Dance Scenes That I Love: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun and Teen Witch

Hi there!

Happy National Dance Day!

Tonight, I have two dance scenes to share with you.  The first one was recommended to me by fellow TSL contributor, Valerie Troutman.  It comes from 1985’s Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!  I haven’t seen this film but I enjoy this scene.  It pretty much just screams “1985,” doesn’t it?

(And who wouldn’t want to spend all day watching Dance TV?)

I’ve shared this second scene before but, since we’re on kind of an 80s theme tonight, I simply had to share it again.  From 1989’s Teen Witch, here’s “Top That!”



Dance Scenes that I Love: Aidan Quinn, Daryl Hannah, and Adam Baldwin in Reckless & Judge Reinhold and Nicolas Cage in Zandalee!

Hi, everyone!

Tonight, I am going to share two dance scenes that I love!


Because I love dancing and, even more importantly, I love our wonderful readers!

Our first scene was suggested to me by Valerie Troutman.  It’s from a 1984 film called Reckless.  I haven’t even seen this film but I liked this little scene.  The dancing starts at 2:20 and let’s just say that you’ll never look at Aidan Quinn the same way again.

Our second scene is one that I’ve shared before but it’s just such an odd little scene that I feel like I have to share it again.  Who knows — maybe someone out there is depressed and could use some cheering up.  In this scene from 1991’s Zandalee, Judge Reinhold and Nicolas Cage share a dance while Erika Anderson watches.


Dance Scenes That I Love: The Vampire and the Ballerina and Murderrock

You know what?

I may have shared this before.

But you know what … I have had an incredibly long day so I’m just going to share it again.  This is from the 1960 film, The Vampire and the Ballerina.


And, just because I love you, here’s an extra bonus dance scene from Lucio Fulci’s 1984 film Murderrock!

Dance Scenes That I Love: Get Psychedelic With The Love Commune!

Tonight’s dance scene that I love comes from a 1970 film that has many names.  Some people known at Sign of Aquarius.  Some people know it as Love Commune.  However, it’s best known as Ghetto Freaks!  Watch the scene below and read my review of Ghetto Freaks by clicking here!

And, as a special bonus, here’s the famous acid trip scene from Sign of Aquarius/Love Commune/Ghetto Freaks!  The acid trip scene is NSFW but, then again, you’re probably not at work right now.

(Or maybe you are at work.  But you’re a rebel, right?  Why not invite your boss to come watch with you?)


Dance Scenes That I Love: The Most Menacing Jitterbug of All Time From Mulholland Drive

Tonight’s dance scene that I love comes from the 2001 film, Mulholland Drive.  In fact, it’s the very first scene from that surreal masterpiece.

Trust David Lynch to make the jitterbug seem menacing.

Dance Scenes That I Love: Carla Gugino and Oscar Isaac in Sucker Punch!

So, let’s be honest.

Times are dark.

People are angry.

The future, we are told, is bleak.

It’s easy to get down and feel sad and defeated.

But fear not!  I’m here to cheer you up, every night this week!  From today until next Sunday, I will be sharing some of my favorite dance scenes!

Let’s start things off with this deleted scene from the 2011 film, Sucker Punch!

Dance Scenes That I Love: Crispin Glover in Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter

As proof that any movie — regardless of genre, storyline, or budget — has room for a dance number, check out this dance scene that I love from Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter!

Here’s hoping that everyone’s having a wonderful Crazy Ralph Day!

Horror Scenes That I Love: Slaughterhouse Rock

I’ve never actually seen the 1987 film Slaughterhouse Rock.  I’ve just seen the trailer included in a few compilations and, thanks to YouTube, I’ve seen the scene below.  The only context that I can give for this scene is what I read on Wikipedia.

Apparently, in this scene, a ghost played by the great choreographer Toni Basil does a dance that gives the main character’s spirit the ability to roam free of his physical body.  And, during the dance, we see a lot of earlier scenes from the movie.  Or something like that.  I don’t know.  I just like the scene because of the music and Toni Basil.

I’ve always felt that dancing can take you into a spiritual realm of existence.  This scene proves my point.