AMV of the Day: Work Bitch (Kakegurui)

How about an AMV for Labor Day?  And how about an AMV featuring one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite singers?

Anime: Kakegurui

Song: Work Bitch by Britney Spears

Creator: Agness Shi (as always, please consider subscribing to the creator’s channel.  A lot of hard work goes into making an amv!)

Past AMVs of the Day

Music Video of the Day: Work Bitch by Britney Spears (2016, dir by ????)

Happy Labor Day!

I’m not really sure what this day is supposed to be celebrating.  I mean, I assume that it’s the day in which the workers are all supposed to unite or join a union or whatever but I’m not sure how that links to a few people getting the day off and no trash being picked up.  Personally, I’m just happy for the long weekend and I’m going to hope that none of my neighbors accidentally put their trash out tomorrow because then it’ll end up sitting out in the alley for three days and a 3 day-old trash bag is not something that anyone needs to see.

Anyway, it’s a part of the Bowman family tradition that, for the entirety of Labor Day weekend, I only listen to Britney Spears.  Usually but not always, I not only listen but I also sing along.  For the most part, it depends on the air quality.  As important as it is to sing along with Britney, that part of the observance can be ignored if you were running the danger of losing your voice before the holiday began.  The important thing is that you have to make your decision whether or not to sing along before Labor Day actually begins and, once you make the choice, you have to stick with it.  This year, due to some seasonal allergies, my voice was already a little bit hoarse before the holiday weekend began so I’ve chosen only to sing along to a few of Britney’s songs.

Anyway, this being Labor Day and all, it only makes sense that today’s music video of the day should be Work Bitch.  Now, I already shared the first video for Work Bitch.  The version that I’m sharing today is the live version, which was filmed during Britney’s performance at the 2016 Apple Music Festival.

Work Bitch is probably my favorite Britney song.  If nothing else, it’s the one that my sister Erin and I seem to quote from the most.  “You better work, bitch,” is a phrase that has many different meanings in Lisa-and-Erin speak.  To understand the phrase’s meaning at any particular time, it’s important to listen for which word gets the most emphasis.  “You better work, BITCH,” is actually the most affectionate use of the phrase.  On the other hand, “You BETTER work, bitch,” means that someone’s in trouble.

Britney’s been going through a lot recently and, as always, she’s had to do it all in the glare of the public spotlight.  (Just imagine how any of us would come across if our every personal difficulty and/or emotional moment was displayed on TMZ?)  On this Labor Day, keep her in your thoughts.


Music Video of the Day: Work Bitch by Britney Spears (2013, dir by Ben Mor)

I was going to start this post by saying that my resolution for 2018 was to start every day by saying, “Work, bitch,” as I continued to make my dreams a reality.

Every day, when I looked in the mirror, I would say, “Work, bitch.”

Every day, when it was time to find a new adventure, I would say, “Work, bitch.”

Every day, when it was time to sit down and write, I would say, “Work, bitch.”

Every day, when I thought about how to make this site even better than it already is, I would say, “Work, bitch.”

No complacency for me!  No surrender!  No taking anything for granted!

Instead, every day, “Work, bitch.”

That really was going to be my resolution but then I realized that I already do that every day.  I’ve been saying, “Work, bitch,” every since this song first came out.  I don’t need a resolution to make myself work.  I already do that.

So, I guess my new resolution is to look in the mirror and say, “Relax, bitch.”

(For the record, bitch is a term of endearment and empowerment when I use it.)

Anyway, I like this video.  Britney whips her dancers into shape.  I may do the same thing with some of the people I work with this year.  Maybe that’s my 2018 resolution…


(And Free Britney!)

10 Of Lisa Marie’s Favorite Songs of 2013

Continuing my series on the best of 2013, here are ten of my favorite songs from 2013. Now, I’m not necessarily saying that these were the best songs of 2013. Some of them aren’t. But these are ten songs that, in the future, will define 2013 for me personally. Again, these are my picks and my picks only. So, if you think my taste in music sucks (and, admittedly, quite a few people do), direct your scorn at me and not at anyone else who writes for the Shattered Lens.

I’ve occasionally been asked what my criteria for a good song us. Honestly, the main things I look for in a song is 1) can I dance to it, 2) can I write to it, and 3) can I get all into singing it while I’m stuck in traffic or in the shower?

Anyway, at the risk of revealing just how much of a dork I truly am, here are ten of my favorite songs of 2013.

10) A Low and Swelling Sound Gradually Swelling (composed by Shane Carruth)

This atmospheric instrumental piece comes from the soundtrack of the best film of 2013, Upstream Color.  This is great writing music.

9) Giorgio By Moroder (performed by Daft Punk and Giorgio Moroder)

From Random Access Memories.

8) Saturday (performed by Rebecca Black and Dave Days)

I make no apologies.  Much like Friday, this is a fun song to sing when you’re driving to and from work.  Plus, I think the video’s clever.

7) Brave (performed by Sara Bareilles)

I have to admit that I loved this song more before it started showing up in Nokia Lumia commercials.

6) Feel This Moment (performed by Pitbull, feat. Christina Aguilera)

5) Haunted (performed by ROB)

This is from the Maniac soundtrack.  Much like the Carruth song, this is great writing music.

4) Work Bitch (performed by Britney Spears)

Not a day goes by that I don’t find an excuse to say, “You gotta work, bitch.”

3) A Little Party Never Killed Nobody (All We Got) (performed by Fergie, feat. Q-Tip and Goon Rock)

From The Great Gatsby soundtrack.

2) Just Give Me A Reason (performed by Pink and Nate Ruess)

1) Lose Yourself to Dance (performed by Daft Punk and Pharrell Williams)

What else needs to be said?

Finally, here are two honorable mentions.  These are two songs that helped define 2013 for me but, for various reasons, could not be included in my top ten.

First off, Alison Gold’s Chinese Food is technically a terrible song but it’s so terrible that it becomes oddly fascinating.  Thanks to the presence of Patrice Wilson, the video is probably one of the most unintentionally creepy music videos ever made.

(I should admit that I happen to love Chinese food myself and therefore, this song is one that I’ve sung a lot over the past few years.)

The second honorable mention is a far better song than Chinese Food: Icona Pop’s I Love It.  I Love It was released in 2012 but it’s the song that I listened to nonstop last year..  So, even if it was released a year earlier, I Love It is still my favorite song of 2013.

Tomorrow, I will continue my look back at 2013 with 10 good things that I saw on television last year.

Other Entries In TSL’s Look Back At 2013:

  1. Lisa Marie’s 16 Worst Films of 2013
  2. Necromoonyeti’s Top 10 Metal Albums of 2013
  3. Things That Dork Geekus Dug In 2013
  4. Lisa Marie’s Best of 2o13 SyFy