Music Video of the Day: I Need Your Love by Calvin Harris, featuring Ellie Goulding (2013, dir by Emil Nava)

There’s a lot of good things to say about this video.  Beyond the fact that I like the song, I also enjoy seeing all of the different people who run off with the camera.  This video has a lot of energy and it’s just a lot of fun to watch.  Visually, it’s a perfect fit for the music.

But, honestly, the main reason that I love this video is that Calvin and Ellie are just amazingly, incredibly adorable together!  Usually, whenever I see a video about a couple in love, I always assume that one of them has died and the survivor is now remembering all of the good times.  But, in this case, I chose to believe that Calvin and Ellie’s characters not only survived the video but that they stayed together.

(Of course, in real life, Calvin Harris was dating Rita Ora when this video came out.)


One response to “Music Video of the Day: I Need Your Love by Calvin Harris, featuring Ellie Goulding (2013, dir by Emil Nava)

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