4 Shots From 4 Peter Cushing Films: Corruption, Scream and Scream Again, Asylum, Shock Waves

4 Shots From 4 Films is just what it says it is, 4 shots from 4 of our favorite films. As opposed to the reviews and recaps that we usually post, 4 Shots From 4 Films lets the visuals do the talking.

Today, we pay tribute to one of the greatest British film stars with….

4 Shots From 4 Peter Cushing Films

Corruption (1968, dir by Robert Hartford-Davis)

Scream and Scream Again (1970, dir by Gordon Hessler)

Asylum (1972, dir by Roy Ward Baker)

Shock Waves (1977, dir by Ken Wiederhorn)

2017 In Review: Lisa Marie’s Ten Favorite Non-Fiction Books of 2017

A word about Paperbacks From Hell, my favorite nonfiction book of 2017.  One of my goals for 2018 (and probably 2019, as well) is to read every single book mentioned in Paberbacks From Hell.  I’ve been told that it won’t be easy because several of the books are apparently no longer in print.  But that’s okay.  I’m looking forward to searching for them almost as much as I’m looking forward to reading them!

  1. Paperbacks From Hell by Grady Hendrix
  2. Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life by Ruth Franklin
  3. Broad Strokes: Fifty Women Who Made Art and Made History (in that order) by Bridget Quinn
  4. Mrs. Sherlock Holmes by Brad Ricca
  5. We’ll Always Have Casablanca: The Legend and Afterlife of Hollywood’s Most Beloved Film by Noah Isenberg
  6. Ava Gardner: A Life in the Movies by Anthony Uzarowski and Kendra Bean
  7. How To Murder Your Life by Cat Marnell
  8. Black Dahlia, Red Rose: The Crime, Corruption, and Cover-Up of America’s Greatest Unsolved Murder by Piu  Eatwell
  9. High Noon: The Hollywood Blacklist and the Making of an American Classic by Glenn Frankel
  10. The Apparitionists: A Tale of Phantoms, Fraud, Photography, and the Man Who Captured Lincoln’s Ghost by Peter Manseau

On Wednesday, I’ll be listing my picks for the best of Lifetime and then, on Friday, I’ll finally wrap up my look back at 2017 with my picks for the best 26 movies of the year!

Previous entries in the TSL’s Look Back at 2017:

  1. 2017 in Review: Top Ten Single Issues by Ryan C
  2. 2017 in Review: Top Ten Series by Ryan C
  3. 2017 In Review: Top Ten Collected Edition (Contemporary) by Ryan C
  4. 2017 In Review: Top Ten Collected Editions (Vintage) by Ryan C
  5. 2017 in Review: Top Ten Graphic Novels By Ryan C
  6. 25 Best, Worst, and Gems I saw in 2017 by Valerie Troutman
  7. My Top 15 Albums of 2017 by Necromoonyeti
  8. 2017 In Review: Lisa Marie’s Picks For the 16 Worst Films of 2017
  9. 2017 In Review: Lisa Marie’s Final Post About Twin Peaks: The Return (for now)
  10. 2017 in Review: Lisa Marie’s 14 Favorite Songs of 2017
  11. 2017 in Review: The Best of SyFy by Lisa Marie Bowman
  12. 2017 in Review: 10 Good Things that Lisa Marie Saw On Television in 2017
  13. 2017 in Review: Lisa Marie’s 12 Favorite Novels of 2017

Halloween Havoc!: Peter Cushing in CORRUPTION (Columbia 1968)

cracked rear viewer


Hammer horror icon Peter Cushing is remembered for his two signature roles with the company, the obsessed Baron Frankenstein and the vampire hunter Van Helsing. The actor made many other films as well, but none as bizarre as CORRUPTION. This sleazy slice of 60’s dementia finds Cushing once again a brilliant surgeon, this time in a contemporary setting, in a gore fest that goes off the deep end with a uniquely wild denouement that will leave viewers in  shock.


