Late Night Retro Television Reviews: Check It Out! 1.15 “Otherwise Engaged”

Welcome to Late Night Retro Television Reviews, a feature where we review some of our favorite and least favorite shows of the past!  On Saturdays, I will be reviewing the Canadian sitcom, Check it Out, which ran in syndication from 1985 to 1988.  The entire show is currently streaming on Tubi!

This week, Edna’s mother visits!

Episode 1.15 “Otherwise Engaged”

(Dir by John Bell, originally aired on January 22nd, 1986)

This week’s episode is way too dependent on the idiot plot.

The idiot plot is one of those stories where every complication is the result of everyone acting like an idiot and then reacting even more like an idiot.  Plots like this drive me crazy and, to be honest, it’s difficult for me to watch them.  The solutions are always so simple that it’s hard not to get frustrated with everyone’s refusal not to be stupid.  Idiot plots are probably closer to reality than most people might wan to admit.  There’s a lot of idiots out there.

As for this episode, it opens with everyone admiring Marlene’s diamond engagement ring.  Marlene has a new boyfriend, a guy who she met at night and become engaged to in the morning.  Marlene isn’t sure what the guy’s name is but she does appreciate his taste in jewelry.  This part of the show was funny, largely because Kathleen Laskey played Marlene as being an unapologetic force of chaos.  She’s the Kyrsten Sinema of Canada.

But then Marlene allows Edna (who has been dating Howard for years without a proposal) to wear the ring and — surprise! — Edna can’t get it off.  And then Edna’s overbearing mother (Nancy Kerr) shows up and thinks that Edna and Howard are engaged.  And, instead of telling her the truth, Edna and Howard allow her to believe it.  Even when Edna’s mother starts planning the wedding, Edna and Howard do not tell her the truth.  Seriously, Howard …. Edna …. JUST TELL HER!  Or don’t tell her and then get married because, seriously, why not?  If nothing else, it would take care of all the ethical issues that are currently raised by Howard dating one of his employees.

Now, there are some funny moments in this episode.  Edna’s mother wears perfume that is so strong that the store’s customers start to pass out.  One woman is splashed with a bucket of water and ends up changing her clothes in Howard’s office.  Edna isn’t happy about that but then Christian explains to her what was going on.  See?  Misunderstandings are easily resolved when you EXPLAIN things.  It’s not that difficult.

In the end, it turns out that Marlene’s boyfriend is a jewel thief.  (Marlene doesn’t care because Marlene is all about breaking the rules.)  Edna’s mother learns the truth and decides to move to the city so she can be closer to Edna and Howard.  Edna is happy.  Howard less so.

Anyway, this episode made me chuckle a few times but, ultimately, it was just too dependent on everyone acting like an idiot.  Edna just needs to accept that she’s never going to get married.

Lisa Marie’s Week In Television: 1/14/24 — 1/20/24

I am typing this post on a new laptop.  Woo hoo!

Here’s a few thoughts on what I watched this week:

American Nightmare (Netflix)

This was a disturbing, 3-part docuseries about a woman who was kidnapped and raped and then put on trial by the police and the media, all of whom seemed to be determined to prove that she was a real life “gone girl.”  This series was just infuriating to watch and everyone who nearly allowed Matthew Muller to get away with his crimes should be ashamed of themselves.

Baywatch Nights (YouTube)

I wrote about Baywatch Nights here!

Check It Out (Tubi)

I need to write a review about this week’s episode so I guess I better get on that.

CHiPs (Freevee)

I wrote about CHiPs here!

Couples Court With The Cutlers (YouTube)

On Friday, I watched an episode in which a man was concerned that his much younger girlfriend was cheating on him with another woman.  She confessed, while being interrogated by a former military interrogator, that he was correct.  The Cutlers were there to help this couple through the drama.

On Saturday, I discovered an entire YouTube channel dedicated to Couples Court so I probably won’t get anything accomplished for the first half of 2024.

Fantasy Island (YouTube)

I wrote about Fantasy Island here!

Friday the 13th: The Series (YouTube)

I wrote about Friday the 13th here!

