Here’s The Latest Trailer For The Suddenly Controversial The Hateful Eight

It’s amazing how quickly things can change.

Just one month ago, The Hateful Eight was a film that everyone was eagerly anticipating but which no one was expecting to be as controversial or as incendiary as Quentin Tarantino’s previous film, Django Unchained.  I think a lot of us were expecting The Hateful Eight to be a bit like Kill Bill — i.e., a delirious homage to Tarantino’s favorite films and one that took place in a parallel universe.  We were expecting The Hateful Eight to be an example of pure cinema, with little connection to the outside world.

But that was a month ago.  Things have changed.  As I sit here typing this, The Hateful Eight has suddenly become one of the most controversial films of 2015.  Suddenly, deciding whether or not to see it has been transformed into a political decision.  Following Tarantino’s public criticism of the police and his refusal to back down from his statements, there are suddenly calls to boycott Tarantino’s latest film.

Myself, I’m not a huge fan of boycotting anything.  I may choose not to see something for whatever reason but that’s my choice and it certainly does not make me politically or morally superior to anyone who may choose differently.  Ultimately, those who want to boycott Tarantino’s film because of his liberal politics need to realize that they’ll also be boycotting a film that stars Libertarian Kurt Russell and features Republican Bruce Dern.  If you can’t stand Tarantino’s politics, don’t vote for him when he runs for President.  Don’t vote for any candidate that he endorses.  But leave his movies, and those of us who want to watch them, alone.

Add to that, The Hateful Eight looks really good!  Check out the trailer below!

Here’s The Trailer For Alice Through The Looking Glass!

Mia Wasikowska (who was so great in Jane Eyre, Only Lovers Left Alive, and Crimson Peak) returns as Alice in the trailer for the upcoming film, Alice Through The Looking Glass!  Johnny Depp will be waiting for her.  However, Tim Burton (who previously directed Alice In Wonderland) will only be producing this installment.  Directing duties will be handled by James Bobin.

The film will be released on May 27th, 2016 but until then, watch the trailer below!


4 Shots From 4 Films: Watership Down, The Lord of the Rings, When The Wind Blows, A Scanner Darkly

I’m in the mood for animation.

4 Shots From 4 Films

Watership Down (1978, directed by Martin Rosen)

Watership Down (1978, directed by Martin Rosen)

The Lord of the Rings (1978, directed by Ralph Bakshi)

The Lord of the Rings (1978, directed by Ralph Bakshi)

When the Window Blows (1986, directed by Jimmy Murakami)

When the Wind Blows (1986, directed by Jimmy Murakami)

A Scanner Darkly (2006, directed by Richard Linklater)

A Scanner Darkly (2006, directed by Richard Linklater)