A Shock To The System (1990, directed by Jan Egleson)

Graham Marshall (Michael Caine) has spent years toiling away as an executive at an advertising firm and being nagged by his wife (Swoosie Kurtz), who claims that Graham doesn’t have enough of a killer instinct to get ahead.  When Graham is passed over for a promotion that he felt was promised to him, Graham starts to reconsider everything that he once believed.  While Graham is waiting for the train to take him home, he is approached by an obnoxious panhandler who always asks him for money.  That night, instead of ignoring the panhandler, Graham shoves him in front of the train.  When no one notices that Graham has murdered the panhandler, Graham decides to get revenge on everyone who he blames for the sorry state of his life.

With each murder, Graham rises higher in the company and he feels better about his life.  But each murder brings to Graham a new set of complications that he has to clean up.  Lt. Laker (Will Patton) thinks that Graham is responsible for all of the deaths that have recently occurred but he doesn’t have the evidence to charge him.  His murder spree brings him a chance of romantic redemption with Stella (Elizabeth McGovern) but soon, even she suspects that Graham might actually be a killer.  Luckily for him, Graham learns that he can get away with his crimes because the system is set up to protect men like him.

A Shock To The System is a pitch-black comedy that benefits from the casting of Michael Caine in the lead role.  Caine is one of the few actors who can make a resentful and bitter sociopath likable and he does that in A Shock To The System.  Graham starts out beaten down by the world and being passed over for younger executives like Bob Benham (Peter Reigert) but, by the end of the film, he’s become as ruthless a killer as Jack Carter.  Just as in Get Carter, A Shock To The System features Michael Caine making evil very compelling.

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