Sir John Rowan (Cushing), eminent plastic surgeon,  is engaged to beautiful young model Lynn Nolan, popular fashion face of the day. Despite being tired, John attends a typical swinging 60’s party with her, and it’s clear he’s not comfortable in this milieu. When the host begins taking sexy pics of Lynn, John’s had enough and wants to leave. The host gets belligerent and a fight breaks out between the men, causing a flood lamp to…

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6 More Great Trailers For A Hopping October!

Hi there!  It’s time for yet another October edition of Lisa Marie’s Favorite Grindhouse and Exploitation Film Trailers!  I gave the trailer kitties the weekend off and I recruited a whole new group of mythical animals to go find this week’s trailers.  Let’s see what they came back with!

1) Corruption (1968)

2) Frightmare (1974)

3) Curtains (1983)

4) Hungry Wives (1973)

5) Incubus (1981)

6) The Unseen (1980)

What do you think, Contemplative Jackalope?


6 Scary Trailers For Halloween

Welcome to the latest Halloween edition of Lisa Marie’s Favorite Grindhouse and Exploitation Film trailers!  The Trailer Kitties swear that these trailers are scary!  Let’s see if they’re correct.

1) The Vampire and the Ballerina (1960)

Sorry, this one isn’t really that scary but it does feature a lot of dancing, so I like it.

2) Mary,Mary,  Bloody Mary (1975)

3) Corruption (1968)

Oh no!  Not Peter Cushing!

4) I Drink Your Blood/I Eat Your Skin (1970)

5) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

6) The Flesh and Blood Show (1972)

Those weren’t very scary, Trailer Kitty!


6 Trailers For A December Moon

This week’s edition of Lisa Marie’s Favorite Grindhouse and Exploitation Trailers features sinful dwarves, dead Santas, the Peter Cushing Guide To Getting Laid, and the voice of John Carradine!

1) The Sinful Dwarf

How can you not be enthusiastic about a film with a title like “The Sinful Dwarf?”  That said, I think Peter Dinklage could kick this guy’s ass.  This was apparently a “lost film” until a copy was found in a janitor’s closet in Denmark. “What do you think of the blonde?”  “hahahahahahaha”

2) Don’t Go In The House

This is actually a rather depressing rip-off of Maniac.  The trailer makes it look a lot more interesting (and fun) than it actually is.  Which, of course, is what a trailer is supposed to do.  (The DVD, by the way, features a pretty interesting interview with the star of this film, Dan Grimaldi.)

3) Corruption

“No women will dare go home alone after seeing Corruption!”  That’s right, boys, go see Corruption and you will get laid!  You can say a silent prayer of thanks to Peter Cushing after…By the way, I’m planning on seeing Corruption on DVD but I’ll be sure to watch it at a male’s house or apartment in order to make sure that I have someone to escort me home afterward.  So, if any of you guys out there have an hour or two to kill (so to speak)…

4) Swamp Girl

I like this trailer and I have a feeling I might find something to enjoy in the actual film is just because I come from a long line of swamp girls.  That said, I don’t think I could be one myself.  There’s too many little buggies and things flying around the swamp.

Is the haunting Theme From Swamp Girl stuck in your head now?

5) Journey Into The Beyond

In previous editions of Lisa Marie’s Favorite Grindhouse and Exploitation Trailers, I haven’t highlighted any of the several hundred mondo film trailers that are out there because I kind of agree with something that Giovanni Lombardo Radice said: mondo movies are a remnant of fascism.  And they are.  But, I had to include Journey Into The Beyond here because how can you not enjoy listening to John Carradine?

6) Don’t Open Till Christmas

If you happen to watch an Italian or Spanish slasher film made between 1979 and 1983, there’s a fairly good chance that Edmund Purdom will turn out to be the killer.  Well, I guess Purdom got sick of being typecast because, in 1983, he directed a film of his own and it’s a holiday film!