What Lisa, Evelyn, and Erin Watched Sunday Night #96: The 71st Annual Golden Globe Awards

On Sunday night, my sister, my best friend, and I gathered together and watched the 71st Annual Golden Globes.


Why Were Watching It?

Because it was an awards show!  Seriously, I love awards.

What Was It About?

When you think about it, the Golden Globes are a lot like that nerdy kid in high school that everyone tolerated because he had rich parents but who they still made fun of every chance they got.  Whenever his parents went out of town, he would throw a wild but somewhat desperate party.  Everyone would spend the weekend trashing his house and drinking all of his alcohol and then leave without bothering to help him clean up afterward.

(I guess now would be a good time to add that, if Taylor is reading this, sorry!)

Seriously, the Golden Globes are so weird!  Nobody is really sure who is in the Hollywood Foreign Press but, every year, they serve free drinks and give out a lot of awards and, as a result, everyone in Hollywood gets together for one night.

What Worked?

Okay, first thing first — a lot of people on twitter thought that the speech Diane Keaton gave and song she sang while accepting the Governor’s Award for Woody Allen was creepy but I thought it was really sweet!  I know that a lot of people have issues with Woody Allen (see below) but I usually enjoy his movies.

(When they were showing clips from Allen’s career, they showed Diane Keaton in Annie Hall going, “La dee da, la dee da…” and Evelyn says, “Is she playing Lisa?”)

Last year, I was one of the few people who didn’t think that Tina Fey and Amy Poehler did that great of a job as hosts but this year, I agree with everyone else.  Tina and Amy should host everything.

I loved it when Melissa McCarthy was pretending to be Matt Damon.  What I especially loved was how Matt Damon played along with the joke, to the extent that when Michael Douglas praised him while accepting his Golden Globe, Matt actually pointed over at Melissa.

I can’t complain about any of the winners, which is a rarity for me.  I was surprised to see Brooklyn Nine Nine win the Golden Globes for Best Actor and Best TV Show Comedy but I’ve never actually watched the show so I can’t complain.

My favorite acceptance speech came from Matthew McConaughey, mostly because he said, “Alright, alright, alright…”

Finally, a most importantly, a lot of redheads were honored this year.  It was a good night for my fellow members of the 2%.

What Did Not Work?

Oh, where to start?  Because of all the alcohol involved and the mix of television and movie stars, the Golden Globes have gotten a reputation for being more fun than the Oscars but, for every celebrity who is a fun drunk, there’s about a hundred more who are boring drunks and the 71st annual Golden Globes proved this point.  For every Emma Thompson, there was a Jacqueline Bisset.  For all the attention that’s being given to a few unexpected moments (and NBC’s reaction to those moments — who would have guessed the censors would get so worked up over vagina?), the Golden Globes were actually rather restrained and boring this year.

The award for most obnoxious presenter goes to Diddy.  What was Diddy even doing up there?

The Golden Globes Ceremony was scheduled to last three hours and, unlike the Oscars, it ended on time.  However, a lot of those three hours were taken up with watching the winners trying to navigate their way up to the stage.  It got boring.  Add to that, I am so tired of nominees who don’t bother to come up with a coherent speech before they win their award.  It’s not that cute.

All in all, the ceremony could have really used a big production number or two.

Of course, Woody Allen can’t ever win an award without his son, Ronan Farrow, going on twitter and whining about how terrible his father is and all of the little sycophants who follow him chimed in with their usual, “Oh Ronan, I’m sorry!”  Uhmmm, just curious — would anyone know who Ronan Farrow is if not for his parents?  A lot of people have had shitty fathers but very few of those people have managed to get their own show on MSNBC as a result of it.  Just saying.

Who exactly told Emma Stone it would be a good idea to wear a dress that appeared to be decorated with sperm?

“Oh my God!  Just like me!” Moments

I'll Show You Some Golden Globes!

I’ll Show You Some Golden Globes!

Lessons Learned

Award shows can be boring.

6 responses to “What Lisa, Evelyn, and Erin Watched Sunday Night #96: The 71st Annual Golden Globe Awards

  1. It can finally be revealed…the identities of the shadowy figures that control the Hollywood Foreign press!

    It’s all so obvious when you look at the name of the show…Golden Globes.

    Say it with me now: Gol-den Globes…Gol-den Globe-ssss…

    Now, doesn’t Golden Globes sounds just like…


    Yes, Menahem GOLAN and Yoram GLOBUS: they work in Hollywood, they’re foreign, and everybody knows that Jews practically run Hollywood, and by proxy, Hollywood awards shows, which are basically one big marketing exercise.

    Granted, Golan and Globus were still in their adolescent years when the Golden Globes were formed (or to put it another way, their own golden globes were still forming), but since they were Jewish and, by extension, extremely wealthy, they got their folks to buy it for them–possibly because Golan and Globus knew that even if they made a slew of critically-panned schlock, they would have their own awards show to counter all the grief they’d receive from the inevitable formation of the Razzie awards.

    Stick THAT in your list of Hollywood paranoia, Lisa Marie!

    Conspiracies aside, I really have no idea who half these people are at the Golden Globes–as I said, I don’t watch it, and I don’t pay much attention to American TV shows being confected these days. However, I was tortured repeatedly by those incredibly unfunny promotional spots with those two women (note I don’t use the noble term “comediennes” to describe them) who hosted the show. I’ve read some of that Fey woman’s “humour”, and I don’t care if she were blessed with the delivery of Richard Pryor (which she isn’t)–NO amount of superb delivery could polish those turds that pass for “zingers” in the muddled-mind of Tina Oi-Vey. In fact, I’ve seen newsreaders burdened with the horrible task of announcing bushfire fatalities make me feel cheerier than that horrible wench.

    Woody Allen has a son named Ronan Farrow? Shit, I didn’t even know, bwahahahahahaaaah! And the poor chump COMPLAINS about having Woody Allen for a father? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAH! And you say he gets his own television show because of it? That’s too funny! Seriously, what a friggin’ ingrate!

    (Oh, I’ve just Googled Ronan Farrow–no, I really DIDN’T know Woody had a kid named Ronan–and at the risk of sounding like that Maury clown who conducts those bogus DNA tests on his chat show–Woody Allen, you are NOT Ronan Farrow’s father! Honestly, there is no way this kid got fifty percent of his DNA from the Allen gene pool. No shit, considering the kid has a hare lip, I reckon the father is more likely to be Stacey Keach).

    Honestly, if Ronan Farrow thinks he has it bad, he should be lucky he didn’t have to give Father’s Day gifts to Klaus Kinski.

    Jacqueline Bisset is still around? Doing what?

    (I’m not all that certain my question isn’t rhetorical).

    As for Emma Stone wearing a dress covered in sperm, I’m sure that by the end of the night she wasn’t the only one.


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