The Dallas-Ft. Worth Film Critics Love Birdman!

Dallas is my home -- deal with it, haters!

And finally, one last group of critics announced their picks for the best of the year today.  The DFW Film Critics, who represent my hometown but have somehow failed to offer me membership (and what’s going on with that!?), today announced that — in their opinion —

Birdman is the best film of 2014!

(I know that some people will probably be surprised that the DFW Film Critics did not pick Boyhood — a film that was made in, based in, and basically about Texas — for best picture.  Personally, I suspect that if Boyhood had been set in North Texas — as opposed to the Houston area and Austin — it probably would have won.)

Check out the winners below!

Best Film: Birdman

Best Actor: Michael Keaton for Birdman

Best Actress: Reese Witherspoon for Wild

Best Supporting Actor: J.K. Simmons for Whiplash

Best Supporting Actress: Patricia Arquette for Boyhood

Best Director: Alejandro G. Inarritu for Birdman

Best Foreign Language Film: Force Majeure

Best Documentary: CitizenFour

Best Animated Film: The LEGO Movie

Best Cinematography: Birdman

Best Original Score: Interstellar

The Russell Smith Award: Boyhood

Top Ten Films of the Year:



The Imitation Game

The Theory of Everything

The Grand Budapest Hotel


Gone Girl




One response to “The Dallas-Ft. Worth Film Critics Love Birdman!

  1. Pingback: Here Are The Houston Film Critics Nominations! | Through the Shattered Lens

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