Empathy Inc. Movie preview, review and trailer

Don’t worry, what you are about to read does not exist out side of your own mind.


Let’s get the technical out if the way before I gush all over this film.


Zack Robidas as Joel

Kathy Searle as Jessica

AJ Cedeno as Sonny

Eric Berryman as Nicolaus


Yedidya Gorsetman


Hotshot venture capitalist Joel has a multimillion-dollar deal go up in smoke, and he and his actress wife Jessica are forced to move in with her parents and start from scratch. At the lowest and most desperate moment in his life, Joel meets old friend Nicolaus
and his business partner Lester, who are seeking investors in a new technology known as XVR—Xtreme Virtual Reality—from their company Empathy, Inc., which is said to offer the most realistic and moving experiences for users by placing them in the lives of the less fortunate. Joel gets the startup its funds but soon discovers that the tech’s creators have far more sinister uses in store for their creation and that the reality it provides its customers isn’t virtual.


I got sucked into this movie from the minute I started watching. And I’m still not sure if I’m watching real life or a VR of real life. Eric Berryman steals this movie and Zack Robidas closes the deal. Yedidya Gorsetman takes you on a fantastic ride of real life and what real life could be. There are other VR movies out there, but I don’t think I have seen one as completely put together as Empathy, Inc. is in a long time. They are two people (characters) in this movie that I haven’t even mentioned that their performance is so amazing I got lost in them.

Would I Recommend this movie?

Absolutely! Yes! Go spend your bitcoins and virtual dollars on this movie!

Now that I recommended it where can you watch?

Empathy, Inc. will have limited theater releases by Dark Star Pictures on September 13th and on VOD September 24th

If you are still hesitant and want to see a trailer first, here you go into a VR world you might not escape from!


Clownado: Movie preview, review and trailer.

Yes, you saw that movie title correctly: Clownado

And if you don’t believe it is a real movie: Here is the poster to prove it.


WARNING: This movie contains extreme language, nudity, strong sexual content, and very intense scenes of gore. Not at all recommended for people who are sensitive to that!


Directed by: Todd Sheets (Zombie Bloodbath franchise)


Rachel Lagen, Joel D. Wynkoop Linnea Quigley and Eileen Dietz


Cursed demonic circus clowns set out on a vengeful massacre using tornadoes. A stripper, Elvis impersonator, truck driver, teen runaway, and a dude get caught in the supernatural battle between femme fatal and the boss clown from hell.


Seriously, as some one who suffers from coulrophobia, I could not help but laugh at this movie. The plot is so ridiculous. The acting is beyond bad. The clowns are no more than juggalo wannabes in bad makeup. The writing seemed like it was made up on the spot by a really bad improve troop. The special effects were neither special nor effective. It, however, could have been a quality horror movie if they had spent a bit more money on the movie than they did on the opening credits.

I guess, as the press release says, “The Joke’s on you when Clownado blows in” and I did spend 1 hour and 34 minutes of my life watching this movie. pic

When can you see Clownado?

Wild Eye Releasing along with Extreme Entertainment will let the clowns blow thru your VOD September 3rd and touch down on your DVD’s September 17th!

Oh, you are still reading this preview / review and want to see the trailer for Clownado? Ok, but don’t say I didn’t send you a Clownado warning!

My Pet Dinosaur: Movie Preview, Review and Trailer

My pet dinosaur poster



Jordan Dulieu as Jake Emory

Annabelle Wolfe as Abbie Tansy

Beth Champion as Jennifer Emory

Rowland Holmes as Colonel Roderick

Directed by Emmy award winning Matt Drummond (Life After People)


Recently after his father passes away, Jake is flung into a science project with the new girl in town, Abbie. After their science project goes wrong, with the help of a failed military experiment, a new being and chaos is launched on the town of Brightwood.


A cross between E.T and Monster’s Inc, My Pet Dinosaur fixes on the unlikely friendship between a boy and a dinosaur.

Featuring state-of-the-art visual effects, a heart-warming tale of friendship and the beautiful Australian countryside, My Pet Dinosaur is the perfect family treat.


