Here Are The 20 Semi-Finalists From The Best Visual Effects Oscar

For those of you trying to perfect your Oscar nominations before they’re announced in January, here are the 20 semi-finalists for the Best Visual Effects Oscar!  So, if you were planning on predicting a nomination for Godzilla or Shazam!, drop them from your list because they didn’t make it.  Instead, the nominees will come from the list below:

  • “Ad Astra”
  • “The Aeronauts”
  • “Aladdin”
  • “Alita: Battle Angel”
  • “Avengers: Endgame”
  • “Captain Marvel”
  • “Cats”
  • “Dumbo”
  • “Fast and Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw”
  • “Ford v Ferrari”
  • “Gemini Man”
  • “The Irishman”
  • “Jumanji: The Next Level”
  • “The Lion King”
  • “Men in Black: International”
  • “Midway”
  • “1917”
  • “Spider-Man: Far from Home”
  • “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker”
  • “Terminator: Dark Fate”

Here’s The Trailer For Gemini Man!

Young Will Smith tries to kill Old Will Smith in …. Gemini Man!

At least, that would appear to be the plot of this upcoming sci-fi film.  To be honest, it sounds kinda generic and it’s definitely hard not to look at that plot description and think, “Okay, so it’s Looper but instead of time travel, it’s just clones.”

Well, here’s why you maybe should be kinda sorta interested in seeing Gemini Man:

It was directed by Ang Lee!

Honestly, I will watch anything that Ang Lee directs.  He could release a three hour documentary about dermatology and I would totally ask someone to buy me a ticket.  Everyone seems to pretty much agree that Ang Lee’s Brokeback Mountain should have been named Best Picture over Crash.  To be honest, I would argue that, even more than Brokeback Mountain over Crash, Life of Pi deserved to win over Argo.  If nothing else, Lee certainly earned both of his directing Oscars.

(How forgotten is Argo?  I actually had to remind myself that it was the film that defeated Life of Pi at the Oscars.)

So, will Gemini Man see Ang Lee returning to the Oscar conversation?  Hmmm …. well, probably not.  I mean, it’s an Ang Lee movie but it’s also a Will Smith science fiction film. I mean, the last time that Lee tried to do a “genre” film, the end result was the Hulk, which wasn’t really appreciated until nearly a decade after it was initially released.

Still, anything is possible!  One could argue that the recent nominations of Get Out and Black Panther have proven that the Academy is no longer totally biased against well-made genre films, especially if those films have the type of thought-provoking subtext that a director like Ang Lee can bring to a project.  As always, we’ll see what happens.  For now, here’s the first trailer for Gemini Man: