Music Video of the Day: Rock the Night by Europe (1987, directed by Nick Morris)

If you were a member of the band Europe in 1987, you were all about rocking the night!

And what better way to rock the night than by going to the Hard Rock Cafe and watching one of your own music videos on television?

There were actually two videos filmed for this song.  The first one was a simple performance clip, featuring Europe rocking and the audience rolling.  The second and more popular video features Europe going to a Hard Rock Café and discovering that the first video is playing on TV!  This, of course, leads to the band rocking and rolling in the restaurant.  In the 80s, a hair band rocking a chain restaurant was as common a sight as a flapper doing the Lindy Hop in the 20s.

This video was filmed at an actual Hard Rock Café in Stockholm.  The first Hard Rock Café was opened in London in 1971 and the company really didn’t start to expand worldwide until 1982, five years before this video was filmed.  At the time of the video, the Hard Rock Cafe brand was still very cool and a pretty big deal.  (Yes, those shirts used to really stand for something.)  When the Stockholm Hard Rock Café first opened in 1985, it was only the chain’s seventh location.  (Today, by comparison, there are 180 operating Hard Rock Cafes.)  The Stockholm restaurant is currently still open but I don’t know if Europe still hangs out there.

This video was directed by Nick Morris, who also did the videos for both The Final Countdown and Carrie.



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