8 Films That Should Never Have Been Nominated For Best Picture

Sometimes, the Academy gets it wrong.

For instance, these 8 films have two things in common:

  1. They were all nominated for best picture.
  2. They shouldn’t have been.


  1. American Beauty (1999)

Shallow, pretentious, and more than a little misogynistic, American Beauty was somehow not only nominated but won as well.

crash-2004 4

2. Crash (2005)

Oh my God.  How the Hell did this mess of a movie win?


3. Avatar (2009)

Yawn.  I’ve written at length about my dislike for this film so I’m not going to waste too much more space on it.  It would be nice if James Cameron was capable of writing dialogue that didn’t sound like something that would get a failing grade in a high school creative writing class.


4. The Kids Are All Right (2010)

Acclaimed when first released, The Kids Are All Right was forgotten fairly quickly.  When seen today, it comes across like a sitcom version of life among the wealthy and out of touch.  I don’t think any film featuring an organic food restaurant is going to age well.


5. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2011)

In the wake of 9/11, an extremely annoying brat bothers random people in New York.  One of the worst films ever.

The Descendants

6. The Descendants (2011)

Alexander Payne’s comedy of tragedy and infidelity isn’t terrible but it wasn’t that great either.

7. Birdman (2014)

While it’s nice that Michael Keaton made a comeback, this is still one of the most overrated films of all time.  Will anyone care about Birdman in ten more years?


8. The Big Short (2015)

The worst thing about the economic crash?  It gave us a movie like The Big Short.

2 responses to “8 Films That Should Never Have Been Nominated For Best Picture

  1. I’ve watched THE BIG SHORT three times now and I still don’t get what all the fuss was about. Agreed about THE DESCENDANTS. It was a really good movie but it wasn’t that good. CRASH was just a pretentious mess.


  2. When I saw the headline, I was all set to not agree with most, if not all of your choices. But you fooled me. Eight for eight. Nice job!

    (My own selections, to make it an even ten, are Gladiator and Titanic)


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