Dances Scenes That I Love: William Holden and Kim Novak in Picnic

Hi, everyone!  Well, I just watched Sharknado 4 twice and I live tweeted it both times!  You can expect to see my review either tomorrow or on Tuesday, depending on how well I recover from tonight.

But, until then, it’s time to share this week’s final dance scene that I love.  This wonderfully sensual scene comes from the 1955 best picture nominee, Picnic!  Check out this wonderfully sensuous scene with William Holden and Kim Novak!

I hope everyone’s had a great July and I hope that August will be even better!

Love ya!

(Oh, at around the 18 second mark, the picture appears to freeze but don’t panic.  That’s a glitch in the upload and it only lasts for a second or two.)

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