Lisa Marie’s Week In Review: 11/5/18 — 11/11/18

“Make this your year!”

This words were shared during the 8th season opener of Degrassi by Mia Jones’s mother.  “Make this your year!” she said and Mia proceeded to do just that, not only becoming a top model but also eventually leaving the show after the actress who played her, Nina Dobrev, was cast on The Vampire Diaries.

Those words have been ringing in my head all this weekend.  This has been my birthday weekend.  Another year older and you know what?  I’m going to make this my year.  I hope you’ll make it your year too.

Here’s my week in review:

Movies I Watched:

  1. The African Queen (1951)
  2. The Basketball Diaries (1995)
  3. Casino Royale (1954)
  4. Double Indemnity (1944)
  5. Eighth Grade (2018)
  6. First Man (2018)
  7. God’s Not Dead: A Light in the Darkness (2018)
  8. Gotti (2018)
  9. Halloween (2018)
  10. The Hitch-hiker (1953)
  11. The Hoodlum (1951)
  12. Incredibles 2 (2018)
  13. Leave No Trace (2018)
  14. Pickup (1951)
  15. The Red Menace (1949)
  16. Roses are Red (1947)
  17. The Sniper (1952)
  18. Suspiria (1977)
  19. Unfriended: Dark Web (2018)
  20. Walk the Dark Street (1956)
  21. Wicked Woman (1953)
  22. Won’t You Be My Neighbor? (2018)

Television Shows I Watched:

  1. 911
  2. American Horror Story
  3. Bar Rescue
  4. California Dreams
  5. Dancing With The Stars
  6. Degrassi
  7. The Deuce
  8. Doctor Phil
  9. Face the Truth
  10. The Good Doctor
  11. Hell’s Kitchen
  12. It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia
  13. Legacies
  14. Paul: The Emissary
  15. Saved By The Bell
  16. Seinfeld
  17. South Park
  18. Survivor 37
  19. Veep
  20. The Walking Dead
  21. The Woman In White
  22. Young Sheldon

Books I Read:

  1. Blowing the Bloody Doors Off (2018) by Michael Caine
  2. The Essential James Garner (2018) by Stephen H. Ryan and Paul J. Ryan

Music To Which I Listened:

  1. Above & Beyond
  2. AC/DC
  3. Adi Ulmansky
  4. Big Data
  5. Bradley Cooper
  6. Britney Spears
  7. Carly Rae Jepsen
  8. La Casa Azul
  9. Cedric Gervais
  10. The Chemical Brothers
  11. The Crystal Method
  12. Dillon Francis
  13. DJ Judaa
  14. DJ Showoff
  15. DJ Snake
  16. Fitz and the Tantrums
  17. Flint Eastwood
  18. IC3PEAK
  19. Jakalope
  20. Joywave
  21. Kedr Livanskiy
  22. Lady Gaga
  23. Marta Sanchez
  24. Muse
  25. Robert DeLong
  26. Saint Motel
  27. Sleigh Bells
  28. St. Vincent
  29. Tara Lee
  30. Taylor Swift
  31. Vanessa Soul

Links From Last Week:

  1. On SyFy Designs, I live blogged Election Day.
  2. From Days Without Incident, Leonard writes abotu a song called Make the Move.
  3. On Reality TV Chat Blog, I wrote about the latest episode of Survivor!
  4. On my music site, I shared music from: Jakalope, more music from Jakalope, AC/DC, Carly Rae Jepsen, Britney Spears, even more music from Jakalope, and Flint Eastwood!
  5. On her photography site, Erin shared The Creek Continues, Texas Flag, Winter’s Coming, Cottonwood Park, Cottonwood Arts Festival, White Rock Lake, and White Rock Lake With Dallas In The Background!
  6. The Speakeasy #162… “OF COURSE NOT, SILLY!”
  7. Oscars: Disney Makes Up for Lost Time With ‘Black Panther’
  8. Don’t join this year’s Women’s March unless you’re good with anti-Semitism

Links From The Site:

  1. Erin shared the following artwork: The Smuggled Atom Bomb, Stiffs Don’t Vote, Bright Victory, Episode of the Wandering Knife, The Girl With No Shadow, Lakeside Love Nest, and Argosy!
  2. Gary reviewed The Unsuspected, Gun Fury, Macon County Line, and Return to Macon County!  He also paid tribute to Ethelreda Leopold!
  3. Jeff shared music videos from Talking Heads, INXS, and New Order!
  4. I shared music videos from Tara Lee, Big Data, Taylor Swift, and IC3PEAK!  I reviewed Hoodlum, Walk The Dark Street, The Sniper, The Red Menace, Pickup, Roses are Red, and Wicked Woman!
  5. Ryan reviewed Tongues of Fire, “The Complete Matinee Junkie : Five Years At The Movies”, Steranko : The Self-Created Man, and Iron Sights!  He also shared his weekly reading round-up!
  6. Arleigh wished me a happy birthday!

Check out what I did last week by clicking here!

Have a great week, everyone!  Make this your year!

30 Days of Noir #11: Wicked Woman (dir by Russell Rouse)

The 1953 film noir, Wicked Woman, opens with a bus coming to a stop in a small town in the middle of nowhere.