If I had to pick a late summer movie to curl up with my dinosaur (or any other pet) and watch, this is probably the one. It has everything in a family drama you would want. Yes, you parents will enjoy some of the snarkyness while your kids will enjoy the heart-felt moments. I fell in love with ‘Magnus’ from the moment I saw him. The movie is driven by a very young cast (Dulieu, Wolfe, Williams) who all give an amazing performance.

Would I recommend this movie?

This is a perfect Saturday evening family watch! Snuggle up with your kiddos, make some popcorn and have a great family evening!

my pet dino pic

When is it available?

On VOD October 2nd and on DVD November 6th



My Pet Dinosaur is an Empress Road Pictures, in cooperation with Pinnacle Films Distributed by Uncork’d Entertainment

Bad Apples: Movie preview and review



Brea Grant (“Dexter”, A Ghost Story)

Graham Skipper (Beyond the Gates)

Andrea Collins (The Hospital)

Danielle Reverman (Infernal)


It’s Halloween night, and two “bad apples” decide to play some wicked tricks on the one house in a suburban cul-de-sac that is not celebrating Halloween. They terrorize a young couple in their home and these tricks become increasingly more sinister as the night progresses, finally ending in a Halloween the entire neighborhood will never forget.


Frankly, this movie is truly “Rotten to the core” And, by that, I mean I would eat every apple seed of this movie! Don’t ‘worm’ your way out of seeing it. (ok, done with the puns!)

Actually, I had a lot of fun watching this movie! And don’t the twins look so cute!


In all fairness, this is one of the funniest horror comedies I have seen in a while!


Now, let’s all sit down and have a glass of…ummm… Apple cider (last pun):


And watch the trailer!

Would I recommend this movie?

I seriously had fun watching it. So, if your gore-humor is like mine, then yeah, absolutely see it.


This Bryan Coyne film is distributed via Uncork’d Entertainment and will be available on VOD February 6, 2018


It does get a bit gory at times!

Driving While Black: Movie review/ preview



“Based on the real life experiences of writer and lead actor Dominique Purdy, this arresting new comedy explores Purdy’s real life experiences growing up as a person of color in LA and his run ins with police.

With 32 film festival wins to date, and an ever-increasing online fanbase, Driving While Black is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated comedy releases of 2018.

Dmitri is a pizza guy who would rather smoke weed and suffer for his art, but his mom and his girl won’t stop nagging him to get a real job. When he’s offered a gig mouthing off to tourists behind the wheel of a Hollywood “star tour” bus, it looks like everyone might get what they want. Trouble is, our man can’t seem to step out the door to get to the interview without endless complications: busted radiators, simple weed scores gone sideways and LAPD cruisers seemingly everywhere. Dmitri’s skill at going unnoticed by cops is honed by painful experiences growing up Black in L.A., but even his keen survival instincts won’t save him from the week from hell.

With a jovial swagger to its walking pace, Driving While Black is half comedy of errors and half hard-bitten realism, tucked into a sly treatise on 21st-century over-policing.”



I didn’t laugh, I didn’t cry…. but anybody that watches it will! The way Dmitri tells his story is so captivating, compelling, and funny at the same time is amazing! I went into this movie thinking it was a comedy, after watching I realized that is life. I got drawn in, literally hooked while watching!

Would I recommend this movie?

Yeah, drop your dollars as soon as you can! I mean as fast as you can see this movie! Do it!




If you want to get a glimpse of this great movie before you drop your dollars you can here!


Driving While Black will be in theaters February 1st and I highly recommend you seeing it!

Gremlin: Movie Preview/Review and trailer



Directed by:  Ryan Bellgardt

Cast: Adam HamptonKristy K. BooneGeoff Barron



Adam receives a mysterious box from a relative containing a creature that will kill everyone he cares about. The only way to be rid of the curse is to give the box to someone he loves. As the ominous timer on the box counts down to its end, he can only imagine the horrors that await. Does he give the box away to save his family, or unleash a monster upon humanity? He can’t destroy it. He can’t escape it. He can only give it to someone he loves…



Often I don’t like horror movies (actually rarely) But this time I got pulled in, so to speak. This movie will eventually eat at you. Literally EAT AT YOU!  Also, would be a good idea not to cover your eyes!


Would I recommend this movie? 

With a blind shot!



Now let’s all gather around and watch the trailer:


Yeh, I am freaked out too!


