Music Video of the Day: Can’t Get Enough by Jennifer Lopez (2024, dir by Dave Meyers)

Today’s music video of the day is the latest from Jennifer Lopez.  Supposedly, this video was inspired by her wedding to Ben Affleck and her previous marriages.  I like the idea of getting married in the rain.  Rain makes everything better.  Also, even if a bouquet is cursed, you should make every effort to catch it.  Curses are temporary but celebrity bouquets are forever.

The divorce better get a music video of its own.


Music Video of the Day: Boys by Britney Spears (2002, dir by Dave Meyers)

Today’s music video of the day is here to help you to get in the mood to party on New Year’s Eve.  If you don’t have plans to visit a castle and dance with Austin Powers and Taye Diggs, why don’t you?

Enjoy and here’s hoping for happiness (for Britney and all of us) in 2024!

Music Video of the Day: Radar by Britney Spears (2009, dir by Dave Meyers)

In today’s music video of the day, Britney Spears visits a polo mansion and decides that she doesn’t really need a new necklace.  Apparently, the original plan for the video was to have Britney and her friends chasing one guy through several different clubs.  However, in what director Dave Meyers described as being an attempt to “class things up,” the video was instead moved to a mansion and featured Britney flirting with polo players.  Personally, while I think this video is well-done, I think they should have stuck with the original plan.  Britney’s appeal has always been that she doesn’t have to be posh.


Music Video of the Day: (There’s Gotta Be) More To Life by Stacie Orrico (2003, dir by Dave Meyers)

No one’s having a good time in this video!

Indeed, there does have to be more to life.  That was a true sentiment in 2003 and it’s a true sentiment 20 years later.  People are still trying to figure out what else they can get out of life.  I think the answer is different for everyone.  That said, if you’re standing in your front yard while your significant other impotently yells at a repo man who is trying to take away your baby’s crib …. I don’t know if there’s really anyway to come back from something like that.  You might want to find a new partner because the one you’ve got obviously isn’t holding up their end of the deal.


Music Video of the Day: Let Somebody Go by Coldplay and Selena Gomez (2022, dir by Dave Meyers)

Oh, the goodbye hug.  The tearful break-up.  The understanding farewell.  The moment when you watch someone walk away and it becomes clear that the two of you will probably never see each other again.  We’ve all been through that type of pain and, more often than not, when we remember the moment, we remember it as being in black-and-white.  Selena Gomez was the perfect choice for this song, bringing truthful sadness and emotion to the lyrics.  

This video was directed by Dave Meyers.  Dave Meyers has directed a lot of videos.  How many Dave Meyers videos have we shared on this site?  I don’t know, I’ve lost track.  Whatever it is that it takes to make someone into a good music video director, Dave Meyers definitely has it.  This, of course, is actually the second video for this song.  The first video has a sort of sci-fi feel to it.  I prefer Meyers’s more emotional approach.

Remember when Selena Gomez shows up in The Big Short and explained how some sort of stock market concept worked.  And some old lady said, “I like Selena Gomez, I’ll invest in whatever she’s investing in.”  That was a weird scene and I have to admit that I still have no idea how the stock market works.

I usually don’t follow or comment on celebrity gossip because I find it to be tacky but I was happy when Chris Martin divorced Gwyneth Paltrow.  I was concerned that she was using all of his Coldplay money to invest in making candles.  I will admit that I kind of pictured the “Dinner Party” episode of The Office whenever I imagined what it was like to visit Chris and Gwyneth.  “Heybabe? How about we take the beer sign down until our guests leave and then we can discuss it.”

Anyway, enjoy!

We had that kind of love
I thought that it would never end
Oh, my lover, oh, my other, oh, my friend
We talked around in circles and
We talked around and then
I loved you to the moon and back again
You gave everything this golden glow
Now turn off all the stars ’cause this I know
That it hurts like so
To let somebody go
All the storms we weathered
Everything that we went through
Now, without you, what on earth am I to do?
When I called the mathematicians and I ask them to explain
They said love is only equal to the pain
And when everything was going wrong
You could turn my sorrow into song
Oh, it hurts like so
To let somebody go
To let somebody go
Oh-oh (oh-oh)
(Let somebody, let somebody go) yeah
Oh, oh-oh (oh), when you love somebody (oh)
When you love somebody (oh)
Got to let somebody know
Oh, oh-oh (oh), when you love somebody (oh)
When you love somebody (oh)
Got to let somebody know
So, when you love somebody
When you love somebody
Then it hurts like so
To let somebody go
It hurts like so
To let somebody go
But you’re still with me, now I know
(Let somebody, let somebody go)
Oh-oh (let somebody, let somebody go)
But you’re still with me, now I know

