Here’s The Trailer For Percy vs Goliath!

Christopher Walken vs. Zach Braff? Gee, who’s going to win that fight?

Actually, we’ll never know because, in this upcoming film Percy vs Goliath, Walken and Braff are actually allies. Walken plays an aging farmer who gets sued by a gigantic corporation and who appeals the case all the way to the Supreme Court. Braff plays his attorney. Christina Ricci plays an environmental activist. This is based on a true story and it sounds like the type of film that’s usually promoted for the Oscars. That said, that April 30th release date indicates that this is not being set up as an Oscar film.

Myself, I’m just interested in seeing Christopher Walken in a lead role for once. As of late, he’s mostly done quirky supporting turns. I’m also glad to see Christina Ricci in another movie because she doesn’t really seem to get as much work as her talent warrants. As for Zach Braff …. to be honest, I actually thought he was Ray Romano when the trailer began. That said, I will let you in on a little secret. I actually kind of liked Garden State.

Anyway, here’s the trailer for Percy vs Goliath!

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