Gremlin will be available on VOD July 11th

America Has Fallen: Movie Preview/Review and trailer

Amerca fallen


Written, Directed and Star: Tom Getty


When a former marine is framed for a deadly terrorist bombing, he must track down the mastermind behind the plot. But soon he discovers an even deadlier conspiracy that threatens the nation. One that will force him to choose between the freedom of millions, and his own survival.


I am going to make this short and sweet:

I love low budget indie films. They are the bread and butter of what I review.  Getty somehow manages to pull me in by keeping a torrent pace, which is a good thing. You never really get to focus on what is right in front of you.

The CGI is just what you would expect. The acting, well the same.

Would I recommend this movie?

Let’s grab a few beers, sit down and watch the trailer:

And if you want, I’ll watch the movie with you!

America Has Fallen will be available on VOD July 4th 2017

TSUNAMBEE: Movie Preview, Review and Trailer (Director: Milko Davis)


“And out of the smoke locust came down upon the Earth and were given power like that of the scorpions. They were told to destroy the people that did not bear the mark of God. They had tails and stings like scorpions. Thy looked like horses prepared for battle with crowns of gold and wings that thundered like many chariots rushing into battle [SIC]. The people would suffer the agony for five months, and then in those days men will seek death, but death will elude them…….BUT DEATH WILL ELUDE THEM…” Revelations 9: 3-10

Now that I have set the stage for you, let’s get the technical stuff out of the way so we can get on to the movie itself.

Writer and Director: Milko Davis (Raiders of the Damned, Z/Rex)

Co-Director: Thomas Martwick (Mistress of Seduction)


Ruselis Aumeen Perry (American Ninja Warrior) as Jay B

Stacey Pederson (Roses in December, Eat) as Sheriff Lindsey Feargo

Maria DeCoste as Chica/Sherica

Shale Le Page (We do monsters, The Attica) as Jessie

Production: Wild Eye Releasing (Jurassic Prey, Shark Exorcist


This is gonna sting a little.

After a catastrophe strikes Los Angeles, survivors face an even greater threat, thousands of giant killer bees, ushering in the end of the world!

Writer/Director Milko Davis’s ferociously fun ode to golden age creature makes its digital debut June 13!


At this point I can not guarantee there will not be spoilers: Read ahead at your on caution!

Weighing heavily on a biblical apocalyptic theme, Milko (director) leads us into a world of turmoil and catastrophe.  Starting in the Sambisa Forest of Nigeria leading all the way to post-modern Los Angeles and beyond.

For his first major movie, Milko has a way of challenging social, economic and diversity stereotypes that could well, in a way, define him as a director (and I mean that in a good way).

What did the killer bees bring to the movie? Honestly, not a lot. The CGI was bad, but not unexpected. The acting ways way over-done, but again not unexpected.

I really was surprised with Casandra’s role. Exceptional performance from Thea Saccoliti. She has the best line of the movie. [Jessie: “Did God say anything about me?”] [Casandra: “Nope, but my teddy bear will be ok!”]

If you are looking for a different kind of review:

This movie has ZomBees in it! Literally, I can’t make this up! ZomBees!


“The multidudes [SIC] who sleep in the dust of Earth will awake! Some to everlasting life, others to shame and disgrace.”

Tsunambee will BEE (Ok, forgive that one pun) available on VOD June 13th and for DVD later this summer.


If you want to watch the trailer for Tsunambee (and you do) It is right here!


I watched it so you don’t have to: “My Boyfriend’s Back” (1993)


I watched it so you don’t have to: “My Boyfriend’s Back” (1993)

My boyfriend is back


“He died for me, He came back from the dead for me, He ate somebody for me.”

I’ll get back to that, but let’s get the technicalities out of the way first!


Andrew Lowery as Johnny Dingle (Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Nothing, Clerks)

Traci Lind as Missy McCloud (Voyager, Fame, 21 Jump Street)

Minor roles by:

Philip Seymour Hoffman, Cloris Leachman, Matthew McConaughey, Renée Zellweger (You might have heard of them.)

Directed by:

Bob Balaban (Nurse Jackie, The Twilight Zone, plus much more)

Written by:

Dean Lorey (Arrested Development, ‘Til Death)


To impress his wanna be girlfriend (Lind), Johnny (Lowery) decides to stage a convenience store robbery. In that staging he is killed and comes back as a zombie. Just before dying, Johnny asked Missy to the prom and she accepts.

