It’s Over: Tom Brady Retires

Tom Brady has retired.

It’s over.

The last time Tom retired, he changed his mind a month and a half later and returned to lead the Buccaneers to the playoffs.  On Twitter, there’s already a lot of people making jokes about him changing his mind a second time but I think everyone knows that this Brady retirement is for real.  He’s 45 years old now, playing a game that many players are forced to quit when they’re only in their early 30s.  This season, there were times when Brady struggled but he still led the Buccaneers to the post season.  A struggling Brady was still better than many quarterbacks at their prime.

Tom Brady was the greatest of all time.  He’s also someone who played for so long that there’s an entire generation that doesn’t know of a time when Brady wasn’t one of the most dominating quarterbacks in the league.  Brady played 23 seasons.  People who were born during his first season with the Patriots have graduated from college.  Famously, Brady was picked in the 6th round of the 2000 NFL Draft but, in the end, he was the last member of the class standing.  Brady dominated like a few others.  It was exciting and fun to watch him play, except for one he was playing against your team.

There are, of course, other great quarterbacks in the NFL.  Two of them are about to meet in the Super Bowl.  But Tom Brady retiring is definitely the end of an era and a reminder that time catches up with all of us eventually.  Brady has been hired by Fox Sports to provide commentary during the 2023 season.  I could see Tom Brady doing anything he wants during his retirement.

Let’s not get crazy now.

Personally, I think Tom Brady would make a hell of a coach.  But, whatever he does from this point forward, he’ll always be remembered as one of the greatest of all time.

Congratulations To The Super Bowl Champion Tampa Bay Buccaneers!

The Super Bowl just ended and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers have won their 2nd Super Bowl!  Tom Brady has won his seventh.  Though the Chiefs scored first with a field goal, there was never really any doubt as to who was going to win the Lombardi Trophy.  As soon as I saw Tom Brady’s face after the Chiefs got those three points, I knew he was going to be unstoppable.

The final score was 31 to 9.  Though the Chiefs may have fallen short, Patrick Mahomes showed that he is the quarterback of the future.  He’s scary good.  He may not have won tonight but he’ll definitely get another chance to win his second super bowl.

For now, though, the Buccaneers are your Super Bowl champions and Tom Brady has added another chapter to an already amazing career.  Congratulations, Tampa Bay!

My Super Bowl Predictions

Since the game is just a few hours away, I guess I should make my prediction as to who is going to win the Super Bowl.

This is exactly the type of Super Bowl that I’ve always wanted to see.  Tom Brady is the best quarterback of his generation and probably the best quarterback of all time.  Patrick Mahomes is the best quarterback of the next generation.  This season, Brady proved that he can lead more than one team to the Super Bowl.  Mahomes seems like he has the same type of talent.  This is the best vs. the best.

I think the Buccaneers are going to win.  I think the Chiefs are going to give them a good game.  It’s not going to be easy for either team.  But I think Tampa Bay is going to win in the end.  The Buccaneers are playing at home, which is going to be a huge advantage.  And I just have an unquestioning faith in the ability of Tom Brady to win Super Bowls.  I know that’s not a very scientific analysis but Tom Brady has a talent that sometimes seems to defy everything that we’ve been led to assume about football.  Tom Brady went from being nearly undrafted to winning 6 Super Bowls.  At an age when most football players have already retired, Brady is still playing like a man in his early 30s.  The rest of the team is going to have to do their part but I still see Tom Brady and the Buccaneers winning this game.

Final prediction:

Buccaneers — 24

Chiefs — 21

The game will be won by a last minute field goal that Tom Brady will probably volunteer to kick himself.  Having won his 7th Super Bowl and led two separate teams to victory, Tom Brady will then win a Nobel Peace Prize and write a memoir that will be turned into an Oscar-winning film.  Brady will then be elected governor of whatever state he decides to run in.  Eventually, President Tom Brady will bring about world peace along with ending climate change and personally overseeing the first manned mission to Mars.  After you win seven Super Bowls, there’s nothing you can’t do.

If the Buccaneers somehow lose, it will mean the winter is coming.

Enjoy the game!

My Super Bowl Predictions

God may hate football but he loves Tom Brady.

Over the past 20 years, while football has struggled, Tom Brady has thrived.  While other quarterbacks have come and gone, Tom Brady probably has the most secure job in the league.  Brady is currently the winningest quarterback in NFL history and he doesn’t appear to be anywhere close to retiring.  If you’re playing against Tom Brady, you better not let the game get into overtime because Brady will come at you like a machine.

