4 Shots From 4 Films: Special Audrey Hepburn Edition

4 Or More Shots From 4 Or More Films is just what it says it is, 4 shots from 4 of our favorite films. As opposed to the reviews and recaps that we usually post, 4 Shots From 4 Films lets the visuals do the talking!

Today would have been the 93rd birthday of one of my favorite actresses, the wonderful Audrey Hepburn!

We’re all Audrey Hepburn fans here at the Shattered Lens.  How could we not be?  Long before she made her film debut, Audrey Hepburn literally risked her life as a part of the Dutch Resistance during World War II.  After she retired for regularly appearing in the movies, she devoted herself to humanitarian causes and served as a UNICEF ambassador.  She was one of the greats and, for that reason, we honor Audrey Hepburn today with….

4 Shots From 4 Audrey Hepburn Films

Roman Holiday (1953, dir by William Wyler, DP: Henri Alaken and Franz Planer)

Sabrina (1954, dir by Billy Wilder, DP: Charles Lang)

Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961, dir by Blake Edwards, DP: Franz Planer)

Two For The Road (1967, dir by Stanley Donen, DP: Christopher Challis)

3 responses to “4 Shots From 4 Films: Special Audrey Hepburn Edition

  1. An Icon – and she never stopped acting – sometimes in great films, sometimes not, but she kept working and giving every project that “Audrey Hepburn feeling”, so borrow a phrase from Barton Fink himself!


  2. Pingback: Lisa Marie’s Week In Review: 5/2/22 — 5/8/22 | Through the Shattered Lens

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