Getting off the bus is Billie Nash (Beverly Michaels).  From the minute she starts walking through the town, it’s obvious that Billie may not have a home and she may not have a lot of money but what she does have is total and complete confidence in herself.  Nobody tells Billie Nash what to do!  When she movies into a boarding house (the rent is $6 a week!), she’s leered at by her new neighbor, the diminutive Charlie Borg (Percy Helton, a character actor who will be familiar to anyone who has ever spent a week bingeing on TCM.)

It turns out to be a rather low-rent boarding house.  The landlady may be found of shouting, “I run a respectable place!” but nothing about this location seems to support that claim.  Billie has one room to herself.  The bathroom is down the hall.  A pay phone sits in the hallway.  Billie actually has to spend money to make a phone call.  Fortunately, Charlie Borg is always around and willing to loan her money.  In fact, when Billie says that she needs twenty dollars to buy a new outfit, Charlie hands it over and asks Billie to thank him by going out to dinner with him sometime.  Even though she has no intention of ever spending any lengthy amount of time with Charlie, Billie says sure.  Money is money.  You do what you have to do.

(Myself, I’d just like to live in a time when it only cost $20 to buy a new outfit.)

Once Billie finally manages to get Charlie to stop bugging her, she goes down to the local bar and applies for a job.  It’s not much of a bar but, again, money is money.  The bar is owned by Dora Bannister (Evelyn Scott), an alcoholic who asks Billie if she’s sure that she can the bar’s “rough crowd.”  Billie assures her that there’s no one so rough that she can’t handle and, as played by Beverly Michaels, you never doubt that she’s telling the truth.

Soon, Billie is flirting with the bar’s handsome bartender, Matt (Richard Egan).  Matt is ambitious and hard-working and, after just a few nights, he’s absolutely crazy about Billie.  The only problem is that Matt is not only married but he’s married to Dora!  That doesn’t matter to Billie.  In fact, she’s even come up with a scheme to steal not only Matt but also the bar from Dora.

Unfortunately, for Billie, the walls at the boarding house are extremely thin and Charlie overhears her and Matt scheming.  It turns out that Charlie’s not quite as clueless as he seems and soon, he’s blackmailing Billie.  He really wants that date….

Wicked Woman is a wonderfully sordid, low-budget film noir, one that features just a little bit of everything.  Adultery, blackmail, sex, addiction …. it’s all here and it’s impossible not to be entertained by the film’s over-the-top melodrama.  While both Richard Egan and Percy Helton are memorable as the two men in her life, the film is pretty much stolen by Beverly Michaels.  Whether coolly glaring at Charlie or giving a little smile after having done something particularly manipulative, there’s rarely a time that Billie isn’t in complete control of her destiny.  Beverly Michaels is a force of nature in this film and she turns “wicked” into a compliment.

Weekly Reading Round-Up : 11/04/2018 – 11/10/2018, George Wylesol And More November Garcia

Ryan C.'s Four Color Apocalypse

This week I was mightily impressed by comics both very familiar and anything but, and since I’m feeling slightly adventurous we’ll start with the “anything but” part of the equation —

Sufficiently intrigued by Philadelphia-based cartoonist George Wylesol’s mysterious, abstract, and multi-layered Avery Hill book Ghosts, Etc. last year to give a couple of his self-published minis a go (belatedly, I admit, but hey, I’ve been busy), 2017’s Porn stands out as the “must-buy” item of the two that I did, in fact, buy. Eight bucks is admittedly a bit spendy for what you get here in terms of physical product, but it more than carries its weight thematically, artistically, even philosophically. A series of disparate, perhaps even discarnate, drawings paired with coolly bland texts expounding upon vaguely harrowing scenarios with a disturbing level of clinical detachment, this is astonishingly confident stuff with an utterly unique point…

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How To Succeed In Comics (At Least Financially) Without Really Trying : Meyer And Canales’ “Iron Sights”

Ryan C.'s Four Color Apocalypse

If you’ve been following the comics mainstream on social media (particularly Twitter and YouTube) at any point over the past year or two — particularly if “industry drama” is your thing — there’s no way you’ve been able to avoid at least a few passing references to a purported “movement” calling itself “comicsgate.” More than likely, you’ve picked up on the fact that there is plenty of controversy attendant with it, as well, but what it even is — well, that depends on who you ask.

While those who have little to no time for “comicsgate” view it as an inherently reactionary cesspool of retrograde social and aesthetic sensibilities complete with all the racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, and other forms of bigotry you’d depressingly expect from such a, to quote Obi-Wan Kenobi, “wretched hive of scum and villainy,” to those who have either aligned themselves with it or are sympathetic to its…

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Music Video of the Day: Touched By The Hand of God by New Order (1987, directed by Kathryn Bigelow)

23 years before she made history as the first woman to win the Oscar for Best Director, Kathryn Bigelow directed this video for New Order.

The video features the members of New Order as you’ve never seen them before.  With the band’s long hair and the codpieces and the explosions going off in the background, you might think that an aging glam metal band is trying to rip off the British new wave sound.  Instead, it’s the members of New Order, wearing wigs and poking deserved fun at the bands like Poison, Cinderella, and Great White.

While New Order performs, Bill Paxton runs through traffic and makes out with Femi Gardiner.  Bill Paxton was everywhere in 1987.