Lisa’s Week in Review — 1/15/18 — 1/21/18

For me, this previous week got off to a good start on Monday night when snow was spotted falling over Dallas, my boss called and said to stay home on Tuesday because of the bad weather, and my three-day weekend became a four-day weekend!  Of course, in the end, the snow only fell for about five minutes and none of it accumulated but still.  We then proceeded to have two days of bitter cold, three days of mild coolness, and two days of unseasonable warmth, followed by thunderstorms!  Weird weather is the best!

As I sit here writing this, the government is shut down, the country is watching football, Kim and Kanye have stolen the good name of Chicago, and there’s an epidemic of people eating Tide Pods.  But who cares about any of that?  Here’s what I accomplished over the last week:

Movies I Watched

  1. 12 Strong (2018)
  2. Audrey Rose (1977)
  3. A Boy and His Dog (1975)
  4. Circle of Power (1981)
  5. Cocaine Godmother (2018)
  6. Fatherly Obsession (2017)
  7. Forever My Girl (2018)
  8. Friday the 13th Part 3: The Memoriam Documentary (2017)
  9. Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982)
  10. The Loves of Edgar Allan Poe (1942)
  11. Mean Girls (2004)
  12. Old Enough (1984)
  13. Reno 911!: Miami (2007)
  14. Sea Change (2017)
  15. Story of a Girl (2017)
  16. The Watcher In The Woods (2017)

Television Shows I Watched

  1. The 24th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards
  2. 60 Days In
  3. 1980: The Deadliest Decade
  4. The Amazing Race 30
  5. American Crime Story: The Assassination of Versace
  6. Ask the Undertaker
  7. The Bachelor 22 — Bibiana did not receive a rose at the end of last week’s episode so I’m pretty much done with The Bachelor for the rest of this season.
  8. Betrayed
  9. California Dreams
  10. City Guys
  11. Dance Moms
  12. Dr. Phil — Am I alone in hoping that, some day, one of his guests will just punch Dr. Phil in the nose?
  13. Evil Up Close
  14. Ghost Whisperer
  15. Hell’s Kitchen 17
  16. Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Kenda
  17. Intervention
  18. It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia
  19. Jodi Arias: An American Murder Mystery
  20. King of the Hill — Hanks gets obsessed with a boy band, a classic episode.
  21. The Magicians
  22. Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD
  23. The Office — I was overjoyed to discover, on Monday, an Office marathon on Comedy Central!  And it was early episodes, before the show went downhill.
  24. Project Runway All-Stars — I’m on the verge of giving up on this season.  Project Runway without Tim Gun?  What’s the point?
  25. Saved By The Bell
  26. See No Evil
  27. Seinfeld
  28. Undercover High
  29. The X-Files
  30. Your Worst Nightmare

Books I Read

(Two weeks ago, I had so much fun putting together my history of the actors that could have been James Bond that I’m now rereading all of the original Bond novels!)

  1. Casino Royale by Ian Fleming (1953)
  2. Live and Let Die by Ian Fleming (1954)
  3. Moonraker by Ian Fleming (1955)

Music I Listened To

  1. Ashlee Simpson
  2. Aventry
  3. Avicii
  4. Bad Wolves
  5. Beck
  6. Big Data
  7. Bob Dylan
  8. Britney Spears
  9. Cage the Elephant
  10. Calvin Harris
  11. The Chemical Brothers
  12. Cianna Blaze
  13. Crud
  14. Daft Punk
  15. Dave Mak
  16. Dillon Francis
  17. Dolores O’Riordan
  18. Dylan Smith
  19. Edgar Allan Poets
  20. Eric Rodriguez
  21. Fiona Apple
  22. Fitz and the Tantrums
  23. Flint Eastwood
  24. Galtuz
  25. Goblin
  26. Gwen Stefani
  27. High Contrast
  28. HollySiz
  29. Jade Bird
  30. Jaded Edge
  31. Jakalope
  32. Johnny Cash
  33. Joywave
  34. Kapkano
  35. Leonard Cohen
  36. Lindsey Stirling
  37. Luc One
  38. Lucy Dacus
  39. LUX
  40. Moby
  41. No Doubt
  42. Phantogram
  43. Radiohead
  44. Saint Motel
  45. Sleigh Bells
  46. Spinning Coin
  47. Taylor Swift
  48. Tess
  49. The Ting Tings
  50. Vanessa Narvaez

Links from Last Week

  1. Things got creepy on my sister’s photography site with this picture!
  2. Mondo Movies paid tribute to Dorothy Malone.
  3. On Outspoken and Freckled, Kellee Pratt takes a look at the choreography of Bubsy Berkeley.
  4. Check out the 2018 Oscar nomination predictions on Jordan and Eddie.
  5. Here’s a poem from The World Outside The Window.
  6. Thoughts on the Villainess from Film Grimoire.
  7. From the Dailey Grindhouse, this article takes a look at how John Carpenter’s Halloween became the template for the modern horror film.
  8. On Awards Circuit, Clayton Davis predicts that The Shape of Water could end with a record setting 14 Oscar nominations.
  9. Ismael Olson dives into the topical and satirical lyrics of Cole Porter.
  10. From 4 Random, will Chris Hemsworth return as Thor?
  11. The Flat Circle argues that too much politics is ruining SNL.
  12. From Aesthetics and Politics, Tragic Painting?
  13. What the Well-Dressed Hobbit Will Be Wearing Next Season: A Study in Textiles in Fantasy Settings, courtesy of The Wandering Company
  14. From Matthew Craig Wilson, 10 Movies That Signified A New Phase In A Director’s Filmmaking Style.

