloor.  Sometimes, Howard is the world’s best and most romantic boyfriend.  In this episode, he’s so clueless that he barely notices that Edna is angry at him and Edna, it must be said, has no problem believing that he would be unfaithful.  Edna both lives and works with Howard so when exactly is he ever out of her sight long enough to have the wild affair that the woman describes herself as having?

As I said …. IDIOT PLOT!

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