Music Video of the Day: Crash by Gwen Stefani (2006, dir by Sophie Muller)

This is probably the most energetic song about a crash that’s ever been written.  Of course, the song is actually about a relationship that’s a lot like a car crash.  The important thing is that Gwen Stefani’s a natural-born star, even when she’s dressed like someone who just broke out of prison.  This is a fun song to sing and dance along too.  Just don’t drive while listening to it, for obvious reasons.

This song was written by Linda Perry, who writes songs for everyone.  She probably wrote a song while you were reading this post.  Ariana Grande will probably record it next week and everyone will describe it as being “her most personal song yet!”


One response to “Music Video of the Day: Crash by Gwen Stefani (2006, dir by Sophie Muller)

  1. Pingback: Lisa Marie’s Week In Review: 3/6/23 — 3/12/23 | Through the Shattered Lens

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