Horror on TV: One Step Beyond 2.25 “The Haunting” (dir by John Newland)

On tonight’s episode of One Step Beyond, a man suspects that his best friend is having an affair with his fiancee.  What better way to take care of the problem than by leaving his friend to die on the side of a mountain?

It seems like the perfect crime and the man might get away with it …. but only if he can do something about the ghost who seems to be stalking him in the days leading up to his wedding!

As always, this is supposedly based on a true story.

This episode originally aired on March 1st, 1960.


4 Shots From 4 Haunted Films: The Haunting, Poltergeist, The Conjuring, Crimson Peak

4 Shots From 4 Films is just what it says it is, 4 shots from 4 of our favorite films. As opposed to the reviews and recaps that we usually post, 4 Shots From 4 Films lets the visuals do the talking.

Today, the Shattered Lens gets a little bit spooky with….

4 Shots From 4 Haunted Films

The Haunting (1963, dir by Robert Wise)

Poltergeist (1982, dir by Tobe Hooper)

The Conjuring (2013, dir by James Wan)

Crimson Peak (2015, dir by Guillermo Del Toro)

Horror on TV: One Step Beyond 2.25 “The Haunting” (dir by John Newland)

On tonight’s episode of One Step Beyond, a man suspects that his best friend is having an affair with his fiancee.  What better way to take care of the problem than by leaving his friend to die on the side of a mountain?

It seems like the perfect crime and the man might get away with it …. but only if he can do something about the ghost who seems to be stalking him in the days leading up to his wedding!

As always, this is supposedly based on a true story.

This episode originally aired on March 1st, 1960.


Halloween Havoc!: THE HAUNTING (MGM 1963)

cracked rear viewer

“No one will come in the night… in the dark!”


There’s nothing like a good haunted house movie, and 1963’s THE HAUNTING is one of the best ever. Producer/director Robert Wise cut his filmic teeth on Val Lewton shockers like THE BODY SNATCHER  and noirs such as BORN TO KILL  before graduating to mainstream movies like I WANT TO LIVE! and WEST SIDE STORY. In THE HAUNTING he returns to his dark roots to create a nightmarish vision of Shirley Jackson’s eerie novel The Haunting of Hill House.


“Scandal, murder, insanity, suicide” have plagued Hill House for close to 100 years. The cursed Crain family were its original inhabitants, designed by eccentric Hugh Crain. The house is a darkly foreboding Gothic structure with oddly tilted angles both inside and out. Dr. John Markham, a paranormal investigator, visits proper Bostonian matron Mrs. Sanderson, the house’s current owner, asking to take a lease…

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6 Scary Trailers For October 2nd

Well, it’s October!  It’s horror month!  It’s a freaking horrorthon!

And that means that it’s time for the return of Lisa Marie’s Favorite Grindhouse and Exploitation Film trailers!  And yes, it’s a horror edition!

Let’s see what trailers we have this week:

The House On Haunted Hill (1959)

The House On Haunted Hill (1999)

Return to House On Haunted Hill (2007)

The Haunting (1963)

The Haunting (1999)

The Others (2001)

What do you think, Halloween Possum?

(Picture Taken By The Dazzling Erin Nicole)

(Picture Taken By The Dazzling Erin Nicole)