It’s interesting to take a look back at the 2000 NFL Draft and see the quarterbacks who were selected before the Patriots finally picked Tom Brady in the 6th round.  Chad Pennington, Giovanni Carmazzi, Chris Redman, Marc Bulger, and Spergon Wynn were all selected before Brady.  Pennington went on to have a successful career but otherwise, they’re a forgettable group of players.  Of the group, only Tom Brady would eventually lead his team to multiple Super Bowl appearances and only Brady is still playing in the NFL.

Tom Brady played in his first Super Bowl on February 3rd, 2002, leading the New England Patriots to a 20-17 victory over the favored St. Louis Rams.  Later today, Brady will again be facing the Rams.  Things are a little different now.  For one thing, the St. Louis Rams are now the Los Angeles Rams.  For another thing, the Patriots are favored to win this time.

People love to hate on Tom Brady and the Patriots.  It’s understandable.  Most NFL quarterbacks are lucky if they’re still playing after their 34th birthday.  Tom Brady is 41 and still going strong.  Ever since Brady took over for Drew Bledsoe, he and the Patriots have played in 8 Super Bowls and they’ve won 5.  People love rooting for the underdog and, when it comes to football, that often means rooting against Brady and the Patriots.

But let’s get real.  The Rams aren’t going to beat the Patriots.  The Rams wouldn’t even be in the Super Bowl if not for a blown pass interference call.  Maybe the Saints could have beaten the Patriots but the Rams?  I don’t think so.

After losing to the Eagles last year, the Patriots have got something to prove this year.  I think they’re going to do just that.

My Super Bowl Prediction:

Patriots — 31

Rams — 17

My Super Bowl Prediction

It’s only a few hours until kickoff so I guess I should make my Super Bowl predictions.

The Eagles are a good team.  Even people who hate Philadelphia have to admit that.  They’ve earned their right to play in the Super Bowl this year.  Ever since he stepped in and replaced the injured Carson Wentz as quarterback, Nick Foles has been defying the odds and proving the haters wrong.

But the New England Patriots are the best team in the league right now.  The Patriots have got Tom Brady, perhaps the greatest quarterback of all time.  I expect the Eagles will put a good fight but my final prediction is:

Patriots — 31

Eagles — 17

As always, the final field goal will be kicked by Gus, the field goal-kicking mule.


cracked rear viewer


As you may or may not know, I’m a native New Englander, born and raised in Massachusetts. I watched the Patriots back when, quite frankly, they sucked. It was only when Bill Bellichick became coach and Tom Brady took over at quarterback they turned into an NFL powerhouse. Since then, I’ve watched many a classic football game and enjoyed their victories in Super Bowls past.

But nothing compares to last night. Last night was absolutely incredible. In all my years of watching football, it was… dare I say it?… the Greatest Game Ever!!

I knew the Falcons were no joke, but the way they dominated in the first half was shocking. The party I was at had grown eerily silent, and many people chose to leave after watching Lady Gaga perform. My fellow diehards and I stayed, hoping for a miracle.

We were not disappointed.

Down 28-3 in the third quarter…

View original post 234 more words

My Super Bowl Predictions

Since we are only a few hours away from the big game, I better get my Super Bowl predictions in.

I predict that the final score will be:

New England Patriots — 32

Atlanta Falcons — 17

After winning his fifth Super Bowl, Tom Brady will announce his retirement, run against Elizabeth Warren in 2018, and will be elected President in 2028.

Congratulations, Mr. President!


Ted 2 Sucks!

Ted_2_posterWell, I think the title of this review pretty succinctly sums up my reaction to Seth McFarlane’s latest film, Ted 2.  Thanks for reading and have a good…

Oh, really?

Okay, I’ve been told that I have to try to think up at least 300 words to say about Ted 2.  Otherwise, in the eyes of Rotten Tomatoes, we’re not a legitimate film blog.



Anyway, Ted 2 is the story of a talking teddy bear (voice by Seth McFarlane) who likes to smoke weed and … well, that’s about it.  He’s just gotten married to Tami-Lynn (Jessica Barth) and they’re having trouble because Tami-Lynn wants a baby but Ted, being a teddy bear, doesn’t have any reproductive organs.  So, he and his friend John (Mark Wahlberg) decide to give Tom Brady a handjob so they can still his sperm.  But, it turns out, none of that was important because the state of Massachusetts claims that Ted is not even a person.  Instead, he’s just “property.”  So, now, John and Ted and their lawyer, Sam (Amanda Seyfried), are fighting the courts to win Ted his civil rights.  And then Giovanni Ribisi wants to kidnap Ted and Morgan Freeman shows up and says a few words.  And the film is narrated by Patrick Stewart because it’s funny to hear Patrick Stewart curse and…

Oh!  And Liam Neeson shows up.  He’s a customer at the store where Ted works as a cashier.  Liam wants to know if Trix are only for kids.  The joke here is that it’s Liam Neeson and he’s asking about cereal.  Ha ha.

