Trailer: Bayonetta 2 (Official E3)


The first Bayonetta game from Plaitnum Games was and continues to be one of my favorite games for the Xbox 360. Released for both the Xbox 360 and PS3, Bayonetta was a uniquely imaginative hack and slash title that took what was best of the early Devil May Cry series and a game that was so over-the-top that it charmed the pants out of anyone who remotely even tried playing it.

So, it was with heavy heart that when the sequel was announced as being funded by Nintendo thus making it exclusive only to the Wii U console system. There was much ranting, raving and railing at Platinum Games selling out and that the game will not be the same in the House of Family-Friendly Nintendo.


Well, the first trailer for the game was shown at this week’s E3 in Los Angeles and it looks like Bayonetta fans have more to cry about because it looks like Nintendo didn’t screw it up by putting a leash on Platinum Games. Bayonetta 2 looks just as crazy as the first title and even the title character’s new look has won her old fans over.

Now the question is whether the game will sell to warrant a third game, but one for all systems. With the lackluster sales numbers of the Wii U since it’s release here’s to hoping that every Wii U owner buys this game.

Bayonetta 2 is set for a 2014 release.

Darksiders II Launch Trailer

One of my most anticipated game titles is just hours away from release. The game is the sequel to the surprise hit of 2010, Darksiders, and where that first title had the Horseman of the Apocalypse War as the playable character this time around it’s his brother Horseman Death who players get to control.

Darksiders II is set to occur concurrently to the events of the first game. Where War tried to figure out who framed him for starting the Apocalypse prematurely thus causing mankind’s extinction, this time around Death tries a different tack while War goes on his quest. Death is not as honorable as War and will do whatever it takes to prove his brother innocent of the crime he’s being accused of even if it means rebooting reality, so to speak.

August 114, 2012 will see the release of this title and for myself and those fortunate enough the video above will be something we would be doing in the next couple days with huge grins on our faces. I may have to wait a week or two before playing with my move to a new apartment taking precedence, but I shall play this game. Oh yes, I shall play this game.

Trailer: Darksiders II – Death Strikes (Part Two)

Darksiders II: Death Strikes (Part One)

The second part of THQ and Vigil Games’ short-film trailer to introduce the character of Death for their sequel to 2010’s Darksiders has now come out and it shows the Pale Horseman of the Apocalypse taking on even more demons and an enormous angelic engine of destruction. We don’t hear Death speak (his voice will be veteran genre actor Michael Wincott), but we do see him in action taking on demons and then finally transforming into his more recognizable Grim Reaper aspect to take on the battle engine.

If there was a game I’m really waiting to get my hands on this summer it will be this game and hopefully the delay of releasing the game on June 26, 2012 to a later date of August 14, 2012 means more polishing and tweaking of the final product before it comes out to the public. Here’s to hoping that when it finally comes out it will not be buggy and be as good or better than the game that preceded it.


Trailer: Darksiders II – Death Strikes (Part One)

One of my favorite video game titles from 2010 was also one of it’s earliest releases with THQ and Vigil Games’ post-apocalyptic action-adventure, hack and slash Darksiders. It was the game which allowed the player to play as War of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. It was a game that was received positively by both critics and the general public though the title was not without it’s flaws.

Darksiders sold quite enough units for both the Xbox 360 and the PS3 that THQ was quick to greenlit a sequel to the title. This was good news since the first game ended in what one could only assume was a cliffhanger. I mean this was a game that was epic in its art design, epic in it’s story (it is set after the world ends in the game’s prologue) and finally it just sounded epic. The ending itself wasn’t just a cliffhanger but gave a clue as to how the game would continue on as a franchise. War a player was already able to play in the first game and the game end’s with three other flaming meteor’s streaking down to Earth. Hmmm, I wonder just who or what exactly are those three mysterious meteors.

[spoilers in video below for those who haven’t played the first game]

With the sequel only months away from release we get the first CG cinematic trailer for it released and show’s the Death as the newest Horseman of the Apocalypse the player gets to play this time around. Yes, you heard that correctly. You as a player gets to play as Death itself. From the look of how Death move and fights in the trailer he’s more lithe and agile than the more brutish and “crush rocks with each step” brother War.

With both Skyrim and Mass Effect 3 now out and played this title now goes up my list for 2012 as one of my most-anticipated titles to get a hold of a play. Also, one thing which should make playing Death epic: Michael Wincott will voice the character.

Darksiders is set for a June 26, 2012 release date for the Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U and Windows PC.

E3 2011: Ninja Gaiden 3 (Trailer and Gameplay Demo)

This year’s E3 wouldn’t be the same if the folks from Team Ninja (though one that’s somewhat not as awesome with it’s rockstar leader Itagaki Tomonobu having left the studio) didn’t release more cool stuff about the latest and third entry in their Ninja Gaiden action-adventure franchise.

Ninja Gaiden 3 returns with it’s iconic ninja-hero, Ryu Hayabusa, and more blood and severed limbs that a gamer can shake a Wiimote at. The series has always been about extreme violence and always been known to cater to the hardcore of the hardcore gamers out there. The Ninja Gaiden series never catered to the newbie gamer. They even  had a hilarious way to help out gamers who could never master the game by creating an “easy” difficulty level simply called “Ninja Dog”. Team Ninja’s newest lead designer, Yosuke Hayashi, mentioned that this latest game will not have it’s difficulty level  toned down for the casual gamers out there who will have some major difficulties getting past the game.

That’s the good news in addition to how the game just looks gorgeous (like all past games in the series), but one thing shown at this week’s E3 really dampened my excitement for this third entry: inclusion of QTE (Quick Time Events) where a player presses a series of buttons to accomplish an event. QTE’s I consider as part of the “pussification of hardcore action games” and games like those in the God of War series (which I love but could’ve loved even more if they got rid of the QTEs) rely heavily on such gameplay mechanics.

Ninja Gaiden 3 should be about testing a gamer’s skill and not how fast they can press a combo of buttons shown on the screen to finish an event. Other than that disappointing news most of the announcements by Team Ninja about this title still will have me dropping some cash to buy and play it. Here’s to hoping that Team Ninja doesn’t drop a ton of QTEs in this game. No amount of severed limbs and bodies or lakes of hot, steaming blood would be enough to balance out a ton of QTE’s in a game that never needed them.