Late Night Retro Television Review: Baywatch Nights 1.14 “Backup”

Welcome to Late Night Retro Television Reviews, a feature where we review some of our favorite and least favorite shows of the past!  On Tuesdays, I will be reviewing Baywatch Nights, a detective show that ran in Syndication from 1995 to 1997.  The entire show is currently streaming on Youtube!

This week, Eddie Kramer returns!

Episode 1.14 “Backup”

(Dir by Charles Bail, originally aired on February 24th, 1996)

Visiting his former home for re-certification, former Baywatch lifeguard Eddie Kramer (Billy Warlock) is patrolling the ocean when he comes across a boat that’s on fire and sinking.  Two people on a dinghy yell that someone is still on the boat.  Eddie boards the boat and doesn’t see anyone.  The two people on the dingy continue to insist that someone is on the boat, even as Eddie dives off of it.

Along with Baywatch regular Newman (Michael Newman, the real-life model for Mitch Buchanan), Eddie searches the now sunken boat.  And, to his shock, he finds a dead man on the boat.  Eddie does a classic “Nooooooooo!” but, being underwater, no one can hear him.

With everyone blaming him for the accident, Eddie continues to insist that no one was alive on the boat when he first checked.  Eddie’s old friend and mentor, Mitch Buchanan, decides to investigate the case himself and he soon figures out the truth.  The dead man did drown but he was already dead by the time the boat sank!  But who wanted to kill him?

It’s actually not much of a mystery as there are only two suspects and it is established early on that they’re working together.  In fact, they talk about how they committed the murder before Mitch even figures out that it was a murder so say goodbye to any suspense.  The truth of the matter is that the storyline was less about the mystery and more about trying to boost the ratings by reminding everyone that this was a Baywatch show.  It might have been more effective if the show had made use of a top-tier Baywatch co-star (David Charvet, Pamela Anderson) as opposed to bringing back Billy Warlock, who hadn’t been on the show for a few seasons before his guest turn here.  But then again, bringing on a “current” co-star would have begged the question of “Why do we need a new show to watch a story from the old show?”

There’s a second storyline, in which a man (Barry Pearl) is concerned that his mistress (Valerie Wildman) has hired a hitman to kill him.  Garner, Ryan, and Lou all stakeout the mistress and discover that she doesn’t actually want to go through with the plot and that her original plan was to kill the man’s wife.  The man is so overjoyed to discover that his mistress wanted to kill his wife that he literally jumps for joy.  This was a weird storyline but at least it featured the characters doing real detective work for once.

This was a breezy and entertainingly dumb episode.  This is perhaps the first episode to feature every member of the main cast doing something and there was a nice feeling of comradery amongst the regulars.  That said, the episode ended with Mitch pointing out that they had solved all the cases and then asking, “What do we do now?”  Uhmm …. how about you go to your other job, Mitch?

Seriously, I don’t know how Mitch balances everything.

One response to “Late Night Retro Television Review: Baywatch Nights 1.14 “Backup”

  1. Pingback: Lisa Marie’s Week In Review: 2/12/24 — 2/18/24 | Through the Shattered Lens

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