Cleaning Out The DVR Yet Again #6: Who Killed My Husband? (dir by David Winning)

(Lisa recently discovered that she only has about 8 hours of space left on her DVR!  It turns out that she’s been recording movies from July and she just hasn’t gotten around to watching and reviewing them yet.  So, once again, Lisa is cleaning out her DVR!  She is going to try to watch and review 52 movies by Thanksgiving, November 24th!  Will she make it?  Keep checking the site to find out!)


I recorded Who Killed My Husband off of the Lifetime Movie Network on October 16th.

Who Killed My Husband opens with Detective Douglas Howell (Jim Thorburn) on top of the world!  He’s recently married a fellow detective, Sophie (Andrea Bowen).  He’s got a teenage daughter named Chloe (Yasmeene Ball) and Chloe may have extremely severe asthma and she may be having a hard time adjusting to her new stepmother but everything’s going to be okay, right?  After all, it’s her birthday!  All Doug has to do is drive out to the local bakery and pick up her birthday cake!

Doug’s life is so perfect that I’m surprised that he doesn’t have a personalized license plates that read, “Live4Eva.”  Because, seriously, when everything’s going this perfect, there’s no way that some sudden tragedy could occur, right?

Well, if that was the case, there wouldn’t be many Lifetime movies.  And, just because of this movie’s title, we already know what’s going to happen to Doug before he even steps into that bakery…

Doug picks up his cake but then he notices that a mysterious man in a hoodie is loitering inside the bakery.  “Hey,” Doug says, “this place is closed.”  (That’s not an exact quote and no, I’m not going to rewatch the damn film just to get the exact quote.  It’s close enough.)  The man turns around, draws a gun, and shoots Doug!


Anyway, Sophie spends a while on desk duty but eventually, her brother — who also happens to be her boss — gives her an undercover assignment.  Apparently, someone is embezzling money from the local cybertech company.  Sophie’s given a job at the company and she’s also given an office!  Fortunately, everyone who works at the company is always having incriminating conversations right outside her office.  That should make it easy to solve the case.  Except…

That’s right, there’s a twist!  First off, the owner of the company is mysteriously blown up and his wife doesn’t seem to care.  Sophie finds herself attracted to a coworker but wonders if she can trust him.  Then, when she’s climbing a wall as a part of team-building exercise, she nearly plunges to her death!  There’s more than just embezzlement going on at this company and somehow, it’s related to her husband’s death.

Does that sound complicated?  It really isn’t.  This is pretty much a typical Lifetime film and you’ll be able to guess who the bad guy is pretty easily.  Probably the most interesting thing about the mystery subplot is that it gives us a chance to view Lifetime’s version of what it’s like to work for Google.  You thought that the companies portrayed in Silicon Valley were cut throat?  Just check out Who Killed My Husband!

I did, however, like the film’s other subplot.  After her father’s death, Chloe resents her mother and Sophie struggles to connect with her stepdaughter.  Chloe is taken seriously ill during the investigation and Sophie has to balance solving the mystery with taking care of her daughter.  That was sweet.  I have asthma and I was a rebellious teenager so I related to Chloe.

Otherwise, this was pretty much a typical and kind of forgettable little Lifetime film.  If you enjoy Lifetime films, this is a pleasant little time waster.  If you’re not into Lifetime movies, Who Killed My Husband probably won’t change your mind.

2 responses to “Cleaning Out The DVR Yet Again #6: Who Killed My Husband? (dir by David Winning)

  1. I saw Washington license plates in the movie that as filmed in Canada? Just curious what city if any in Washington state that it was filmed in?


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