My Pet Dinosaur: Movie Preview, Review and Trailer

My pet dinosaur poster



Jordan Dulieu as Jake Emory

Annabelle Wolfe as Abbie Tansy

Beth Champion as Jennifer Emory

Rowland Holmes as Colonel Roderick

Directed by Emmy award winning Matt Drummond (Life After People)


Recently after his father passes away, Jake is flung into a science project with the new girl in town, Abbie. After their science project goes wrong, with the help of a failed military experiment, a new being and chaos is launched on the town of Brightwood.


A cross between E.T and Monster’s Inc, My Pet Dinosaur fixes on the unlikely friendship between a boy and a dinosaur.

Featuring state-of-the-art visual effects, a heart-warming tale of friendship and the beautiful Australian countryside, My Pet Dinosaur is the perfect family treat.


If I had to pick a late summer movie to curl up with my dinosaur (or any other pet) and watch, this is probably the one. It has everything in a family drama you would want. Yes, you parents will enjoy some of the snarkyness while your kids will enjoy the heart-felt moments. I fell in love with ‘Magnus’ from the moment I saw him. The movie is driven by a very young cast (Dulieu, Wolfe, Williams) who all give an amazing performance.

Would I recommend this movie?

This is a perfect Saturday evening family watch! Snuggle up with your kiddos, make some popcorn and have a great family evening!

my pet dino pic

When is it available?

On VOD October 2nd and on DVD November 6th



My Pet Dinosaur is an Empress Road Pictures, in cooperation with Pinnacle Films Distributed by Uncork’d Entertainment