Hell’s Kitchen (Thursday Night, FOX)

On Monday morning, as I shivered in the living room, I got caught up on Hell’s Kitchen and watched the first Black Jacket Service.  What a disaster that turned out to be!  I felt bad for Jonathan, who did not react well to Chef Ramsay taunting him about how much he drank before dinner service.  Jonathan had a point, in that Ramsay really was kind of making it personal.  At this point, I think the final two will be Ryan and Sammi.  I’m Team Ryan all the way!

On Thursday, I cheered as Ryan and Sammi made it to the final three.  I probably would have kept Carmen and sent Jonathan home but I can understand Ramsay’s logic.  Jonathan had more experience than Carmen and Carmen did struggle early on in the season.

The Love Boat (Paramount Plus)

I wrote about The Love Boat here!

Miami Vice (Tubi)

I wrote about Miami Vice here!

Maury (YouTube)

On Sunday, I watched an episode with DNA results.  All of the episodes of Maury to blend together, which I guess is the appeal of them.  They demand very little on the part of the viewers.

Monsters (Tubi)

I wrote about Monsters here!

Night Court (Tuesday Night, NBC)

I was actually bored enough on Wednesday to watch the first four episodes of this show’s second season.  While the ensemble seems to be gelling a bit better than they did during the first season, Night Court just isn’t that funny.  Every joke sounds like it’s been sitting in some writer’s idea drawer since 2005.

Poochinski (YouTube)

I wrote about Poochinski here!

Steve Wilkos Show (YouTube)

On Sunday, I watched an episode in which Steve talked to a pregnant 17 year-old.  She thought her boyfriend was 25.  It turned out he was 38!  Needless to say, Steve kicked him off the stage while the audience chanted Steve’s name.

On Thursday, I watched an episode about threesomes that led to pregnancies.  The audience loved it but Steve seemed to be disappointed by everyone on his stage.

T and T (Tubi)

I wrote about T and T here!

Welcome Back, Kotter (Tubi)

I wrote about Welcome Back Kotter here!

Retro Television Reviews: Welcome Back, Kotter 3.6 “Just Testing”

Welcome to Retro Television Reviews, a feature where we review some of our favorite and least favorite shows of the past!  On Saturdays, I will be reviewing Welcome Back Kotter, which ran on ABC  from 1975 to 1979.  The entire show is currently streaming on Tubi!

It’s time for Barbarino to finally take his makeup exam!

Episode 3.6 “Just Testing”

(Dir by Bob Claver, originally aired on October 6th, 1977)

With Julie busy with the babies, Gabe resorts to telling Mr. Woodman about his Uncle Rodney who was mugged by an elephant.  Mr. Woodman laughs so much that Gabe gets nervous.

Actually, Gabe has a lot to be nervous about.  Julie is so busy with the babies that their tiny apartment is now a mess.  Gabe finds the coffee percolator in the bathroom and his favorite tie in a diaper pail.  (“It was my favorite tie,” Gabe says.)  On top of all that, it’s nearly time for Barbarino to take his make-up exam but, in typical Barbarino fashion, he hasn’t been studying.  Instead, as he explains to Gabe, he’s been waiting for Gabe to tutor him.  Frustrated by Barbarino’s refusal to take responsibility for his own future, Gabe refuses to help Barbarino study.  Not even Barbarino and the other Sweathogs coming to the apartment can change Gabe’s mind.

Fortunately, Julie can.  Julie has gone from hating the Sweathogs to appreciating their loyalty to each other.  She tells Gabe that she thinks that he’s making a mistake by refusing to help Barbarino.  Gabe realizes that she’s right but, at the same time, Julie needs help around the apartment.

Don’t worry, Gabe!  Freddie, Epstein, and Horshack are more than willing to clean up the apartment!  While Gabe meets with Barbarino and Julie sleeps on the couch, the Sweathogs stuff all of the trash into a closet.  It’s a funny gag and it’s certainly true to the character of the Sweathogs.  But, as a self-confessed neat freak, I have to say that I cringed as soon as Gabe opened that closet door and all of that trash came tumbling out.  It was like someone filmed my greatest nightmare.