Links From This Site

  1. Jeff paid tribute to Dolores O’Riordan.
  2. Erin shared the covers of Fate.
  3. I haven’t been the only one cleaning out the DVR!  Gary’s also been getting in on the action.  Also, be sure to check out Gary’s film noir round-up, his tribute to Edgar Allan Poe, and his review of The Far Country!
  4. Ryan The Trash Film Guru shared reviews of The Palace of Champions, Days of Hate #1, An Exorcism, and Apartment Number Three.  And be sure to check out his weekly reading round-up!
  5. Patrick reviewed Curse of the Witch’s Doll!
  6. Finally, among other things, I shared my picks for the best 26 films of 2017!

Have a great week, everyone!

(Want to compare this week in review to last weeks?  Click here!)


Curse Of The Witch’s Doll: Movie preview, review, and trailer.


Lawrence Fowler


Helen Crevel: as Adeline Grey

Michelle Archer: as Doris

Claire Carren: as The Witch


Adeline Gray’s attempt to escape bombing in her home town leads her to a derelict, creepy manor in the woods. When Adeline’s young daughter goes missing during a game of hide-and-seek, a series of inexplicable events lead her to believe a haunted doll holds a vengeful soul; the soul of a murdered Witch. As Adeline’s desperate search for her daughter continues, it soon becomes clear; to have any hope of being reunited, she must defeat the curse of The Witch’s Doll.


Straight up, I am not going lie, this movie messed me up! It hit on everything I find scary. From a lost child, to a deranged asylum, to a possessed doll, to a demonic witch. I went into a comfortable Sunday afternoon, now, to looking around every corner at everything.


Should you dare watch this movie I am certain you will be just as afraid as I am right now!

While you watch, remember to look over your shoulder at all times!


If you dare, the trailer is right here!



Curse Of The Witch’s Doll is a High Octane Pictures production, Directed by Lawrence Fowler.

And if you dare again:

Curse Of The Witch’s Doll Will be available on VOD February 6th, 2018, DVD March 6th, 2018 and SVOD June 5th, 2018

Also, remember:

“Her soul lives on”

Sundance Film Review: Old Enough (dir by Marisa Silver)

(As I sit here writing this, the Sundance Film Festival is currently in full swing in Utah.  Starting last Thursday with Blood Simple, I have been reviewing films that originally made a splash at Sundance.)

As I mentioned in my review of Circle of Power, the Sundance Film Festival was not always the Sundance Film Festival.  For the first few years of its existence, it was known as the US Film Festival.  It wasn’t until 1984 that the US Film Festival became the Sundance Film Festival.  (And let’s be honest — as far as names go, Sundance is a huge improvement over its generic predecessor.)  That year, the inaugural Sundance Grand Jury Prize was awarded to a coming-of-age story called Old Enough.

Old Enough is a New York movie, one that follows Lonnie (Sarah Boyd) and Karen (Rainbow Harvest) over one eventful summer.  Lonnie is 12 years old.  She lives in a nice apartment and she attends an exclusive private school.  She has a close relationship with her mother (Susan Kingsley) while her father is a stuffy snob.  From the minute that Lonnie first sees Karen, she wants to be her best friend.  Karen is a year or two older and her family is definitely not rich.  Karen is uninhibited and, on the outside at least, totally confident.  Lonnie is envious of Karen’s freedom.  Karen is envious of Lonnie’s stability.  From that, an unlikely friendship is born.

At first, the film focuses on how much Lonnie looks up to Karen.  Karen wears makeup so Lonnie starts to wear makeup.  Karen is Catholic so Lonnie decides to be Catholic as well.  Karen shoplifts so Lonnie gives it a try.  Karen tries to dress like Lonnie and she even tries to navigate the streets of New York with the same confidence.  It’s only later in the film, when Lonnie attempts to introduce Karen to her friends from school, that it becomes clear that Karen is as out of place in Lonnie’s world as Lonnie is in Karen’s.

The film is at its best when it concentrates on the friendship between Karen and Lonnie.  There’s a wonderful scene where Karen and Lonnie go up to the roof of Karen’s apartment building and take in the beautiful view of New York City at night.  It’s a scene that perfectly captures what it’s like to be young and to know that there’s an amazing world out there, waiting for you to discover it.  And then there’s an extended shoplifting scene, one that I absolutely loved even if it did bring back enough memories to make me cringe just a bit.

Old Enough struggles during it second half, when the focus shifts from Karen and Lonnie’s friendship to Lonnie’s crush on Karen’s older brother, Johnny (Neil Barry).  Johnny, however, is obsessed with the new neighbor (Roxanne Hart), who may be having an affair with Karen’s father (Danny Aiello).  Those scenes feel a bit forced, as if Robert McKee suddenly popped up and said, “Time for Act III!”

