“Urscape” #1 : Will Cardini Leaves It All Behind — And Leaves It All On The Page

Ryan C.'s Four Color Apocalypse

If there was anything tethering Will Cardini to the dull, consensus version of “reality” — and that’s a mighty big “if” — it’s gone now, as his imagination completely and utterly flies the coop with the release of his new self-published B&W full-sized comic (he calls it a “mini,” but it’s not) Urscape #1. The cosmic clashes of absolutes that were his stock in trade in earlier pubs such as Tales From The Hyperverse and Sphere Fear are here not so much jettisoned as naturally transitioned into those selfsame absolutes — in this case represented by his recurring protagonist Miizzzard — just being absolute and doing absolute sorts of things.

To that end, I think it’s safe to tell you that what you should expect here is a series of 20 full “splash” pages that don’t so much tell a story as simply become one.

Narrative was always a threadbare…

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Music Video of The Day: This Feeling by The Chainsmokers, featuring Kelsea Bellerini (2018, dir by Similar But Different)

Welcome to the world of Motorcross, which is apparently the most fun you can have when you combine motorcycles and drunk people.  (Of course, the majority of the drunk people are in the stands, watching.  Or, at least, that’s the way things tend to be down here in Texas, where people are responsible drivers but irresponsible observes.  Unless, of course, the driver has presidential ambitions and is the son of an extremely wealthy local politician.  Then, he can pretty much do whatever the Hell he wants behind the wheel of a car….)

Anyway, I like this video because not only does it capture the blue collar swagger of a local sporting event but it also ends with a hint that everyone’s dead.  At least, that’s what I assume the final image means.  Did they die during the race or before?  It’s totally possible that they could in Purgatory and maybe we’re just watching them pass the time while they wait for a final judgment.

I appreciate the dusty atmosphere of this video.  I like the suggestion of a melodrama that we can observe but perhaps not quite understand.  It’s a deceptively simple video.  What looks like a simple race might actually be a journey to something else.  It’s up to the viewer to decide just where exactly that journey is going.


Editorial: On Classic Hollywood and Historical Perspective

cracked rear viewer

TRIGGER WARNING: Tonight’s post has been cancelled so I can present the following editorial. All views expressed are mine alone. Not all of you will agree with me. If you’re too sensitive, please just keep it moving. For the rest of you, read on…  

*sigh* I shouldn’t even have to be writing this. 

The New York Yankees baseball  team have stopped playing Kate Smith’s immortal “God Bless America” at their games. Hockey’s Philadelphia Flyers have followed suit, and Philly’s Wells Fargo Arena has gone so far as to  remove a statue of Ms. Smith from the premises. Meanwhile, at Kentucky’s Bowling Green University, plans are afoot to rename the Gish Sisters Movie Theater, named after pioneering film stars Lillian and Dorothy Gish.

What’s going on here, you may well ask?

Let’s start with the venerable Kate Smith. For those of you unfamiliar, Kate Smith was a popular songstress whose…

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Trash TV Guru : “Doom Patrol” Season One, Episode Eleven – “Frances Patrol”

Trash Film Guru

Say one thing for the DC Universe original streaming series Doom Patrol : its own internal tug-of-war, no doubt the design of “showrunner” Jeremy Carver, is working. Last week, we were pulled back into the ongoing psychodrama between Timothy Dalton’s “Chief” Niles Caulder and Alan Tudyk’s wonderfully depraved Mr. Nobody, and in the newest episode, “Frances Patrol,” we’re drawn back out in a major way, our focus shifted squarely back onto the makeshift “team” of super-misfits, who find themselves either “flying solo” or in hitherto-unseen pairings.

On the going it alone front, Matt Bomer/Matthew Zuk’s Larry Trainor (is he ever really “alone,” though, given the “Negative Spirit” he shares a body with?) has made the gutsy decision to meet, like it or not, with former flame John Bowers (played in the present day by Tom Fitzpatrick, in flashback by, as always, Kyle Clements), while the makeshift duos in April…

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Trash Film Guru Vs. The Ultimate Blockbuster : “Avengers : Endgame”

Trash Film Guru

On the face of it, I’ve set myself a fool’s errand here : to review Avengers : Endgame on its own merits, completely divorced from its cultural context and all which came before it, may not even be possible. But once we get a few particulars out of the way, that’s precisely what I intend to do, those particulars being : This. Is. The. Biggest. Thing. Ever.

We’re talking the cinematic equivalent of your wedding day or the birth of your first kid — or so the Disney/Marvel marketing machine would have you believe, not that they’re necessarily wrong, depending on your own circumstances. The so-called “MCU” came into being when I was in my 30s, but I can only imagine what this must mean to people who literally grew up on this stuff. Ten years of big-budget spectacle after big-budget spectacle, all leading up to this — the

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Music Video of the Day: Morgan Page (ft. Lissie) — The Longest Road (Deadmau5 Remix) (2008, dir by ????)

I’m a Texas girl so I guess it’s kind of inevitable that I would love this video (not to mention the song!).  I’ve spent some time in the desert though I haven’t spent as much time on the back of a horse as some members of my family.  Some of that’s because, one of the few times that I did ride a horse, we ended up running straight through a giant spider web.  Fortunately, the spider wasn’t home at the time but that still didn’t keep me from screaming all the way from Benavides to San Antonio.

I know that non-Texans tend to assume that everyone down here owns a horse and wears a cowboy hat but that’s not really true.  That said, a Texas horse is still better than every other horse in every other state of the union.


Here’s The Trailer for 21 Bridges!

To be absolutely honest, the trailer for 21 Bridges looks pretty generic.  Everything about it — from the New York setting to the tough dialogue to the casting of J.K. Simmons as some sort of authority figure — looks like what you would expect from an action film in 2019.

Still, the film might be interesting because it features Chadwick Boseman in a role outside of the MCU.  Now, of course, Boseman made many non-MCU films before he was cast as the King of Wakanda.  He played everyone from Jackie Robinson to James Brown to Thurgood Marshall.  Still, for most people, Boseman is best known for playing T’Challa in Black Panther21 Bridges will give us a chance to see if the same audience that loved that film will follow Boseman over to a non-Marvel action film.

21 Bridges, which Boseman produced along with the Russo Brothers, will be released on July 12th.  The trailer is below!