Scenes I Love: “The Orange Man” from Unbreakable.

There’s a part of me that really wants to see M. Night Shyamalan come back into his own again. I think somewhere between The Village and Lady in the Water, he started this strange descent. But back in 2000, he had “Unbreakable” which wasn’t bad at all. The story of a man who discovers he has abilities far beyond normal people, Unbreakable could be considered one of the first ‘every person superhero’ films. As with some origin stories, Unbreakable’s David Dunn has to come to terms with what he can do. Once he’s put on the path by a Comic Book aficionado (played by Samuel L. Jackson), he heads off to do some good.

The above is David Dunn taking down a home invader with a simple choke hold. Enjoy.

The first time I saw this scene was on DVD, with my little brother. This part in particular left us with smiles. It’s not so much what takes place, but the music behind it. James Newton Howard’s score takes what would normally be a quick action theme (for a story like this) and uses a dramatic piece to cover the scene. I thought it worked really well here. It also reminds me that as he wasn’t working on The Dark Knight Rises score with Hans Zimmer, you might not find a lot of those softer themes. Then again, with Gotham in turmoil, maybe that’s not the kind of music it needs right now.