A Blast From The Past: You Are The One (dir by Andy Warhol)

Pop artist Andy Warhol wasn’t just a painter and a celebrity.  He was also a filmmaker.

Below, you’ll find Warhol’s final film.  In 1985, using a type of early computer known as an Amiga, Warhol made a 2 and a half-minute movies called You Are The One.  It’s a strange little movie, one that features Marilyn Monroe and a disembodied voice repeating, “You are the one.”  It’s atmospheric and, when viewed under the right circumstances, kind of creepy.

This movie was believed to be lost until 2007, when it was found hidden away in Warhol’s studio.

Here is Andy Warhol’s final film:

One response to “A Blast From The Past: You Are The One (dir by Andy Warhol)

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