No, the heart of the film is in Karen and Lonnie’s friendship.  Both Sarah Boyd and Rainbow Harvest gave very naturalistic and believable performances as the two unlikely friends.  By the end of the movie, you’re happy they got to spend a summer together even though you know they probably won’t still be friends in another five years.  It’s a sweet movie, one that provides a very realistic portrait of growing up.

If you’ve never heard of Old Enough, you’re not alone.  Until I started doing research for these reviews, I had never heard of it, either.  Some times good movies are forgotten.  That’s why it’s important to always keep looking.

As of this writing, Old Enough can be viewed on YouTube.

Previous Sundance Film Reviews:

  1. Blood Simple
  2. I Don’t Feel At Home In This World Anymore
  3. Circle of Power

What Lisa Watched Last Night #174: Cocaine Godmother (dir by Guillermo Navarro)

Last night, I watched the Lifetime gangster epic, Cocaine Godmother!

Why Was I Watching It?

You can find the answer in this review’s opening sentence.  Cocaine Godmother was a gangster epic that was made for Lifetime!  How insane is that!

Add to that, the life of Griselda Blanco has, as of late, become a very popular subject matter.  Ever since everyone went crazy over a documentary called Cocaine Cowboys, there have been Griselda films in development.  Though Cocaine Godmother may have been the first to premiere, HBO has a film coming out starring Jennifer Lopez as Griselda.  There’s also another film in development, one which will star  Catalina Sandino Morena as the Godmother.  Apparently, 2018 is going to be the year of Griselda.

What Was It About?

The film follows Griselda Blanco (played, as an adult, by Catherine Zeta-Jones), from her youth all the way to her assassination in 2012.  Griselda grows up in horrific poverty in Colombia, pimped out by her own mother and committing her first murder when a man refuses to pay her.  Griselda tries to escape through a conventional marriage but, when that doesn’t work out, she marries a series of drug smugglers and soon proves herself to be just as ruthless and violent as any of her male rivals.  When she’s not snorting cocaine, she’s murdering husbands, mistresses, and even children.  It’s tempting to say that Griselda’s only redemption is to be found in the love she feels for her sons and for Carolina (Jenny Pellicer) but, actually, there is no redemption for anyone in this movie.  From beginning to end, everyone’s terrible.

What Worked?

Somehow, the entire film worked.  You don’t necessarily expect to see an effective and violent gangster film on Lifetime but somehow, Cocaine Godmother pulled it off.

Two things held this film together.  One was Catherine Zeta-Jones’s performance as Griselda Blanco.  Whether she was casually snorting cocaine on an airplane, explaining why children have to be killed along with their parents, or gunning down one of her husbands, Zeta-Jones was never less than compelling.

Secondly, there was Guillermo Navarro’s direction, which never allowed the pace to slacken.  For a two hour and thirty minute film, Cocaine Godmother was mercifully free of slow spots.  Considering that he was working under the restraints of television, Navarro did a great job bringing Girselda’s story to life.

What Did Not Work?

I was a little worried when I first heard the narrator.  Narrators are usually a sign of doom in a Lifetime movie and there were a few times when the narration got a bit too obvious.  That said, it was only a minor issue.  For the most part, the entire film worked.

“Oh my God!  Just like me!” Moments

Griselda may have been a terrible person but she had great tastes in movies.  For instance, we both appreciate The Godfather films.  That said, unlike Griselda, I probably wouldn’t name my son after Michael Corleone.  I’d be more likely to name him after Tom Hagan because Tom made all the money but he never had to shoot anyone.

Lessons Learned

Don’t get high on your own supply.

Weekly Reading Round-Up : 01/14/2018 – 01/20/2018, Special Kelly Froh/Max Clotfelter Edition

Ryan C.'s Four Color Apocalypse

Pretty much fuck-all worthy of note hit comic shops this week, but that’s okay, yours truly received a nice selection of stuff in the mail from parts far and wide, certainly more than enough to keep me out of trouble, but for my Round-Up this week I thought I’d concentrate on some stuff that came my way courtesy of Kelly Froh and Max Clotfelter. I’m going to resist the urge to slap the label of “First Couple of Seattle Underground Comics” on these two, since similarly unimaginative (and, to them at least, I’m sure, cringe-worthy) titles have no doubt been bestowed upon them in the past, and instead I’ll just go the more modest route of saying that there’s a hell of a lot of cartooning talent in their household and I was most grateful for the wares they sent me a few days back. Let’s have a look —


View original post 916 more words

Music Video of the Day: One Match by Until The Ribbon Breaks (2018, dir by ????)

I don’t have much to say about this video so here’s some Until The Ribbon Breaks trivia!  UTRB often writes their music in front of a projector.  According to frontman Pete Lawrie-Winfield, “For me, it just allows my mind to wander further than the confines of where it normally would. Silent moving images of nature, space, a busy street, whatever it maybe, take on a new sense of gravitas when soundtracked and vice versa. The music is given meaning by the image.”
