The Eric Roberts Horror Collection: Clinton Road (dir by Richard Grieco and Steve Stanulis)

2019’s Clinton Road features what might be my favorite Eric Roberts cameo appearance.

Roberts appears standing outside a club in New Jersey.  He’s speaking to the woman who is working the door and trying to convince her that he should be allowed into the club, even though she doesn’t think that he’s on the list.  He explains that he’s Eric Roberts.  The woman replies that he’s not the Eric Roberts that she knows but then, suddenly, she realizes that he is Eric Roberts the movie star!  She apologizes profusely.  Eric says its okay and gives her a fist bump.  Everyone waiting to get into the club applauds.

Seriously, that is the extent of Eric Roberts’s role in Clinton Road.  It comes out of nowhere and it has nothing to do with the actual plot of the film.  Why is Eric Roberts waiting outside of some club in New Jersey?  Who knows?  He’s just there and he’s a cool dude and everyone loves him.  As with so many of his cameos, one gets the feeling that Roberts just happened to see some people shooting a movie and he decided to be a part of it.

Eric Roberts is not the only well-known actor to make a brief appearance in Clinton Road.  The film itself was directed by actor Richard Grieco and it’s obvious that he asked some of his well-known friends to help out.  The manager of the club is played Ice-T and he shows up long enough to tell the urban legend of the vanishing hitchhiker.  The owner of the club is Vincent Pastore, who played Pussy on The Sopranos.  Private investigator-turned-character actor Bo Dietl shows up, playing the mayor of the town and barking orders at people.  Everyone gets a chance to be, at least briefly, the center of attention but none of them play characters who actually have anything to do with the film’s main story.

That story is about Michael (played by former American Idol contestant, Ace Young), a fireman whose wife disappeared while walking down Clinton Road, a haunted rural road in New Jersey.  (For the record, Clinton Road is real and, as this film states, it’s the center of many urban legends.)  Michael is ready to move on and marry his new girlfriend, Kayla (Lauren LaVera).  However, Michael’s former sister-in-law, Isabella (Katie Morrison), convinces Michael to go out to Clinton Road with her and make one last effort to contact his wife’s spirit.  Accompanying them is a medium named Begory (James DeBello), Begory’s girlfriend, Gianna (Erin O’Brien), and Michael’s brother, Tyler (former Big Brother houseguest Cody Calafiore).  Tyler is loudly skeptical of Begory’s claims to be able to speak to the dead but it soon becomes clear that the group is not alone on Clinton Road.

To my surprise, I ended up liking Clinton Road.  It’s a very low-budget film and the plot doesn’t always make sense but it was obviously made by people who both loved New Jersey and who loved the legends that have sprung up around Clinton Road.  The atmosphere was ominous, the imagery was often surreal, and, when they did appear, the spirits were effectively creepy.  The fact that the characters all had an attitude that was more appropriate to The Sopranos than to a standard lost-in-the-woods horror film only served to make the film all the more entertaining.  If you’re going to set your horror film in New Jersey, you might as well go all out and make the most New Jersey horror film imaginable.

I enjoyed this film.  I just hope Eric Roberts didn’t make the mistake of turning down Clinton Road on his way home.

Previous Eric Roberts Films That We Have Reviewed:

  1. Star 80 (1983)
  2. Blood Red (1989)
  3. The Ambulance (1990)
  4. The Lost Capone (1990)
  5. Love, Cheat, & Steal (1993)
  6. Love Is A Gun (1994)
  7. Sensation (1994)
  8. Dark Angel (1996)
  9. Doctor Who (1996)
  10. Most Wanted (1997)
  11. Mr. Brightside (2004)
  12. Six: The Mark Unleased (2004)
  13. Hey You (2006)
  14. In The Blink of an Eye (2009)
  15. Enemies Among Us (2010)
  16. The Expendables (2010) 
  17. Sharktopus (2010)
  18. Deadline (2012)
  19. Miss Atomic Bomb (2012)
  20. Lovelace (2013)
  21. Self-Storage (2013)
  22. This Is Our Time (2013)
  23. Inherent Vice (2014)
  24. Road to the Open (2014)
  25. Rumors of War (2014)
  26. Amityville Death House (2015)
  27. A Fatal Obsession (2015)
  28. Stalked By My Doctor (2015)
  29. Joker’s Poltergeist (2016)
  30. Prayer Never Fails (2016)
  31. Stalked By My Doctor: The Return (2016)
  32. The Wrong Roommate (2016)
  33. Dark Image (2017)
  34. Stalked By My Doctor: Patient’s Revenge (2018)
  35. Monster Island (2019)
  36. Seven Deadly Sins (2019)
  37. Stalked By My Doctor: A Sleepwalker’s Nightmare (2019)
  38. The Wrong Mommy (2019)
  39. Exodus of a Prodigal Son (2020)
  40. Free Lunch Express (2020)
  41. Her Deadly Groom (2020)
  42. Top Gunner (2020)
  43. Deadly Nightshade (2021)
  44. Just What The Doctor Ordered (2021)
  45. Killer Advice (2021)
  46. The Poltergeist Diaries (2021)
  47. A Town Called Parable (2021)
  48. My Dinner With Eric (2022)