Music Video of the Day: Killed By Death by Motorhead (1984, directed by Rod Swenson)

Though it’s hard to believe now, this music video was actually banned by MTV for what the channel considered to be “senseless and excessive violence.”  I guess Lemmy driving through that wall and giving everyone the finger really upset them.

Ron Swenson, the director of this controversial video, was best-known for being the manager of the Plasmatics.


Song of the Day: Killed by Death (by Motörhead)

Lemmy Kilmister

Late today the heavy metal and hard rock world were hit with some sad news. Lemmy Kilmister (born Ian Fraser Kilmister) died at the age of 70 from cancer.

Lemmy was the frontman and the face of the band Motörhead and one the great bassist of hard rock and heavy metal. His band would help influence the rise of both speed metal and thrash metal. The band would combine the speed of punk with the heavy sound of metal. While he would never acknowledge his contribution to both speed and thrash, Lemmy and his band’s influence would be felt early on. Metallica even covered one of the band’s classic songs, “Overkill”, as a birthday gift to Lemmy.

Lemmy lived his life as he saw fit. He drank, did the drugs, had the sex and continued to do so despite what the world at large thought of such behavior. He was one of the true gods of rock and his presence will be sorely missed. Yet, despite his passing he would be the first to tell everyone to get off their asses and celebrate his life and not mourn his death.

I plan to do just that and drink a couple fingers of bourbon in his honor. Bourbon

Rest in peace Lemmy.

Killed by Death

If you squeeze my lizard
I´ll put my snake on you
I´m a romantic adventure
And I´m a reptile too

But it don´t make no difference
´cos I ain´t gonna be, easy, easy
the only time I´m gonna be easy´s when I´m
Killed by death
Killed by death
Killed by death
Killed by death

I´m a lone wolf ligger
But I ain´t no pretty boy
I´m a backbone shiver
and I´m a bundle of joy


But it don´t make no difference
´cos I ain´t gonna be, easy, easy
the only time I´m easy´s when I´m
Killed by death
Killed by death
Killed by death
Killed by death

Killed by death
Killed by death
Killed by death
Killed by death