As Johnny comes back as a zombie, he tries to integrate back into society. Facing anti-zombie discrimination. Missy finally agrees to got to prom with him in his zombie state. Going to the prom, Johnny finally disitergrates into his un-dead form.

While he made it to Heaven, he was let known that his original death was a mistake and he is given another chance. Put back in the point of the robbery, and knowing he was never meant to die, Johnny dives infront of the bullet. The bullet, caught by a locket he made of Missy and himself in the first grade, he is saved. Missy and Johnny go to the prom and (presumably) live happily ever after.


Honestly, going in, I really wanted to hate this movie. It has all the cheesy plot lines. Boy loves girl, boy dies for girl, boy comes back for girl, she ends up loving him. But if I am going to be honest, this movie was really cute. And to get back to my original quote, yeah, that worked!

Since “My Boyfriend’s Back” is not in public domain, I can’t give you a link to the entire movie, but here is a trailer if you like! 🙂

#LateNightMovie Review: Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny

Every year, since 2013, us as a #LateNightMovie gang have had an annual Christmas party week. In 2014 it was two weeks and this year it will be three weeks. And as a joke, myself and Tammy (@TRDownden) try to find the worst #LateNightMovie ever.

And as Tammy, and the rest of the gang admitted, I found it!

The movie I put the gang thru was “Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny


Cast: As I researched this movie, literally, no cast member wanted to be associated with this movie, but here is what I could find.
Director: R. Winer

Writer: Hans Christian Andersen (You will get this if you watched the movie)

Santa: Jay Ripley


In Florida, Santa has his sleigh stuck in the sand. To escape the heat all of his reindeer fly back to the North Pole, leaving him in the heat. Passing out from the heat, Santa telepathically summons local children to help. The children bring several animals, including a donkey, a horse, a gorilla and most hilariously a pig, to try and get the sleigh free.

When all efforts fail, Santa tells the children the story of a girl who visits a theme park and hears the story of ‘Thumbelina’. At this point, the movie-in-a-movie starts, with the entire 1970 Barry Mahon ‘Thumbelina’ playing, credits and all.

After the movie, Santa tells the children not to give up. The children leave and return with an Ice Cream Bunny driving a fire truck. The bunny offers to take Santa back to the North Pole. The kids left wondering about the sleigh, it disappears and joins Santa at the North Pole.


Gawd, this movie was horrible! I mean really horrible! If you are sitting around with 96 minutes of your life you never want back, try and sit thru this movie. I will almost put that out as a dare.


As always, the #LateNightMovie gang brought their A game to this movie. Here is a sampling of the snarky fun!

Annnd we just found an even more annoying song

(referring to another movie we will watch!)

So… exactly how much LSD would it take to write this?
Did Vic Savage direct this one too?*

no one thinks to get an adult with a brain to help

Little children, animals, creepy old guy… this IS a Vic Savage film *

*Great minds thinking alike!

Is there going to be trauma therapists on hand after this movie, because we’re gonna need it

I think I’ve been to the other part of Florida – the parts I’ve been to don’t have children wandering the beach with farm animals

Plot twist, the horse kicks Santa in the jingle bells…

Ok, how ironic that Santa say if you have faith your dreams will come true, and he can’t move his sleigh
Wow! Santa heard our wishes and gave us a new movie! LOL
(And Thumbelina begins)
Was this movie one of the 7 plagues set upon Egypt? It should have been

When this bottle is empty I’m going to hit myself in the head with it

Great… now our hell is freezing over.
The director really needed to quit licking frogs at this point
Hey – I am LOVING this – we’re MYSTing a movie that’s nearly as bad as Frankenstein’s Island
(Nearly as bad???)

Ahahahahaha!!! THe coming was foretold!!!
Bet you guys aren’t pitying me for being a Jew now, are ya? are ya?

Even Santa can’t take another song. F’k the sleigh, let’s get outta here!!!

Thanks Amber, Becs, Myke, Cindy, Holly, Jinni, Jes, Kelly, Phil, Pinky, Warren, Matt, Kurt, Tammy and Myrna for watching this disaster with me!

If you dare to try and sit thru this movie, here is your chance!