The Eric Roberts Horror Collection: Black Wake (dir by Jeremiah Kipp)

In this film from 2018 (which is largely made up of “found footage”), authorities are confused by a series of mysterious, beachside deaths.  The dead seem to have little to no connection with each other, besides having died near the Atlantic Ocean.  Some think that the murders are the result of a cult.  However, Dr. Luiza Moreira (Nana Gouvea) is convinced that the death are being caused by some sort of parasite that is transferred from host to host.  Her boss (Eric Roberts) doesn’t buy it and he thinks that Dr. Moreira is becoming unhinged in her obsession with her theory.  But soon, the streets are full of zombiefied killers, all of whom seem to be determined to reach the ocean.

As for Dr. Moreira, her boss may actually have a point about her behavior.  Much of the film is made up footage of Dr. Moreira speaking straight to the camera, explaining her theory and also discussing how everyone that she works with is either too foolish or too in denial to understand that its right.  Soon, she almost seems to be taking a bit of joy in just how out-of-control the situation has become.  Meanwhile, she finds herself suffering from terrible headaches and occasional hallucinations.  Two government agents follow her and watch her every move, ominously talking about how she doesn’t realize what is really happening.  When she tries to go to her family to warn them about what is happening, she discovers that the situation is even more extreme than she originally thought.

Black Wake is a low-budget slice of Cthulhu-style horror, one that works because it embraces its low budget and basically tosses in every weird twist and situation that it can come up with.  It’s an enjoyably weird movie and, if nothing else, it captures the extent to which some people will go to pretend that there’s nothing strange happening around them.  My favorites were the dumbass frat guys who just had to pick up a hitchhiker, despite the fact that she was obviously homicidal and disturbed.  One of the frat guys points out that it might not be a good idea to pick up a stranger while there’s a wave of mass murders occurring at the beach, one of his friends rationalizes the decision by saying, “She’s a chick.”  Drunk frat boys so desperate to get laid that they’ll risk being murdered?  That’s probably the most realistic moment in the entire film.

Eric Roberts appears in three scenes, playing an unsympathetic bureaucrat.  (Is there any other type?)  He’s not the only actor making a cameo here.  Chuck Zito plays a sheriff.  Vincent Pastore plays a doctor who memorably says, “Fuck this!” when confronted with the walking dead.  And Tom Sizemore has two effective scenes as an unstable homicide detective.

Previous Eric Roberts Films That We Have Reviewed:

  1. Star 80 (1983)
  2. Blood Red (1989)
  3. The Ambulance (1990)
  4. The Lost Capone (1990)
  5. Love, Cheat, & Steal (1993)
  6. Love Is A Gun (1994)
  7. Sensation (1994)
  8. Dark Angel (1996)
  9. Doctor Who (1996)
  10. Most Wanted (1997)
  11. Mr. Brightside (2004)
  12. Six: The Mark Unleased (2004)
  13. Hey You (2006)
  14. In The Blink of an Eye (2009)
  15. Enemies Among Us (2010)
  16. The Expendables (2010) 
  17. Sharktopus (2010)
  18. The Dead Want Women (2012)
  19. Deadline (2012)
  20. Miss Atomic Bomb (2012)
  21. Lovelace (2013)
  22. Self-Storage (2013)
  23. This Is Our Time (2013)
  24. Inherent Vice (2014)
  25. Road to the Open (2014)
  26. Rumors of War (2014)
  27. Amityville Death House (2015)
  28. A Fatal Obsession (2015)
  29. Stalked By My Doctor (2015)
  30. Joker’s Poltergeist (2016)
  31. Prayer Never Fails (2016)
  32. Stalked By My Doctor: The Return (2016)
  33. The Wrong Roommate (2016)
  34. Dark Image (2017)
  35. Stalked By My Doctor: Patient’s Revenge (2018)
  36. Clinton Island (2019)
  37. Monster Island (2019)
  38. Seven Deadly Sins (2019)
  39. Stalked By My Doctor: A Sleepwalker’s Nightmare (2019)
  40. The Wrong Mommy (2019)
  41. Exodus of a Prodigal Son (2020)
  42. Free Lunch Express (2020)
  43. Her Deadly Groom (2020)
  44. Top Gunner (2020)
  45. Deadly Nightshade (2021)
  46. Just What The Doctor Ordered (2021)
  47. Killer Advice (2021)
  48. The Poltergeist Diaries (2021)
  49. A Town Called Parable (2021)
  50. My Dinner With Eric (2022)