As far as the tutoring goes, it’s not easy to teach Barbarino.  Barbarino is an idiot and he’s lucky that he looks like a young John Travolta.  Still, Gabe is able to get Barbarino to understand how cell division works.  Barbarino may not know how to read or count but he does understand mitosis.

And that’s good because there’s a question about mitosis on the makeup exam!  To Woodman’s apparent chagrin, Barbarino passes the exam by one point.  (“Who knew he would know what mitosis is!” Woodman says.)  While Barbarino and the Sweathogs go off to celebrate, Gabe takes a look at the exam and sees that Woodman put together a very easy exam.  Apparently, Woodman’s not so mean!  Awwwwww!  That said, even with Gabe’s tutoring, Barbarino still barely passed an easy exam.  Maybe he should stay in the 10th Grade….

Back at the apartment, Gabe tells Julie about his two uncles who lived in Alabama.  For once, Julie seems to be in a good mood.  Alabama does that to people.

This episode worked, largely due to the charm of John Travolta.  Barbarino may not be smart but he sure has a cute smile.

Scenes That I Love: Terence Stamp Goes For A Drive in Fellini’s Toby Dammit

The great Italian director, Federico Fellini, was born 104 years ago today.

Today’s scene that I love comes from Toby Dammit, Fellini’s contribution to the 1968 anthology film, Spirits of the Dead.  In this scene, a narcissistic actor (Terence Stamp) goes for a very fast drive through a very haunted Rome.


8 Shots From 8 Films: Special David Lynch Edition

Twin Peaks: The Return Part 3 (dir by David Lynch, DP: Peter Deming)

4 Or More Shots From 4 Or More Films is just what it says it is, 4 shots from 4 of our favorite films. As opposed to the reviews and recaps that we usually post, 4 Shots From 4 Films lets the visuals do the talking!

Today, the Shattered Lens wishes a happy 78th birthday to David Lynch!  And that means that it’s time to pay tribute to one of our favorite filmmakers.

Here are….

8 Shots From 8 David Lynch Films

Eraserhead (1977, dir by David Lynch, DP: Frederick Elmes, Herbert Cardwell)

The Elephant Man (1980, dir by David Lynch, DP: Freddie Francis)

Blue Velvet (1986, dir by David Lynch, DP: Frederick Elmes)

Twin Peaks: The Pilot (1990, dir by David Lynch, DP: Ron Garcia)

Lost Highway (1997, dire by David Lynch, DP: Peter Deming)

The Straight Story (1999, dir by David Lynch, DP: Freddie Francis)

Mulholland Drive (2001, dir by David Lynch, DP: Peter Deming)

Twin Peaks: The Return Part 18 (2017, dir by David Lynch, DP: Peter Deming)

Live Tweet Alert: Join #ScarySocial for The Crow!

As some of our regular readers undoubtedly know, I am involved in a few weekly live tweets on twitter.  I host #FridayNightFlix every Friday, I co-host #ScarySocial on Saturday, and I am one of the five hosts of #MondayActionMovie!  Every week, we get together.  We watch a movie.  We tweet our way through it.

Tonight, at 9 pm et, Tim Buntley will be hosting #ScarySocial!  The movie?  1994’s The Crow!

If you want to join us this Friday, just hop onto twitter, start the movie at 9 pm et, and use the #ScarySocial hashtag!  I’ll be there tweeting and I imagine some other members of the TSL Crew will be there as well.  It’s a friendly group and welcoming of newcomers so don’t be shy.

The Crow is available on Prime!

See you there!

Music Video of the Day: I Am The Shaman by Donovan (2021, dir by David Lynch)

Today, the Shattered Lens wish a very happy birthday to American filmmaker David Lynch!  Today’s music video of the day was directed by David Lynch and originally released on the 75th birthday of singer Donovan.

Lynch and Donovan are both practitioners of transcendental meditation and, along with celebrating Donovan’s birthday, this video does end with an appeal for donations.  Personally, I’m not really into meditation.  I find my peace through making to do lists and then striking through each item listed throughout the day.  My combination of attention deficit and hyperactivity pretty much makes it impossible for me to clear my mind.  (That’s also why I can’t be hypnotized.)  But to each their own, I suppose.  David Lynch is certainly a strong advocate for TM.
