6 Shots From 6 Films: Special John Ford Edition

4 (or more) Shots From 4 (or more) Films is just what it says it is, 4 (or more) shots from 4 (or more) of our favorite films. As opposed to the reviews and recaps that we usually post, 4 (or more) Shots From 4 (or more) Films lets the visuals do the talking.

John Ford was born 127 years ago today, in Maine.  Seeing as how John Ford is one of the most influential and important directors of all time, it was pretty much guaranteed that we were going to share a few shots from his filmography on the Shattered Lens.  As a challenge to myself, I decided that I would only picks shot from Ford’s non-westerns.

However, I then remembered just how much I love The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance and that plan pretty much went out the window.

Anyway, in honor of John Ford, here are….

6 Shots From 6 Films: Special John Ford Edition

The Informer (1935, dir by John Ford, DP: Joseph H. August)

The Long Voyage Home (1940, dir by John Ford. DP: Gregg Toland)

The Grapes of Wrath (1940, dir by John Ford. DP: Gregg Toland)

They Were Expendable (1945, dir by John Ford. DP: Joseph H. August)

The Quiet Man (1952, dir by John Ford, DP: Winton C. Hoch)

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962, dir by John Ford. DP: William H. Clothier)

One response to “6 Shots From 6 Films: Special John Ford Edition

  1. Pingback: Lisa’s Week In Review: 2/1/21 — 2/7/21 | Through the Shattered Lens

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