The Futuristic Covers of Future Science Fiction

January, 1954. Artwork by Alex Schomburg

Future Science Fiction was a magazine that started in 1939 and was initially published until 1943.  The World War II paper shortage brought the magazine to a temporary end but, in 1950, the magazine was relaunched and ran for another ten years.  Future featured stories about aliens, different worlds, and future wars.  Writers such as Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Poul Anderson, and Philip K. Dick appeared in the magazine.  Today, though, the magazine is best remembered for covers that brought a distinct pulp sensibility to the science fiction genre.

Here are just a few of the covers of Future Science Fiction.

March, 1939. Artwork by Frank R. Paul

August, 1942. Artwork by John Forte, Jr.

October, 1942. Cover by Hannes Bok

August, 1950. Artwork by Earle Bergey

October, 1950. Artwork by Leo Morey

March, 1951. Artwork by Milton Luros

1952, September. Artwork by Peter Poulton

1954, March. Artwork by Alex Schomburg

Summer, 1957. Artwork by Frank Kelly Freas

February, 1959. Artwork by Edmund Emshwiller

June, 1959. Artwork by Virgil Finlay

February, 1960. Artwork by Paul Orban

The Out Of This World Covers Of The Pulps

by Leo Morey

Years before any whistleblowers testified at any Congressional hearings about crashed UFOS and “non-human remains,” the pulps told the world all that it needed to know about spaceships, aliens, and what lies beyond the Milky Way.  Here’s a small sampling of the out of this world covers of the pulps (and one comic book that I included because I liked the cover)!

by Albert Drake

by Carmine Infantino

by Edmund Emshwiller

by Frank R. Paul

by Fred Kirberger

by Leo Morey

by Leo Morey

by Lou Morales

by Mel Hunter

by Peter Poulton

by Robert Gibson Jones

by Virgil Finlay

Celebrate Moon Day With The Pulps

by Enoch Bolles

54 years ago today, the first manned spaceflight to the Moon touched down on the lunar surface.  Let’s celebrate this wonderful anniversary with a little help from the pulps!  Not only were these covers illustrated by some of the finest artists working in the business but they also provide a clue as to how people imagined life on the Moon before Neil Armstrong first stepped out of the capsule.

by Albert Drake

by Edmund Emshwiller

by Frank Frazetta

by Howard V. Brown

by Joe Orlando

by Lawrence Sterne Stevens

by Robert Graef

by Roger Kastel

by Walter Popp

by John Melo


The Spectacular Covers of Startling Stories

by Earle Bergey

Startling Stories was a sci-fi pulp magazine that ran from 1939 through 1955.  It went through many different editors and formats during that time but one thing that was always consistent was the quality of the magazine’s covers.  Though most of the covers were done by Earle Bergey, a few other notable pulp artists also made contributions to the magazine.  Below is a small sampling of the spectacular covers of Starting Stories!

by Alex Schomburg

by Earle Bergey

by Earle Bergey

by Earle Bergey

by Earle Bergey

by Earle Bergey

by Earle Bergey

by Earle Bergey

by Earle Bergey

by Edmund Emshwiller

by Edmund Emshwiller

by Howard V. Brown

by Howard V. Brown

by Howard V. Brown

by Rudolph Belarski

by Rudolph Belarski

by Rudolph Belarski

by Walter Popp

Celebrate Dinosaur Day With The Pulps!

by Alex Schomburg

Happy Dinosaur Day!  Today is the day when we  celebrate the former rulers of our planet!  Dinosaurs were alwasy a popular subject with the pulps.  Pulp magazines were full of stories about modern-day dinosaurs and speculation about why the real ones when extinct.  Putting a dinosaur on the cover of a magazine or a paperback was a good way to catch the attention of readers all over.  Today, let’s celebrate Dinosaur Day with the help of the pulps!

Artist Unknown

Artist Unknown

by Edmund Emshwiller

by Frank R. Paul

by George Gross

by Howard V. Brown

by J. Allen St. John

by J. Allen St. John

by Lawrence Sterne Stevens

by Thomas Beecham

Happy Dinosaur Day!

by Jerome Podwil