Weekly Trailer Round-Up: Alita: Battle Angel, Mid 90s, Love Gilda, Final Score, Hunter Killer, Iron Fist

Welcome to this week’s trailer round-up!

What do you get when you combine a script co-written by James Cameron with the direction of Robert Rodriguez?  We’ll find out when Alita: Battle Angel is released into theaters on December 21st!

A24’s latest period piece, Mid90s, will be released into theaters on October 19th.  This film is the directorial debut of Jonah Hill and, judging from the trailer, his film has got the 90s down.

SNL comedienne Gilda Radner gets a much deserved tribute in Love, Gilda.  This documentary will be in theaters on September 21st.

Judging from the trailer, Final Score looks like it might be the best action film of 1992.  It’s Die Hard in a stadium.  The Eurotrash villains take 35,000 football hooligans hostage but everyone’s too much into the match to notice.  At first, I thought this trailer had to be a parody.

Speaking of things that seem like parodies but are actually meant to be taken seriously, Hunter Killer is a real movie starring two real Oscar winners.  Keep an eye out for Gary Oldman and Common in theaters on October 26th.

Finally, proving that not even bad reviews can keep a Marvel hero down, Netflix’s Iron Fist returns for a second season on September 7th.




Iron Fist Gives A Glimpse of The Living Weapon


Netflix and Marvel has had quite a couple years. It began in 2015 with the premiere of the first season of the Daredevil series. It was then followed up by the Jessica Jones series.

Here we are in 2016 and we get the second season of Daredevil to start the year and ending it with the just released Luke Cage series. What do Marvel and MCU fans have to look forward to in 2017.

Well, we have the upcoming Iron First series coming out this March 2017 to look forward to with Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist teaming up to become the Defenders to end the year.

We finally get the first trailer for Iron Fist and it dropped during New York Comic-Con for attendees first, but it didn’t take Marvel and Netflix to release the trailer on-line for all the bear witness to the Living Weapon.

Marvel’s SDCC Netflix lineup – Luke Cage, Iron Fist, The Defenders

Marvel is already making big waves on the first day of the San Diego Comic Con. Building on the successes of Daredevil and Jessica Jones, the company revealed some new series in their current deal with Netflix.

New York has yet another hero as Luke Cage gets a show of his own. Introduced into the Marvel Cinematic Universe by way of Jessica Jones, Cage (Mike Coulter) appears to be up against quite a bit, though from the trailer, it’s nothing a car door can’t handle. It also looks like Mahershala Ali (House of Cards) is on board, possibly as a villain.

Though I only know of him through the Ultimate Spider-Man animated series, long time Marvel fans will be pleased to see Iron Fist in the line up. Having finished his run in Game of Thrones, actor Finn Jones has moved on to play Danny Rand, a man who discovers the power of Kung Fu and awesome Chi control. Marvel historians will also note that Iron Fist and Luke Cage have often worked together, which brings us to the biggest news of the day.

Marvel’s The Defenders brings together Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Daredevil (who will undoubtedly have Season 3 on the way) in their own team up. I’m curious to see how this turns out, and how much of their combined tale filters into their individual stories (or vice versa). It feels similar to the Avengers, though on a smaller scale.

Day 2 of the San Diego Comic Con continues today. As new information pours in, we’ll be sure to share. Enjoy.