A Tribute To Wes Craven

Whatever words I have to say about Wes Craven would never be enough. But here’s my pathetic attempt at a tribute, anyway.

Trash Film Guru


If I had a dime for every time I heard “I didn’t even know Wes Craven was ill” today, I’d be a very wealthy man. And if I could add in the times I said it myself, I’d be doubly rich. Sadly, no one’s paying me for either either hearing or saying it, so all that means is that we’re stuck with the shitty reality that one of the true masters of modern horror is no longer with us. And I’m still broke. The latter,can probably be fixed — the former, tragically, can’t.

Brain cancer is an especially horrific way to go, and I hope that Wes was surrounded by family and friends and went peacefully into the land of eternal sleep and nightmare. I add “nightmare” in there because, let’s face it, he’d probably be bored in an afterlife that was all rainbows, candy, sunshine, and smiles. I’m sure…

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2 responses to “A Tribute To Wes Craven

  1. Pingback: 6 Trailers from Wes Craven | Through the Shattered Lens

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