Music Video of the Day: Take A Picture by Filter (1999, dir. by Dave Meyers)

I like this song because photography has always been my thing so when I hear “Take a picture,” that’s the same thought that I usually have in my head.

When I first saw this video, I thought that all the things that happened in it were things that the singer wished he could take a picture of.  Plus, because the band was called Filter, I really did think that this entire song was about someone who loved taking pictures.  Later I found out that the song was actually about getting drunk and needing someone to take a picture so you would be able to remember what you did in the morning.  I like my version better.

Music Video Of The Day: Adore You by Harry Styles (2019, dir by Dave Meyers)

Today’s music video of the day is the video for Harry Styles’s Adore You and you know what?  It’s kind of brilliant.

It takes place in the fishing village of Eroda where everyone suffers from “resting fish face,” which is another way of saying that no one there ever smiles.  But then Harry Styles is born and he has a smile so bright that it literally blinds people!  It all goes on from there and it’s a really cute, clever, and kind of touching video.

This video was directed by Dave Meyers, who has done videos for just about everyone in the world.  He did the video for Katy Perry’s Fireworks for instance.  (Remember when you couldn’t go anywhere without hearing that song being played?  That was …. well, that torture, to be honest.  It’s a good song but not one that benefits from being overplayed.)  Meyers has also done videos from Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Justin Timberlake, Kelly Clarkson, Avril Lavingne, P!nk …. like I said, just about everyone.


Music Video of the Day: Visions of Paradise by Mick Jagger (2002, directed by Dave Meyers)

Yesterday was the 76th birthday of Sir Michael Phillip Jagger so it seems appropriate to give him today’s music video of the day slot.  Visions of Paradise was the first video off of Mick Jagger’s fourth solo album, Goddess in the Doorway.

This video was directed by Dave Meyers, who is one of those music video directors who seems to have worked with everyone.  If you look over the list of videos he’s directed, you’ll see everyone from Master P to Kid Rock to Pink and Taylor Swift.

Enjoy and keep rocking, Sir Mick!

Music Video of the Day: Lucky by Britney Spears (2000, dir by Dave Meyers)

Britney Spears wins an Academy Award!

Okay, it’ll probably never happen.  I mean, I’ve watched Crossroads more times than I care to admit but even I have to admit that Britney is a better singer than actress.  That said, we’ll always have the music video for Lucky, in which Britney does win an Oscar.  Well, actually, Britney plays an actress named Lucky who wins an Oscar but, even before the tabloids did their thing, it was obvious that Lucky and Britney were one in the same.  With the benefit of hindsight, there’s a poignant subtext to this song and this video.  Lucky was the first video that Britney did that centered around the struggle to balance fame with happiness.  It would not be the last.

Lucky was the second single to be released off of Oops! …. I Did It Again and it’s hard not to feel that both the song and the video were designed to let us know that, regardless of what we may have heard, Britney wasn’t always playing with hearts and getting lost in the game.  Much as how Sometimes was meant to counterbalance the more exuberant ….Baby One More Time, Lucky seems to be saying, “There’s more to Britney than what you’re reading in the tabloids!”

This video was directed by Dave Meyers, who has directed videos for …. well, just looking at his credits, it seems like he’s directed videos for almost everyone.  Kid Rock, Master P, Katy Perry, Ariana Grande, Jennifer Lopez, P!nk, Imagine Dragons, the fucking Dave Matthews Band …. he’s worked with them all.  In fact, he directed that video for Katy Perry’s Fireworks.  (Remember how sick we eventually all got of hearing that song?  Seriously, all through 2010, I dreaded watching any sort of “inspiring” video because I knew Fireworks would be played at some point.)  Anyway, Meyers has worked with Britney a few more times, directing the videos for Boys, Outrageous, and Radar.