Oh!  And there’s two guys who shows up at New York Comic Con so that they can beat up “nerds.”  During every scene set at Comic Con, they’re in the background beating people up and insulting them.  And the two guys are gay!  See, they’re bullies and they’re gay!  And they’re beating up random people at Comic Con, just because they can!  Hilarious, right?

Ted 2 spends a lot of time trying to convince us that Ted’s struggle to be recognized as a person is actually meant to be a metaphor for the American civil rights movement.  But, honestly, I get the feeling that McFarlane relates more to the bullies than he does to any oppressed minority.  As he previously proved with his TV shows and A Million Ways To Die In The West, McFarlane is only interested in going after easy targets.  He’s your typical white male hipster who thinks that, because he voted for Obama, he can get away with telling racist jokes.

And, before anyone misunderstands, I wouldn’t mind McFarlane’s humor if it was at least funny or original.  But instead, it’s the same stupid jokes that he always tells.  Seth McFarlane’s comedic technique is to basically drag things out until viewers laugh from pure exhaustion.  Is it effective?  Well, there are people who continue to praise and defend him and Seth certainly has made a lot of money off of his act.  So, obviously, there are people who respond to this.  But to me, Seth McFarlane’s humor just feels lazy.

Ted 2 lasts 128 minutes.  That’s over two hours devoted to a concept that feels more appropriate for a five-minute skit.  Interesting enough, the first Ted was tolerable because it focused on Mark Wahlberg’s Johnny.  Ted was just a supporting character and he worked as a metaphor for Johnny’s struggle to choose between growing up or being a happy slacker.  (The first Ted was all about Johnny falling in love with Mila Kunis, whose character is rather cruelly dismissed at the start of Ted 2.)  In Ted 2, Ted is the central character and once you get over the fact that he’s a teddy bear who drops multiple F bombs, there’s really not much to the character.  It helps, of course, that we only have to listen to McFarlane.  We don’t have to look at his imminently punchable, oddly lineless face.  But, to be honest, even McFarlane’s voice has become grating.  It’s just so self-satisfied and smug.

I saw Ted 2 with the blogger also known as Jedadiah Leland.  Over the course of 128 hours minutes (it just felt like hours), we each laughed once.  Not surprisingly, both laughs were inspired by Wahlberg’s dumb-but-sweet performance.  Now, I will admit that the rest of the audience laughed a bit more than we did.  But still, there was a definite atmosphere of resignation in the theater.  You could literally hear the people thinking, “Oh, Ted just made a joke about black people.  Better laugh now so everyone knows that I get whatever the Hell this is supposed to be.  After all, those tickets weren’t free…”

What’s the word count now?



That’s enough words for me to say, “Ted 2 sucks!”


Song of the Day: We Are the Champions (by Queen)


I’ve used this song twice to celebrate my San Francisco Giants winning the World Series in 2010 and 2012 (so shocked they won 2014 that I forgot to post it) that I thought it only fair to use it for the New England Patriots. They are the new champions of the NFL after their thrilling win over the Seattle Seahawks.

It was a game that had our own pantsukudasai56 on the verge of losing it (and he probably did but in a good way and not the bad one I was predicting). The New England Patriots have become like a sort of second NFL team for me because of two people: Tom Brady (local boy made good) and Bill Belichik (the Dark Lord himself). Yes, two people who have their equal share of admirers and haters (probably more of the latter).

These two have now cemented their 4th NFL championship through the modern salary-cap era, adversity (concocted and self-inflicted) and heartbreaking losses. Yet, as much as people would hate on Belichik deep down most would dump their coach if it meant they would have him instead. The same goes for his apprentice in Tom Brady.

So, controversies aside, congratulations to the New England Patriots for winning Super Bowl XLIX.

We Are the Champions

I’ve paid my dues
Time after time
I’ve done my sentence
But committed no crime
And bad mistakes I’ve made a few
I’ve had my shelves and kicked in my face
But I’ve come through

We are the champions my friend
And we’ll keep on fighting till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers ‘cos We are the champions of the world

I’ve taken my bows
my curtain calls
You brought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it
I thank you all
But it’s been no bed of roses
No pleasure cruise
I consider it a challenge before
All human race
And I ain’t gonna lose

We are the champions my friend
And we’ll keep in fighting till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers ‘cos
We are the champions of the world
We are the champions my friend
And we’ll keep in fighting till the end
Ooh, we are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers ‘cos
We are the champions