Empathy Inc. Movie preview, review and trailer

Don’t worry, what you are about to read does not exist out side of your own mind.


Let’s get the technical out if the way before I gush all over this film.


Zack Robidas as Joel

Kathy Searle as Jessica

AJ Cedeno as Sonny

Eric Berryman as Nicolaus


Yedidya Gorsetman


Hotshot venture capitalist Joel has a multimillion-dollar deal go up in smoke, and he and his actress wife Jessica are forced to move in with her parents and start from scratch. At the lowest and most desperate moment in his life, Joel meets old friend Nicolaus
and his business partner Lester, who are seeking investors in a new technology known as XVR—Xtreme Virtual Reality—from their company Empathy, Inc., which is said to offer the most realistic and moving experiences for users by placing them in the lives of the less fortunate. Joel gets the startup its funds but soon discovers that the tech’s creators have far more sinister uses in store for their creation and that the reality it provides its customers isn’t virtual.


I got sucked into this movie from the minute I started watching. And I’m still not sure if I’m watching real life or a VR of real life. Eric Berryman steals this movie and Zack Robidas closes the deal. Yedidya Gorsetman takes you on a fantastic ride of real life and what real life could be. There are other VR movies out there, but I don’t think I have seen one as completely put together as Empathy, Inc. is in a long time. They are two people (characters) in this movie that I haven’t even mentioned that their performance is so amazing I got lost in them.

Would I Recommend this movie?

Absolutely! Yes! Go spend your bitcoins and virtual dollars on this movie!

Now that I recommended it where can you watch?

Empathy, Inc. will have limited theater releases by Dark Star Pictures on September 13th and on VOD September 24th

If you are still hesitant and want to see a trailer first, here you go into a VR world you might not escape from!