Dance Scenes That I Love: Randall “Tex” Cobb in Uncommon Valor

I know next to nothing about the 1983 film Uncommon Valor, beyond what I read on Wikipedia and the imdb.  (It’s an action film.  Shit gets blown up.)  But, a few days ago, I came across the end credits on Movies TV and I quickly fell in love with the little dance that ends the film.

The dancer, by the way, is a gentleman named Randall “Tex” Cobb, who was apparently a former boxer and who played the Warthog from Hell in Raising Arizona.


Dance Scenes That I Love: Davy Jones and Toni Basil in Head

Today’s dance scene that I love comes from the surrealistic 1968 musical, Head.  It features Davy Jones dancing with the wonderful Toni Basil.

Enjoy and try not to cry because it’s a seriously sad song.

Dance Scenes That I Love: Gene Kelly and Cyd Charisse in Singing In The Rain

Hi, everyone!  Well, as you read this, I am currently on vacation!  That’s right — I put off my vacation for the entire summer because I had a job writing about Big Brother for the Big Brother Blog.  Now that the show is over, I am officially on vacation for the next two weeks!

But don’t worry!  Just because I’m going to be busy exploring this wonderful world of ours for the next two weeks, that doesn’t mean that I haven’t already written and scheduled several posts to keep everyone amused over the next couple of days!

Starting on October 1st, it’ll be our annual horror month here on the Shattered Lens.  But, until that day, allow me to share a few dance scenes that I love and I hope that you’ll love them too!

Let’s get things started with one of my all-time favorites, Gene Kelly ad Cyd Charisse dancing in the Broadway Melody scene from 1952’s Singing in the Rain!


Dance Scenes That I Love: Ex Machina

Earlier today, Jeff and I saw Ex Machina and we thought it was brilliant!  Now, before I (among others here at the TSL) get around to posting a full review later this week, I thought I would share a scene that I loved from the film.  This is the scene that, when it happened, everyone in the theater suddenly realized that they were watching a movie that they would never forget.

I’m not going to go into the details of just why Oscar Isaac and his “friend” are dancing in this scene.  For now, all that’s important is that they are.

See Ex Machina!

Dance Scenes That I Love: The Perks of Being A Wallflower

I really probably shouldn’t share this scene until I actually post my review of The Perks of Being A Wallflower.  But I’ve still  got three other Back to School films to review before I get to Perks and I want to share this scene now!  In this dance scene that I love, Emma Watson and Ezra Miller take over the dance floor in spectacular fashion!

Dance Scenes That I Love: It’s A Wonderful Life

So, this year, the toadsuckers at NBC (the same people who put Whitney on the air and who fired Dan Harmon from Community) decided to bump the annual showing of It’s A Wonderful Life on December 14th so that they could re-air the Carrie Underwood version of The Sound of Music.

Really, NBC?  The remake of The Sound of Music may have gotten great rating when it first aired but it wasn’t that good.  In fact, it was downright annoying at times.  Meanwhile, nearly 70 years after it was first released, It’s A Wonderful Life remains a classic.

With that in mind, here’s one of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite movies.  And yes, it is a dance scene.

NBC will air It’s A Wonderful Life on December 20th.

Dance Scenes That I Love: The Prom From She’s All That

I was shocked and saddened to learn, earlier tonight, about the tragic death of actor Paul Walker.  Though Paul is probably best known for appearing in The Fast and Furious Films, he also appeared in several other films, including 1999’s She’s All That.

Below, you’ll find my favorite scene from She’s All That.  And yes, it does involve dancing.  I was either 13 or 14 when I first saw She’s All That and I have to say that it gave me a lot of very unrealistic expectations about high school.  Imagine my disappointment when I went to my first prom and discovered that, despite the best efforts of both the DJ and myself, hardly anyone was actually interested in breaking out into a carefully choreographed dance routine!

But, I guess that’s why we have the movies…

Dance Scenes That I Love: The Red Shoes


I’ve spent the last two weeks sharing with you some of my favorite cinematic dance scenes.  I hope you’ve enjoyed them.  While this particular series of scenes that I love is ending with this last entry, I do hope to share some more in the future.  For now, what better way to end this series of dance scenes that I love than with the ballet from the classic 1948 film, The Red Shoes?