I Love You, Canada! And here’s six trailers to prove it…

 I think I’ve been a little bit too hard on Canada as of late.  I mean, sure — our northern neighbor did give us Paul Haggis and Vermont.  However, Canada also gave us Degrassi: The Next Generation, Jason Reitman, Atom Egoyan, David Cronenberg, Denys Arcand, and my friend Lindsay Dianne.  So, I’m here to say right now: I love Canada!  And in order to show that love, this week’s edition of Lisa Marie’s Favorite Grindhouse and Exploitation Trailers is dedicated to films produced up in Canada.

1) Sudden  Fury (1975)

I’ve never seen this movie and I don’t know much about it beyond the fact that it was made in Canada.  Looking at the cast list at the end of the trailer, I don’t see any familiar names.  But the trailer fascinates me because it somehow manages to be intriguing and dull at the same time. 

2) Rats (1982)

I haven’t actually seen  this one either and I’m kind of glad for that because seriously, I am scared to death of rats.  I remember this one time when I was little, I was visiting my grandpa’s place in Arkansas and he lived in this big  three-story house out in the country.  And I was sitting out back in this swing when suddenly, this rat jumped out of  a  third story window and it landed right next to the swing and broke its neck and died with its tail twitching as I watched.  I still have nightmares about that.  Anyway, this film is apparently not to be confused with Bruno Mattei’s Rats: The Nights of Terror

3) Humongous (1983)

This is one of the several million slasher films that ended up being made in Canada by American film companies looking for a tax shelter.  Just imagine how much shorter the trailer would have been in the movie had simply been called Huge.  Incidentally, the film was directed by Paul Lynch, the same guy who did the original Prom Night.

4) Fast Company (1979)

Arleigh would never let me live it down if I did a post and didn’t include a trailer for a David Cronenberg film.  So, here you go.  Now, to be honest, this trailer is only interesting if you know that 1) it’s for a film directed by David Cronenberg and that 2) he made this in between making Rabid and The Brood.  Now I know that this trailer probably screams out, “David Cronenberg just needed the work,” but Cronenberg has actually spoken with a good deal of fondness about  this film.  I personally haven’t seen it but I guess if anyone could somehow make a movie about drag racing exciting, it would be David  Cronenberg.

5) Videodrome (1983)

Here’s a more representative example of what we think about when  we think about Cronenberg.

6) Out of the Blue (1980)

Originally, I was going to end this with the 2 Cronenberg films but then I remembered that Dennis Hopper’s Out Of The Blue was a Canadian production and there were simply no way I couldn’t end with that film.  Out of the Blue is, quite simply put, one of the greatest films ever made.  I’ve been meaning to write a review of it for a while now but it’s been difficult for me to know where to begin because, in many ways, viewing Out of the Blue was as much of a personal experience for me as watching Black Swan

9 responses to “I Love You, Canada! And here’s six trailers to prove it…

  1. Omigod, I absolutely cannot believe you found Humongous!! 🙂 I remember that trailer! That’s one of those old obscure films that no one I know is aware of (kind of like Mother’s Day). Kudos for finding that and the others.


    • I haven’t ever seen Humongous (and according to Amazon, I probably never will since the film isn’t available on DVD) but I’ve read about it in a few film books and I think it’s the title that has always made it stick in my mind. It’s like — it’s not just big, it’s not just large, but it’s not quite gigantic either. It’s just HUMONGOUS!

      Humongous is a strange sounding word anyway.


        • Oh, it’s beyond venting now. 🙂

          I’m on a mission. I don’t appreciate this wimpy “I’m not a fan” approach of his. If he’s going to dislike me, he better be prepared to hate me more than he’s ever hated anyone.

          Because eventually, extreme hate just destroys the hater from within. 🙂


          • Just a quick note: Earlier today, I did some editing on the first paragraph of this post and I removed a rather petty comment that I made regarding another film blogger. In retrospect, the comment was pretty childish and certainly not something that I take any pride in doing. So, if certain other blogger is reading this, I apologize and I hope that he understands that I — and no one else who writes for this site — was responsible for making that comment. I’m not proud of it and it will not happen again.


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