Caught In The “Loop Of The Sun”

Ryan C.'s Four Color Apocalypse

Oversized, spiral-bound, and presented in a seismic flood of lavish riso-printed colors on exceptionally sturdy paper stock, Daria Tessler’s latest offering via artisan publisher Perfectly Acceptable Press, Loop Of The Sun, is a thing of beauty in the purely physical sense, it’s true — but as a self-contained sequential (though not strictly “comics” per se) story that  nevertheless fits comfortably within its creator’s larger ouevre, it stands out for both its thematic depth and transcendent visual auteurship. In other words, it may carry a $45 price tag, but there’s no doubt it’s worth every penny of that, and then some.

Tessler’s art has always existed at a self-created intersection between archaeology and alchemy, piecing together folkloric texts and historical artifacts in order to conjure something unique from disparate elements — and in this case, the subject being a creation myth from ancient Egypt proves to be…

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Here’s The International Trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker!

Y’know, I could write up a thousand words or so about this trailer but let’s be honest.  That’s not why you clicked on this link.  You want to watch the damn trailer and I don’t blame you!  Here it is:

Anyway, I’m not going to pretend that I really understand every single thing that’s excited everyone else about this trailer.  I mean, it looks like an entertaining movie and Adam Driver looks really good as Kylo Ren but, as I’ve mentioned in the past, I’m not really a huge Star Wars person.  That said, this looks like it’ll have some exciting moments and I’m looking forward to seeing it.  I’m not looking forward to all the twitter debates about whether or not the film is actually good or not but that’s just a part of life.



Music Video of the Day: Black Friday by Stray From The Path (2014, dir by ????)

Today is Black Friday!  This is the day when, all across the United States, people storm into stores and fight each other over …. well, everything.

Every year, there’s like a hundred think pieces decrying the commercialism of Black Friday and complaining that corporations are exploiting human weakness and that it’s a sad state of affairs and blah blah blah.  Listen — I love Black Friday.  Black Friday is where you prove what your worth and show just how far you’re willing to go to make sure that everyone you love has a merry Christmas.  My sisters and I are expert Black Friday shoppers and yes, we still go out and hit the stores.  We take the risk.  We don’t hide behind online shopping.  Not on Black Friday.

So, let’s hope that the Bowman sisters can summon half as much energy this Black Friday as Stray From The Path summons up in this video.  Of course, I should point out that this song is very much against the madness of Black Friday.  It attacks “American Greed” and basically taunts those of us who hit the sales.  Well, that’s their right.  I mean, I don’t think anyone can be shocked to discover that Stray From The Path is skeptical of capitalism run amok.

(Myself, I love capitalism.  It’s fun.)

Anyway, stay safe out there and enjoy!